5 research outputs found

    Data Incompleteness May form a Hard-to-Overcome Barrier to Decoding Life’s Mechanism

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    In this brief review, we attempt to demonstrate that the incompleteness of data, as well as the intrinsic heterogeneity of biological systems, may form very strong and possibly insurmountable barriers for researchers trying to decipher the mechanisms of the functioning of live systems. We illustrate this challenge using the two most studied organisms: E. coli, with 34.6% genes lacking experimental evidence of function, and C. elegans, with identified proteins for approximately 50% of its genes. Another striking example is an artificial unicellular entity named JCVI-syn3.0, with a minimal set of genes. A total of 31.5% of the genes of JCVI-syn3.0 cannot be ascribed a specific biological function. The human interactome mapping project identified only 5–10% of all protein interactions in humans. In addition, most of the available data are static snapshots, and it is barely possible to generate realistic models of the dynamic processes within cells. Moreover, the existing interactomes reflect the de facto interaction but not its functional result, which is an unpredictable emerging property. Perhaps the completeness of molecular data on any living organism is beyond our reach and represents an unsolvable problem in biology

    From the Catastrophic Objective Irreproducibility of Cancer Research and Unavoidable Failures of Molecular Targeted Therapies to the Sparkling Hope of Supramolecular Targeted Strategies

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    The unprecedented non-reproducibility of the results published in the field of cancer research has recently come under the spotlight. In this short review, we try to highlight some general principles in the organization and evolution of cancerous tumors, which objectively lead to their enormous variability and, consequently, the irreproducibility of the results of their investigation. This heterogeneity is also extremely unfavorable for the effective use of molecularly targeted medicine. Against the seemingly comprehensive background of this heterogeneity, we single out two supramolecular characteristics common to all tumors: the clustered nature of tumor interactions with their microenvironment and the formation of biomolecular condensates with tumor-specific distinctive features. We suggest that these features can form the basis of strategies for tumor-specific supramolecular targeted therapies

    Pancreatic Lineage Specifier PDX1 Increases Adhesion and Decreases Motility of Cancer Cells

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    Intercellular interactions involving adhesion factors are key operators in cancer progression. In particular, these factors are responsible for facilitating cell migration and metastasis. Strengthening of adhesion between tumor cells and surrounding cells or extracellular matrix (ECM), may provide a way to inhibit tumor cell migration. Recently, we demonstrated that PDX1 ectopic expression results in the reduction of pancreatic cancer line PANC-1 cell motility in vitro and in vivo, and we now provide experimental data confirming the hypothesis that suppression of migration may be related to the effect of PDX1 on cell adhesion. Cell migration analyses demonstrated decreased motility of pancreatic Colo357 and PANC-1 cell lines expressing PDX1. We observed decreased expression levels of genes associated with promoting cell migration and increased expression of genes negatively affecting cell motility. Expression of the EMT regulator genes was only mildly induced in cells expressing PDX1 during the simulation of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) by the addition of TGFβ1 to the medium. PDX1-expressing cancer cell lines showed increased cell adhesion to collagen type I, fibronectin, and poly-lysine. We conclude that ectopic expression of PDX1 reduces the migration potential of cancer cells, by increasing the adhesive properties of cells and reducing the sensitivity to TGFβ1-induced EMT

    SOX9 Protein in Pancreatic Cancer Regulates Multiple Cellular Networks in a Cell-Specific Manner

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    SOX9 is upregulated in the majority of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cases. It is hypothesized that the increased expression of SOX9 is necessary for the formation and maintenance of tumor phenotypes in pancreatic cancer cells. In our research, we studied six pancreatic cancer cell lines, which displayed varying levels of differentiation and a range of oncogenic mutations. We chose the method of downregulation of SOX9 expression via siRNA transfection as the main method for investigating the functional role of the SOX9 factor in pancreatic cancer cells. We discovered that the downregulation of SOX9 expression in the cell lines leads to cell-line-specific changes in the expression levels of epithelial and mesenchymal protein markers. Additionally, the downregulation of SOX9 expression had a specific effect on the expression of pancreatic developmental master genes. SOX9 downregulation had the greatest effect on the expression levels of the protein regulators of cell proliferation. In three of the four cell lines studied, the transfection of siSOX9 led to a significant decrease in proliferative activity and to the activation of proapoptotic caspases in transfected cells. The acquired results demonstrate that the SOX9 protein exerts its multiple functions as a pleiotropic regulator of differentiation and a potential promoter of tumor growth in a cell-specific manner in pancreatic cancer cells

    Possibility for Transcriptional Targeting of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts—Limitations and Opportunities

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    Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) are attractive therapeutic targets in the tumor microenvironment. The possibility of using CAFs as a source of therapeutic molecules is a challenging approach in gene therapy. This requires transcriptional targeting of transgene expression by cis-regulatory elements (CRE). Little is known about which CREs can provide selective transgene expression in CAFs. We hypothesized that the promoters of FAP, CXCL12, IGFBP2, CTGF, JAG1, SNAI1, and SPARC genes, the expression of whose is increased in CAFs, could be used for transcriptional targeting. Analysis of the transcription of the corresponding genes revealed that unique transcription in model CAFs was characteristic for the CXCL12 and FAP genes. However, none of the promoters in luciferase reporter constructs show selective activity in these fibroblasts. The CTGF, IGFBP2, JAG1, and SPARC promoters can provide higher transgene expression in fibroblasts than in cancer cells, but the nonspecific viral promoters CMV, SV40, and the recently studied universal PCNA promoter have the same features. The patterns of changes in activity of various promoters relative to each other observed for human cell lines were similar to the patterns of activity for the same promoters both in vivo and in vitro in mouse models. Our results reveal restrictions and features for CAF transcriptional targeting