119 research outputs found

    Eight Questions about Tennessee's Trade with China

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    How rapidly is the Chinese market growing? How does Tennessee compare to other American states? Has the composition of Tennessee's exports to China changed in recent years? Is Tennessee's export profile to China similar to that of other states? Which Tennessee exports are most reliant on the Chinese market? Which Tennessee exports to China are growing the fastest? What is China buying? How much would a stronger yuan help state exporters?Tennessee, trade, China, exports, exporting, global commerce, fourth quarter 2009, 4th quarter 2009

    Expanding Exports: Can Tennessee Double Its Exports?

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    In this year's State of the Union Address, President Obama announced a National Export Initiative to double American exports over the next five years. He claimed that this could add two million jobs to the American economy. Could Tennessee actually double its exports over this period? And what would be the impact if it did?Tennessee, exports, trade, imports, exporting, global commerce, international

    Tennessee and the Dollar: A Suspense Story

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    international, trade, regional, exports, Tennessee

    Trade with Canada: A Tennessee Update

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    international, trade, regional, exports, Tennessee

    Who's Next in Line? Trade after the Chinese Tire Decision

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    The recent decision to protect American-made tires from Chinese competition signals a new toughness on the part of the Obama Administration. Can we expect other Chinese imports to be similarly targeted for protection? If so, how will the Chinese react? Indications are that China will play tit-for-tat. In response to the tire tariffs, it has announced its own new tariffs on American frozen chicken imports. It also sanctioned imports of adipic acid, a chemical used in the production of nylon and PVC, though it has not publicly linked this to any U.S. action. Rumors abound that automotive imports may be sanctioned as well. For this state, what might be the impact of these, and future, actions?international, Tennessee, exports, trade, China, Chinese, sanctions, safeguard, safeguards, sanction, tires, exporting, global commerce, 2nd quarter 2009, second quarter 2009, 2nd quarter, 2009, second quarter

    Current Foreign Investment in Tennessee: Putting Volkswagen in Context

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    international, trade, regional, exports, Tennessee

    State Exports by Region: A Comparison of Exporting Statistics by Tennessee MSA

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    international, trade, regional, exports, Tennessee

    State Trade with Africa: Recent Growth

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    international, trade, regional, exports, Tennessee

    Tennessee: Where are Tennessee's Exporters Located?

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    Are they concentrated in particular regions or found throughout the state?exporting manufacturers, manufacturing, employment, location, Tennessee, trade, exports, imports, exporting, global commerce, international

    Tennessee Imports: A First Look

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    For the first time since the mid-1980s, the Census Bureau's Foreign Trade Division is compiling U.S. import statistics at the state level. What picture emerges from this first look at the state’s imports in some years?Tennessee, imports, trade,exports, exporting, global commerce, first quarter 2010, 1st quarter 2010
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