268 research outputs found

    Do Narcissists Enjoy Visiting Social Networking Sites? It Depends on How Adaptive They Are

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    Previous evidence suggests that narcissistic people tend to visit social networking sites (SNS) frequently, but the emotions accompanying their engagement on such sites has not been a significant subject of study. Therefore, we examined the relationship between narcissism and the affective experience on SNS in two different samples. To do so, we not only examined narcissism as a whole but also distinguished between adaptive and maladaptive narcissism. Results of the two studies consistently showed that: (1) narcissism as a whole was not correlated with the SNS affective experience; (2) maladaptive narcissism was predictive of a worse affective experience on SNS; and (3) partly due to a positive correlation with self-esteem, adaptive narcissism was associated with a better SNS affective experience. In addition, these findings held with SNS activities considered in simultaneity. The present research extends our understanding of the relationship between narcissism and social networking as well as that between emotion and social networking

    CTVIS: Consistent Training for Online Video Instance Segmentation

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    The discrimination of instance embeddings plays a vital role in associating instances across time for online video instance segmentation (VIS). Instance embedding learning is directly supervised by the contrastive loss computed upon the contrastive items (CIs), which are sets of anchor/positive/negative embeddings. Recent online VIS methods leverage CIs sourced from one reference frame only, which we argue is insufficient for learning highly discriminative embeddings. Intuitively, a possible strategy to enhance CIs is replicating the inference phase during training. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective training strategy, called Consistent Training for Online VIS (CTVIS), which devotes to aligning the training and inference pipelines in terms of building CIs. Specifically, CTVIS constructs CIs by referring inference the momentum-averaged embedding and the memory bank storage mechanisms, and adding noise to the relevant embeddings. Such an extension allows a reliable comparison between embeddings of current instances and the stable representations of historical instances, thereby conferring an advantage in modeling VIS challenges such as occlusion, re-identification, and deformation. Empirically, CTVIS outstrips the SOTA VIS models by up to +5.0 points on three VIS benchmarks, including YTVIS19 (55.1% AP), YTVIS21 (50.1% AP) and OVIS (35.5% AP). Furthermore, we find that pseudo-videos transformed from images can train robust models surpassing fully-supervised ones.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 2023. The code is available at https://github.com/KainingYing/CTVI

    Effects of yeast extract supplemented in diet on growth performance, digestibility, intestinal histology, and the antioxidant capacity of the juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    An 8-week feeding experiment was conducted on the juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) to evaluate the influence of yeast extract (YE) supplementation in the diet on growth performance, feed utilization, body composition, nutrient digestibility, intestinal histology, and antioxidant capacity. Four experimental diets were formulated with graded levels of yeast extract 0 (YE0), 1% (YE1), 3% (YE3), and 5% (YE5) and fed to turbots (initial body weight: 4.2 ± 0.1 g) with three replicates per diet and 200 fish in each replicate, respectively. The results showed that turbots fed with diets YE1 and YE3 displayed a significantly higher specific growth rate and protein efficiency rate than those fed with diets YE0 and YE5, while the feed conversion ratios in YE1 and YE3 groups were lower than those in YE0 and YE5. Fish fed with diets YE3 and YE5 showed higher body crude protein contents than those in groups YE0 and YE1. The highest apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter and crude protein, digestive enzyme activities (trypsin, lipase, and amylase), and the height of the intestinal fold were observed in the YE3 group. YE3 treatment displayed a significantly higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity than the YE0 group, while the malondialdehyde (MDA) content in YE1 was significantly lower than those in YE0 and YE5. No significant difference was observed in serum physiological and biochemical parameters among all treatments. Overall, appropriate dietary supplementation of the yeast extract could improve the growth performance, digestibility, and antioxidant capacity of the juvenile turbot, and the recommended yeast extract level in the feed is 2.47%

    EasyEdit: An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for Large Language Models

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) usually suffer from knowledge cutoff or fallacy issues, which means they are unaware of unseen events or generate text with incorrect facts owing to the outdated/noisy data. To this end, many knowledge editing approaches for LLMs have emerged -- aiming to subtly inject/edit updated knowledge or adjust undesired behavior while minimizing the impact on unrelated inputs. Nevertheless, due to significant differences among various knowledge editing methods and the variations in task setups, there is no standard implementation framework available for the community, which hinders practitioners to apply knowledge editing to applications. To address these issues, we propose EasyEdit, an easy-to-use knowledge editing framework for LLMs. It supports various cutting-edge knowledge editing approaches and can be readily apply to many well-known LLMs such as T5, GPT-J, LlaMA, etc. Empirically, we report the knowledge editing results on LlaMA-2 with EasyEdit, demonstrating that knowledge editing surpasses traditional fine-tuning in terms of reliability and generalization. We have released the source code on GitHub at https://github.com/zjunlp/EasyEdit, along with Google Colab tutorials and comprehensive documentation for beginners to get started. Besides, we present an online system for real-time knowledge editing, and a demo video at http://knowlm.zjukg.cn/easyedit.mp4.Comment: The project website is https://github.com/zjunlp/EasyEdi

    Survey on Factuality in Large Language Models: Knowledge, Retrieval and Domain-Specificity

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    This survey addresses the crucial issue of factuality in Large Language Models (LLMs). As LLMs find applications across diverse domains, the reliability and accuracy of their outputs become vital. We define the Factuality Issue as the probability of LLMs to produce content inconsistent with established facts. We first delve into the implications of these inaccuracies, highlighting the potential consequences and challenges posed by factual errors in LLM outputs. Subsequently, we analyze the mechanisms through which LLMs store and process facts, seeking the primary causes of factual errors. Our discussion then transitions to methodologies for evaluating LLM factuality, emphasizing key metrics, benchmarks, and studies. We further explore strategies for enhancing LLM factuality, including approaches tailored for specific domains. We focus two primary LLM configurations standalone LLMs and Retrieval-Augmented LLMs that utilizes external data, we detail their unique challenges and potential enhancements. Our survey offers a structured guide for researchers aiming to fortify the factual reliability of LLMs.Comment: 62 pages; 300+ reference