479 research outputs found
Decentralized security systems in hybrid war conditions with an emphasis on the security system in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Combining all hitherto known forms and methods of conventional and unconventional warfare, hybrid warfare is increasingly replacing classical military conflicts and is gradually changing into the primary form of realizing state interests, independently or within military-political alliances. No period in the history of human civilization has been marked by such an intensity of war conflicts as the last century. Apart from the two largest war conflicts in history, in which almost all countries of the world were involved, the last century was also marked by the Cold War
Among the many finds discovered in the harbour of Sisak during the dredging
undertaken in the early 20th century, several pronged spears, evidently fisherman
implements, were also found. One of those finds, however, shows some
notable differences. The lack of barbs on the prongs and its general appearance,
strongly reminiscent of tridents’ depictions used by retiarii, could imply that
this artefact was never meant to be used to catch fishes. It would rather appear
that it was a gladiatorial weapon according to analogies depicted on Roman
mosaics, reliefs, graffiti, pottery and glass vessels
Decentralized security systems in hybrid war conditions with an emphasis on the security system in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Combining all hitherto known forms and methods of conventional and unconventional warfare, hybrid warfare is increasingly replacing classical military conflicts and is gradually changing into the primary form of realizing state interests, independently or within military-political alliances. No period in the history of human civilization has been marked by such an intensity of war conflicts as the last century. Apart from the two largest war conflicts in history, in which almost all countries of the world were involved, the last century was also marked by the Cold War
Warrior Equipment from Vrtna Street in Vinkovci as a Contribution to Understanding the Process of the Early Romanization of Eastern Slavonia
U Gradskome muzeju u Vinkovcima pohranjeni su naoružanje i ulomci brončanih posuda koji su pronađeni u Vrtnoj ulici u Vinkovcima 1965. godine, a najvjerojatnije pripadaju prilozima iz uništenih grobnih cjelina. Od naoružanja ranorimskom razdoblju pripadaju nalazi mača, dva duga koplja uskog lista, zatim jedno kraće koplje te okov nasadnika za koplje koničnog oblika. Od brončanog posuđa očuvani su ručka s pečatom ABVDVSF te dva ulomka ruba posude. Na osnovi tipoloških značajki, za mač i koplja pretpostavlja se kako pripadaju naoružanju ratnika autohtonoga keltskog podrijetla koji su sudjelovali u rimskom osvajanju južne Panonije krajem 1. st. pr. Kr. ili u slamanju panonsko-delmatskog ustanka početkom 1.st. Također, postoji mogućnost kako se radi o oružanoj opremi vojnika neke auksilijarne postrojbe koja je bila privremeno smještena u Cibalama, a osiguravala je italske doseljenike na novozaposjednutom području istočnog dijela međurječja. Ostali dijelovi oružane opreme pripadaju razdoblju Seobe naroda koje je na prostoru grada Vinkovaca posvjedočeno gepidskim i langobardskim nalazima.The Vinkovci Municipal Museum holds warrior equipment and fragments of bronze vessels found in Vrtna Street in Vinkovci in 1965, which are most likely burial objects from destroyed graves. Weapons dating from the Early Roman period include a sword, two long narrow headed spears, a shorter spear and a conical spear mount. Handle with stamp ABVDVSF and two sherd of rim belongs to the bronze vessels of unknown shape. Based on their typological characteristics, the sword and the spears are assumed to belong to the weaponry of warriors of autochthonous Celtic origin, who participated in the Roman conquest of southern Pannonia at the end of the first century BC or in the suppression of the Pannonian-Dalmatian rebellion early in the first century AD. It is also possible that the warrior gear belonged to members of an auxiliary detachment that was temporarily deployed in Cibalae to guard Italic settlers in the newly occupied territory of the eastern interfluve. Other parts of the warrior gear date to the Early Middle Ages, which is – in the area of Vinkovci – evidenced by Gepid and Langobard finds
Complication of vascular access: a case report
Introduction: Despite technological evolution and intervention techniques, complications resulting from vascular access still occur in patients undergoing percutaneous procedures in invasive laboratories. Brachial artery access, although little used by some specialties, is an option in peripheral vascular procedures and an alternative access in case of failure of other routes. Access site complications lead to longer periods of hospitalization, additional treatments, and higher costs, in addition to being associated with increased morbidity and mortality1.
Case report: In this case we have 58-year-old patient with diabetes mellitus and advanced micro and macrovascular complications, history of CABG, and peripheral artery disease was admitted with non- ST elevation myocardial infarction complicated with acute heart failure. After initial management a bedside echo was performed that show reduced LVEF of 25% and hypokinesia of the anterior wall. CT angio was performed which showed patent arterial grafts (LIMA LAD RIMA RCA). Diagnostic coronary angiography was performed using left brachial access which showed significant stenosis of the ostial subclavian artery. Patient was referred to our invasive radiologist, which performed PTA and implanted a stent at the site of stenosis using bi brachial arterial access. Two hours after procedure patient complained about tingling in the fingers of his right hand, with swelling. A CTA was performed and revealed a rupture of the right brachial artery, and a vascular surgeon was called, who sealed the place of bleeding. Patient was discharged 9 days after, and a follow up was performed after one year, with echo showing EFLV of 50% and patient being angina free
The budding yeast heterochromatic SIR complex resets upon exit from stationary phase
The budding yeast SIR complex (Silent Information Regulator) is the principal actor in heterochromatin formation, which causes epigenetically regulated gene silencing phenotypes. The maternal chromatin bound SIR complex is disassembled during replication. Consequently, if heterochromatin is to be restored on both daughter strands, the SIR complex has to be reformed on both strands to pre-replication levels. The dynamics of SIR complex maintenance and reformation during the cell-cycle and in different growth conditions are however not clear. Understanding exchange rates of SIR subunits during the cell cycle and their distribution pattern to daughter chromatids after replication has important implications for how heterochromatic states may be inherited and therefore how epigenetic states are maintained from one cellular generation to the next. We used the tag switch RITE system to measure genome wide turnover rates of the SIR subunit Sir3 before and after exit from stationary phase and show that maternal Sir3 subunits are completely replaced with newly synthesized Sir3 at subtelomeric regions during the first cell cycle after release from stationary phase. The SIR complex is therefore not "inherited" and the silenced state has to be established de novo upon exit from stationary phase. Additionally, our analysis of genome-wide transcription dynamics shows that precise Sir3 dosage is needed for the optimal up-regulation of "growth" genes during the first cell-cycle after release from stationary phase
Montessori pedagoška koncepcija
Kako bi odgojili kompetentno dijete ono treba poštovanje, slobodu izražavanja, te mnoštvo poticaja prilikom svog odgoja i obrazovanja, a najviše od svega potporu i ohrabrenje da sve što radi pokuša napraviti samo. Djetetu se prilikom samostalnih aktivnosti ili određenih zadataka jača samopouzdanje, dijete se razvija, uči na greškama, te pronalazi rješenja. Dijete od svoga rođenja prolazi kroz mnoštvo razvojnih faza koje su teške, kako za osobe koje sudjeluju u odgoju i učenju djeteta, tako i za samo dijete, te mu samim time mi kao osobe odgovorne za predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje trebamo moći i znati pomoći da kroz sve te faze prođe na najbolji mogući način. Upravo su promjene u razmišljanjima o odgoju, te drugačiji pristup odgoju, te djetetu kao jedinki dovele do pojave alternativnih pedagoških koncepcija. Montessori pedagogija svojim načinom rada, te samim pristupom prema dječjem odgoju i poštivanju različitosti među djecom i danas nadahnjuje mnoge, te je izrazito priznata u cijelom svijetu. U radu se pojašnjava tijek reforme odgoja i obrazovanja koji je naposljetku i doveo do pojave alternativnih pedagoških metoda i različitih pristupa u odgoju i obrazovanju, a sam rad baziran je na pedagošku konceociju Marie Montessori.In order to raise a competent child, it needs respect, freedom of expression and a lot of incentives during its upbringing and education, but most of all a child needs support and encouragement to try and do everything on its own. While performing independent activities or certain tasks, the child develops, learns from its mistakes and finds solutions. It goes through many difficult development phases from the moment of its birth – difficult phases for the people who participate in the upbringing and education of the child, as well as for the child itself. Therefore, as people who are responsible for the preschool upbringing and education, we must be able, and we must know how to help the child to go through all those phases in the best possible way. The changes in the way we think about upbringing, a different approach to upbringing and child as an individual have led to the occurrence of alternative pedagogical concepts. Montessori pedagogy, with its way of working, and it is very approach to childcare and respect for diversity among children, still inspires many today, and is widely recognized throughout the world. The paper clarifies the course of educational reform, which eventually led to the emergence of alternative pedagogical methods and different approaches in education, and the work itself is based on the Marie Montessori pedagogical concept
The development of self-concept: psychological aspects of the development of evaluative coherence of self-concept
Cilj istraživanja bio je provjerirti učinak strukturalnih (broj, centralnost i koherencija pozitivnih i negativnih elemenata pojma o sebi) i motivacijskih (motivi samouljepšavanja, samopotvrđivanja, točnosti) aspekata pojma o sebi na dobne razlike u evaluativnoj koherenciji pojma o sebi, sukladno postavkama modela „društva pojma o sebi“ (eng. „Society of self“ model). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 660 osoba, od 13 do 22 godine. Sudionici su ispunjavali Upitnike pojma o sebi (Marinić, 2014). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako postoji slaba do umjerena međusobna povezanost svih varijabli na svim dobnim skupinama. Motiv samouljepšavanja i centralnost pozitivnih elemenata pojma o sebi doprinose većoj evaluativnoj koherenciji pojma o sebi na osnovnoškolskom uzorku. Kod srednjoškolaca posjedovanje malog broja važnih pozitivnih osobina/elemenata pojma o sebi, niže koherencije, vodi većoj evaluativnoj koherenciji. Konačno, rezultati na studentima su pokazali dominantnost strukturalnih aspekata nad motivacijskim, pri čemu veći broj manje centralnih negativnih osobina i slabija međusobna povezanost pozitivnih osobina pojma o sebi vodi boljem predviđanju evaluativne koherencije. Generalno, istraživanje je pokazalo kako strukturalni aspekti bolje predviđaju, tj. imaju veći učinak na evaluativnu koherenciju pojma o sebi, a ne motivacijski. Također, motiv samopotvrđivanja nije se pokazao značajnim u predikciji evalutivne koherencije na srednjoškolskom i studentskom uzorku.Aim of the research was to examine the effects of the structural (number, centrality and coherence of positive and negative self-concept elements) and motivational (self-enhancement, self-verification, and accuracy motive) self-concept aspects with the respect to age differences in evaluative coherence of the self-concept, according to „Society of self“ model. The study contained 660 subjects from the age of 13 to 22. Participants completed Self-concept questionnaires (Marinić, 2014). Study results have shown that there is low to moderate, yet significant correlation between all variables on every age group. Self-enhancement motive and centrality of positive self-concept aspects contribute to larger evaluative coherence of self-concept on the primary school subjects. High school students reported that small number of important positive aspects of the self concept which are non-coherent lead to greater evaluative coherence. Furthermore, student results have shown the dominance of the structural aspects over motivational self-concept aspects, wherein greater number of less central negative self aspects and non coherent positive self aspects lead to better evaluative coherence prediction. In general, the study has shown that structural aspects are better in prediction, i.e. have greater impact on evaluative coherence of the self over motivational aspects. Finally, self-verification motive doesn’t predict evaluative coherence on high school and student sample
Cilj istraživanja: Tumori testisa su relativno rijetki te čine tek 1-2% svih malignih tumora kod muškaraca. Unatoč tome, oni su najčešći maligni tumori muškaraca između 15 i 35 godina. Jednim od glavnih okolišnih čimbenika u patogenezi tumora testisa smatra se hipoksija, koja dovodi do aktivacije transkripcijskog faktora HIF-1α. U brojnim studijama uočena je korelacija HIF-1α i rezistencije na radio/kemoterapiju te metastatskog potencijala tumora. Prema tome, glavni cilj ovog istraživanja jest utvrditi i usporediti imunohistokemijski izražaj HIF-1α između inicijalno metastatskih i nemetastatskih tumora testisa.
Materijali i metode: Retrospektivno istraživanje obuhvatilo je patohistološke nalaze 33 pacijenta dobivene nakon orhidektomije te histološki potvrđene dijagnoze tumora testisa pri Kliničkom zavodu za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju KBC-a Split. Iz PHD nalaza analizirani su sljedeći parametri: godište, lateralizacija tumora, veličina tumora, širenje tumora, histološki tip tumora, prisutnost tumora u resekcijskom rubu sjemenskog snopa, prisutnost limfovaskularne invazije te dodatni patohistološki nalaz koji uključuje intratubularnu neoplaziju spolnih stanica. Arhivski uzorci tumorskog tkiva u parafinskim blokovima opisanih pacijenta korišteni su za imunohistokemijsku analizu izražaja čimbenika HIF-1α u tumorskim stanicama.
Rezultati: Od 33 uzorka tumora spolnih stanica testisa imunohistokemijski obojenih na HIF-1α (17 inicijalno metastatskih, 16 inicijalno nemetastatskih), njih 16 (48%) bilo pozitivno na HIF-1α. Od toga se u 8 slučajeva (24%) radilo o inicijalno metastatskim tumorima, te isto tako u 8 slučajeva (24%) o inicijalno nemetastatskim tumorima zametnih stanica testisa. Od 16 tumora pozitivnih na HIF-1α, njih 13 (81%) spada u neseminomske tumore testisa, a preostala 3 (19%) su seminomski tumori. Prosječna veličina inicijalno metastatskih tumora spolnih stanica testisa iznosila je 7,17 cm, a inicijalno nemetastatskih 4,73 cm. Uočeno je da su širenje tumora u okolne strukture i limfovaskularna invazija bili prisutni u većem broju uzoraka inicijalno metastatskih tumora spolnih stanica testisa.
Zaključci: Analizom imunohistokemijskog izražaja HIF-1α u tumorima spolnih stanica testisa nije utvrđena razlika u imunohistokemijskom izražaju HIF-1α između inicijalno metastatskih i inicijalno nemetastatskih tumora testisa. U brojnim studijama uočena je povezanost imunohistokemijskog izražaja HIF-1α s invazijom tumora i pojavom metastaza te s rezistencijom na radio/ kemoterapiju i loš ishod. Stoga su daljnja istraživanja usmjerena na otkrivanje novih lijekova koji bi za cilj djelovanja imali upravo puteve preko kojih svoju funkciju obavlja HIF-1α.Objectives and background: Testicular tumors are relatively rare, since they make 1-2% of all malignant tumors in the male population. However, they're the most common malignant tumors in men at ages 15 and 35 years. One of the key enviornmental factors in pathogenesis of germ cell tumors of the testis is hypoxia which triggers HIF-1α activation. A correlation between HIF-1α overexpression and treatment resistance, or metastatic potential has been noted in many studies. The aim of the present study was to analyze expression of HIF-1α between initially metastatic and non-metastatic germ cell tumors of the testis.
Materials and Methods: In period from 2005 to 2015 pathohistological data of 33 patients, who underwent orchidectomy with confirmed diagnosis of germ cell tumor of the testis, were retrospectively reviewed. Data were collected from archives of the Department of Pathology, University Hospital Split. Pathohistological characteristics; patient’s age, tumor lateralization, tumor size, tumor invasion, histological type, resection margins from the spermatic cord, limfovascular invasion and additional finding, were analyzed from PHD. Archival paraffin-embedded tumor tissue samples of described patients were used for immunohistochemical analysis of the HIF-1α expression in tumor cells.
Results: Of the 33 immunohistochemically stained tissue samples, expression of HIF-1α was present in 16 cases (48%), 8 initially metastatic (24%) and 8 (24%) initially non-metastatic germ cell tumors of the testis. 13 (81%) of 16 HIF-1α positive tumors, were nonseminomas, and 3 (19%) were seminomas. Average size of initially metastatic tumors were 7,17 cm, and 4,73 cm of initially non-metastatic germ cel tumors of the testis. It has been noted that tumor extension and limfovascular invasion were present in a number of cases of initially metastatic germ cell tumors.
Conclusions: Analyzing the expression of HIF-1α in testicular germ cell tumors, it has been established that there’s no difference in HIF-1α expression between initially metastatic and non-metastatic germ cell tumors of the testis. A connection between HIF-1α overexpression and tumor extension, metastases appearance or treatment resistance and poor prognosis, has been noted in many studies. Hence, further studies are focused on finding novel therapeutic agents targeting signal-transduction pathways of HIF-1α
Rad se bavi istraživanjem pravila o isključenju i ograničenju odgovornosti proizvođača neispravnog proizvoda u dva vodeća modela izvanugovorne odgovornosti za štetu od neispravnog proizvoda, američkog modela iz Restatementa i europskog modela iz Direktive
Vijeća 85/374/EEZ od 25. srpnja 1985. o približavanju zakona i drugih propisa država članica u vezi s odgovornošću za neispravne proizvode, te institutom izvanugovorne odgovornosti proizvođača stvari s nedostatkom koji je zadržan u pozitivnom zakonodavstvu država nastalih raspadom Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije. U istom će se pokušati ukazati na prednosti i nedostatke američkog i europskog modela izvanugovorne odgovornosti za štetu od
neispravnog proizvoda, kao i sustava izvanugovorne odgovornosti proizvođača stvari s nedostatkom iz čl. 179. Zakona o obveznim odnosima Bosne i Hercegovine, glede pravila o ograničenju, umanjenju i isključenju odgovornosti proizvođača neispravnog proizvoda.
Također, rad se bavi i problemima implementacije Direktive Vijeća 85/374/EEZ od 25. srpnja 1985. godine u državama članicama Europske unije, glede pravila o ograničenju i isključenju
odgovornosti proizvođača neispravnog proizvoda, s posebnim naglaskom na implementaciju ove Direktive u domaće zakonodavstvo i zakonodavstvo država u okruženju.This paper examines the rules on exclusion and limitation of manufacturer’s liability for defective product in the two leading models of non-contractual liability for damage caused by defective products, American model from Restatement and European model from the
Directive on the approximation of rights of the Member States in respect of liability for defective products from July 25th 1985 and the institute of manufacturer’s non-contractual liability for defective product which was kept in a positive legislation of the states resulting from the
disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The paper will try to point out the advantages and disadvantages of the American and European models of non-contractual liability for damage caused by defective products, as well as the system of manufacturer’s noncontractual liability for defective product, Article 179 of Obligations Act of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in respect of the rules of limitation, impairment and exclusion of manufacturer’s liability for defective product. The paper also deals with the problems of implementation of the Directive on the approximation of rights of the Member States regarding the liability for defective products from July 25th 1985, in the EU Member States, with regard to the rules on limitation and exclusion of manufacturer’s liability for defective products, with special emphasis on the implementation of this Directive into national law and legislation of the surrounding state
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