1 research outputs found

    Magnetic Storms and their Influence on navigation

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    U radu se prikazuju karakteristike Sunčevih i Zemljinih magnetskih polja, njihova međusobna povezanost, ali i njihove anomalije. Broj Sunčevih pjega, koje se povećavaju i smanjuju u nejednakim ciklusima, odgovara broju registriranih magnetskih oluja na Zemlji. Sunčeve plazma-zrake koje izbijaju iz Sunčevih pjega uzrokuju porast broja solarnih vjetrova i pri tome utječu na geomagmetsko polje i Zemljinu atmosferu. Jedan primjer takve uzročne veze bila je najžeŔća magnetska oluja koja se pojavila u tijeku posljednja dva Sunčeva ciklusa. Trajala je od 28. listopada do 02. studenoga 2003. godine. UspjeÅ”na plovidba ovisi o uzimanju u obzir svih promjena na Zemlji koje nastaju zbog promjena na Suncu.This article presents the nature of the Sunā€™s and Earthā€™s magnetic fields, their mutual connection and anomalies. The number of sunspots, that increase and decrease in unequal cycles, correspond to the number of registered magnetic storms on the Earth. The Sunā€™s plasma streams that shoot out from the sunspots cause an increase in the solar winds and in doing so they affect the geomagnetic field and the Earthā€™s atmosphere. One example of such a causal connection was the most extreme magnetic storm that has occurred during the last two Sun Cycles. It lasted from October 28th to November 2nd 2003. Successful navigation depends on taking into consideration all the changes on the Earth that arises from changes on the Sun