2 research outputs found

    Ultrasonography for diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis in people with alcoholic liver disease

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    BACKGROUND: Heavy alcohol consumption causes alcoholic liver disease and is a causal factor of many types of liver injuries and concomitant diseases. It is a true systemic disease that may damage the digestive tract, the nervous system, the heart and vascular system, the bone and skeletal muscle system, and the endocrine and immune system, and can lead to cancer. Liver damage in turn, can present as multiple alcoholic liver diseases, including fatty liver, steatohepatitis, fibrosis, alcoholic cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma, with presence or absence of hepatitis B or C virus infection. There are three scarring types (fibrosis) that are most commonly found in alcoholic liver disease: centrilobular scarring, pericellular fibrosis, and periportal fibrosis. When liver fibrosis progresses, alcoholic cirrhosis occurs. Hepatocellular carcinoma occurs in 5% to 15% of people with alcoholic cirrhosis, but people in whom hepatocellular carcinoma has developed are often co-infected with hepatitis B or C virus.Abstinence from alcohol may help people with alcoholic disease in improving their prognosis of survival at any stage of their disease; however, the more advanced the stage, the higher the risk of complications, co-morbidities, and mortality, and lesser the effect of abstinence. Being abstinent one month after diagnosis of early cirrhosis will improve the chance of a seven-year life expectancy by 1.6 times. Liver transplantation is the only radical method that may change the prognosis of a person with alcoholic liver disease; however, besides the difficulties of finding a suitable liver transplant organ, there are many other factors that may influence a person's survival.Ultrasound is an inexpensive method that has been used for years in clinical practice to diagnose alcoholic cirrhosis. Ultrasound parameters for assessing cirrhosis in people with alcoholic liver disease encompass among others liver size, bluntness of the liver edge, coarseness of the liver parenchyma, nodularity of the liver surface, size of the lymph nodes around the hepatic artery, irregularity and narrowness of the inferior vena cava, portal vein velocity, and spleen size.Diagnosis of cirrhosis by ultrasound, especially in people who are asymptomatic, may have its advantages for the prognosis, motivation, and treatment of these people to decrease their alcohol consumption or become abstinent.Timely diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis in people with alcoholic liver disease is the cornerstone for evaluation of prognosis or choosing treatment strategies. OBJECTIVES: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography for detecting the presence or absence of cirrhosis in people with alcoholic liver disease compared with liver biopsy as reference standard.To determine the diagnostic accuracy of any of the ultrasonography tests, B-mode or echo-colour Doppler ultrasonography, used singly or combined, or plus ultrasonography signs, or a combination of these, for detecting hepatic cirrhosis in people with alcoholic liver disease compared with liver biopsy as a reference standard, irrespective of sequence. SEARCH METHODS: We performed searches in The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group Controlled Trials Register, The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies Register, The Cochrane Library (Wiley), MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE (OvidSP), and the Science Citation Index Expanded to 8 January 2015. We applied no language limitations.We screened study references of the retrieved studies to identify other potentially relevant studies for inclusion in the review and read abstract and poster publications. SELECTION CRITERIA: Three review authors independently identified studies for possible inclusion in the review. We excluded references not fulfilling the inclusion criteria of the review protocol. We sent e-mails to study authors.The included studies had to evaluate ultrasound in the diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis using only liver biopsy as the reference standard.The maximum time interval of investigation with liver biopsy and ultrasonography should not have exceeded six months. In addition, ultrasonography could have been performed before or after liver biopsy. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We followed the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy. MAIN RESULTS: The review included two studies that provided numerical data regarding alcoholic cirrhosis in 205 men and women with alcoholic liver disease. Although there were no applicability concerns in terms of participant selection, index text, and reference standard, we judged the two studies at high risk of bias. Participants in both studies had undergone both liver biopsy and ultrasonography investigations. The studies shared only a few comparable clinical signs and symptoms (index tests).We decided to not perform a meta-analysis due to the high risk of bias and the high degree of heterogeneity of the included studies. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: As the accuracy of ultrasonography in the two included studies was not informative enough, we could not recommend the use of ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool for liver cirrhosis in people with alcoholic liver disease. In order to be able to answer the review questions, we need diagnostic ultrasonography prospective studies of adequate sample size, enrolling only participants with alcoholic liver disease.The design and report of the studies should follow the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy. The sonographic features, with validated cut-offs, which may help identify clinical signs used for diagnosis of fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease, should be carefully selected to achieve maximum diagnostic accuracy on ultrasonography

    Association of insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    BACKGROUND: The number of patients with chronic metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is growing at an alarming rate worldwide in both developed and developing countries. In the world, the prevalence of NAFLD is approaching 25%. Among patients with T2D, 70–80% are diagnosed with NAFLD. Insulin resistance (IR) is recognized as one of the main pathogenetic factors in the development of the most common chronic liver disease — NAFLD.AIM: Our search work was aimed at determining the contribution of the degree of IR to the progression of NAFLD; compare the gold standard for the determination of IR (clamp) and the mathematical model (HOMA-IR).METHODS: An observational one-stage open comparative study was conducted on the basis of the case-control principle. The objects of the study were overweight and obese patients who had not previously been diagnosed carbohydrate metabolism disorders, without secondary causes of fat accumulation in the liver. During the examination, clinical and laboratory studies were carried out, IR indices (M-index, HOMA-IR index) were obtained, a diagnosis of carbohydrate metabolism disturbance (or its absence) was made, a liver biopsy was made, morphological and clinical diagnoses were made.RESULTS: The analysis included information about 60 patients, they are divided into 3 groups: without NAFLD (7 people), with steatosis (18 people), with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (35 people), groups are comparable by age, gender, and body mass index (BMI), glycated hemoglobin. When assessing the degree of IR using the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp test, 19 showed a severe degree of IR, 28 had a moderate degree, 8 had a mild degree, and 5 had no IR. In the three studied groups, the median IR corresponded to an average degree and did not significantly differ. When comparing the gold standard for determining IR and the mathematical model (HOMA-IR) in the studied groups, an negative significant correlation was revealed (p = 0,0001).CONCLUSIONS: In the course of our study, no correlation was found between the degree of IR and the severity of NAFLD. This result allows us to think about other pathogenetic factors that affect the progression of NAFLD