23 research outputs found

    High-rate GPS positioning for tracing anthropogenic seismic activity. The 29 January 2019 mining tremor in Legnica- Głogów Copper District, Poland

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    High-rate GNSS observations are usually studied in relation to earthquake analysis and structural monitoring. Most of the previous research on short-term dynamic deformations has been limited to natural earthquakes with magnitudes exceeding 5 and amplitudes equal to several dozen centimetres. High-frequency position monitoring via GNSS stations is particularly important in mining areas due to the need to monitor mining damages. On 29 January 2019 (12:53:44 UTC), an M3.7 event occurred in the area of Legnica-Głogów Copper District. This study presents GPS-derived displacement analysis in relation to seismological data. Station position time series were determined by double differencing and Precise Point Positioning. The peak ground displacement was 2–14 mm. The correlation coefficients between GPS and seismological displacement time series reached 0.92. A statistical evaluation of GPS displacement time series was carried out to detect an event using only GPS observations

    Badanie grupowania się indukowanych zjawisk sejsmicznych w przestrzeni wymiarów równoważnych na przykładzie wybranych pól ekslopatacyjnych ZG Rudna

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    The study of clustering of an induced seismic event was carried out to find out whether the temporal clustering of smaller events in different parameters can be observed before and after the high energy events (Ml > 3) from different mining panels of the Rudna Mine. The method chosen for the analysis was a study of the temporal variation of the fractal dimension of the seismic events parameters - the interevent epicentral distance (dr), the interevent time (dt), logarithm of seismic energy (lE) and interevent energy coefficient (dlE). The transformation of seismic source parameters changed into the equivalent dimension (ED) space was done before the temporal behavior studies. The transformation allowed for the estimation of the fractal dimension of different parameters using the same method - correlation fractal dimension, and then easily compares the obtained temporal changes of fractal dimension with different parameters. The effect of clustering is expressed by a decrease of the fractal dimension, which is connected with the similarity of the events parameter and values. The temporal changes of the fractal dimension of seismicity before strongly induced events could then indicate some initiation phase of the process leading to the high energy release.Na podstawie danych o zjawiskach sejsmicznych, które wystąpiły w wybranych oddziałach w ZG Rudna dokonano analizy grupowania się zjawisk w przestrzeni parametrów równoważnych złożonej z wartości dystrybuanty rozkładu parametrów lokalizacji (odległość pomiędzy kolejnymi wstrząsami - dr) i energii (logarytm energii - lE i bezwzględna różnica pomiędzy logarytmami energii kolejnych wstrząsów dlE). Celem tej analizy było sprawdzenie czy przed wystąpieniem zjawiska o dużej energii (powyżej 10/7 J) dochodzi do charakterystycznych zmian rozkładu występowania wstrząsów o mniejszej energii. Analizę oparto o badanie czasowej zmienności wymiaru fraktalnego. Grupowanie się zjawisk odzwierciedla się zmniejszaniem wartości wymiaru fraktalnego. Zmiany w czasie wartości wymiaru fraktalnego przed wystąpieniem silnego zjawiska sejsmicznego mogą wskazywać na występowanie procesu przygotowawczego prowadzącego do wystąpienia silnego zjawiska

    Natural radioactivity of the Paleozoic rocks from the area of Krzeszowice (southern Poland)

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    In this paper results of natural radioactivity of 40K, 208Tl, 212Pb, 212Bi, 214Pb, 214Bi and 228Ac in common rocks raw materials mined in the Krakow vicinity measured in situ using a portable gamma-ray spectrometry are presented. The study area occupies the SE edge of regional geologic unit called Krakow–Lubliniec Zone. Most Upper Paleozoic rocks exposed in this area like tuff, porphyry, limestone, dolomite, diabase and melaphyre have great economic importance and are used in building and road construction industry. The activity concentrations of 40K for the measured Paleozoic rocks ranged from 53 Bq/kg (Carboniferous limestone) to 3150 Bq/kg (Permian tuff). The activity concentrations associated with 228Ac (232Th) varied from about 7 Bq/kg (Carboniferous limestone) to 56 Bq/kg (Permian tuff), whereas activity concentrations of 226Ra (238U) ranged from 19 Bq/kg (Devonian dolomite) to 43 Bq/kg (Devonian limestone). Besides, the natural radioactivity of the Jurassic limestones (widespread in this region) was measured for comparision with Devonian and Carboniferous limestones

    IS-EPOS: digital research space to facilitate an integrated approach to induced seismicity

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    Platforma IS-EPOS jest prototypem Tematycznego Węzła Sejsmiczności Antropogenicznej. Będzie ona elementem europejskiej multidyscyplinarnej platformy badawczej tworzonej w ramach projektu EPOS ( European Plate Observing System ). IS-EPOS to platforma internetowa pozwalająca na dostęp i analizę danych geofizycznych i przemysłowych do badań naukowych w zakresie sejsmiczności antropogenicznej. Dane zorganizowane są w tzw. epizody sejsmiczności, czyli kompletne zestawy danych geofizycznych i technologicznych opisujące dany przypadek sejsmiczności. Obecnie dostępnych jest sześć epizodów sejsmiczności indukowanej: cztery epizody z Polski, jeden z Niemiec i jeden z Wietnamu. Platforma IS-EPOS zawiera także serwisy obliczeniowe oraz wizualizacji danych. Serwisy przetwarzające dane można podzielić na dwie podstawowe grupy: programy do podstawowych operacji na katalogu sejsmicznym, danych produkcyjnych oraz sejsmogramach i programy do zaawansowanego przetwarzania danych. Serwisy są udostępnione użytkownikowi przez jego osobistą przestrzeń roboczą, gdzie może wgrywać odpowiednie dane i przeprowadzać na nich wybrane przez siebie analizy. Wszystkie serwisy i epizody posiadają szczegółową dokumentację oraz bibliografię dotyczącą metodyki dostępne dla użytkowników platformy IS-EPOS. Szczególnym elementem dokumentacji jest specjalnie przygotowany podręcznik użytkownika platformy, w którym zawarto wszelkie informacje potrzebne do efektywnej pracy z platformą. Platforma IS-EPOS została stworzona jako produkt końcowy projektu IS-EPOS sfinansowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka w Osi priorytetowej 2: Infrastruktura Sfery B+R, działanie 2.3: Inwestycje związane z rozwojem infrastruktury informatycznej nauki. Platforma jest dostępna bezpłatnie dla zarejestrowanych użytkowników pod adresem: https://tcs.ah-epos.eu.In this paper we present the IS-EPOS IT-platform which is an open virtual access point for researchers studying anthropogenic seismicity and related hazards. The IS-EPOS platform constitutes a digital research space for providing permanent and reliable access to advanced Research Infrastructures (RI) to the Induced Seismicity (IS) Community. This objective is implemented as a prototype which offers access to various datasets related to selected anthropogenic seismicity cases, specialized software for elementary and advanced data analysis and document repositories. The relevant seismic and non-seismic data are gathered in the so-called episodes of induced seismicity. The IS-EPOS platform integrates presently six episodes of anthropogenic seismicity respectively linked to underground hard rock and coal mining in Poland, hydroelectric energy production and geothermal energy production experiments in Germany. The researcher accessing the platform can make use of low level software services for data browsing, selecting and visualizing and a number of high level services for advanced data processing out of which the probabilistic seismic analysis service group is particular rich. The IS-EPOS platform is a prototype of the Thematic Core Services (TCS) Anthropogenic Hazards (AH) belonging to the pan-European multidisciplinary research platform created within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) long term plan for the integration of national and transnational research infrastructures for solid earth science in Europe. The platform is available for registered users for free (https://tcs.ah-epos.eu)

    Time-dependent seismic hazard in Bobrek coal mine, Poland, assuming different magnitude distribution estimations

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate seismic hazard parameters in connection with the evolution of mining operations and seismic activity. The time-dependent hazard parameters to be estimated are activity rate, Gutenberg–Richter b-value, mean return period and exceedance probability of a prescribed magnitude for selected time windows related with the advance of the mining front. Four magnitude distribution estimation methods are applied and the results obtained from each one are compared with each other. Those approaches are maximum likelihood using the unbounded and upper bounded Gutenberg–Richter law and the non-parametric unbounded and non-parametric upper-bounded kernel estimation of magnitude distribution. The method is applied for seismicity occurred in the longwall mining of panel 3 in coal seam 503 in Bobrek colliery in Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland, during 2009–2010. Applications are performed in the recently established Web-Platform for Anthropogenic Seismicity Research, available at https://tcs.ah-epos.eu/

    IS-EPOS: a platform for anthropogenic seismicity research

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    Research in the feld of anthropogenic seismicity (AS) requires not only seismicity data but also data regarding the progress of the technological/production activities which is the origin of the induced or triggered seismic events. Such data are typically restricted and proprietary, and therefore, usually not available for independent researchers who wish to develop, perform and verify scientifc research. The induced seismicity-European plate observing system (IS-EPOS) web portal ofers to its user’s access to data, applications and documents in order to facilitate AS research. IS-EPOS web portal has been designed to serve as one of the main pillars of the Thematic Core Service—-Anthropogenic Hazards belonging to pan-European multidisciplinary research infrastructure created within the EPOS program. IS-EPOS platform is open for research community and general public according to its rules of access. The platform is operating since January 2016 and is now integrated in the EPOS Integrated Core Services. IS-EPOS e-platform promotes new opportunities to study and comprehend the dynamic and complex solid earth system by integrating the use of multidisciplinary data, data products, analysis models and online applications. The integration of existing and new national and transnational Research Infrastructures increases the access and use of multidisciplinary data recorded by the solid earth observing systems, acquired in laboratory experiments and/ or produced by computational simulations. In this paper, we describe the structure and the main innovative characteristics implemented in IS-EPOS. The platform is open to accommodate data integrated within other research projects, and it is continuously being updated with improvements in existing features and implementations of new ones. An appendix at the end of the article provides a summary of acronyms and abbreviations in order to make the reader familiar with the terms used throughout the manuscript