96 research outputs found

    How active is your real estate fund manager?

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    Using a holdings-based measure of active management termed the ‘Segment Active Share’, the paper documents that commercial real estate portfolios that are more active – i.e., have segment weights which are least like those of the index – have outperformed. Employing proprietary IPD data for 256 U.K. real estate funds over 2002-2011, we find that funds with high Segment Active Share on average outperformed the real estate market by 1.9% per year. These funds do not seem to take increased risk and their outperformance cannot be explained by fund size alone, though on average they are smaller funds.This paper was sponsored by Aberdeen Asset Management PLC and was independently written by the authors.This is the accepted manuscript of a paper published in the Journal of Alternative Investments (Cremers M, Lizieri C, Journal of Alternative Investments, 2015, 18, 22-36, doi:10.3905/jai.2015.18.1.022). The final version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3905/jai.2015.18.1.02
