323 research outputs found

    Part-level Action Parsing via a Pose-guided Coarse-to-Fine Framework

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    Action recognition from videos, i.e., classifying a video into one of the pre-defined action types, has been a popular topic in the communities of artificial intelligence, multimedia, and signal processing. However, existing methods usually consider an input video as a whole and learn models, e.g., Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), with coarse video-level class labels. These methods can only output an action class for the video, but cannot provide fine-grained and explainable cues to answer why the video shows a specific action. Therefore, researchers start to focus on a new task, Part-level Action Parsing (PAP), which aims to not only predict the video-level action but also recognize the frame-level fine-grained actions or interactions of body parts for each person in the video. To this end, we propose a coarse-to-fine framework for this challenging task. In particular, our framework first predicts the video-level class of the input video, then localizes the body parts and predicts the part-level action. Moreover, to balance the accuracy and computation in part-level action parsing, we propose to recognize the part-level actions by segment-level features. Furthermore, to overcome the ambiguity of body parts, we propose a pose-guided positional embedding method to accurately localize body parts. Through comprehensive experiments on a large-scale dataset, i.e., Kinetics-TPS, our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance and outperforms existing methods over a 31.10% ROC score.Comment: Accepted by IEEE ISCAS 2022, 5 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2110.0336

    RealCustom: Narrowing Real Text Word for Real-Time Open-Domain Text-to-Image Customization

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    Text-to-image customization, which aims to synthesize text-driven images for the given subjects, has recently revolutionized content creation. Existing works follow the pseudo-word paradigm, i.e., represent the given subjects as pseudo-words and then compose them with the given text. However, the inherent entangled influence scope of pseudo-words with the given text results in a dual-optimum paradox, i.e., the similarity of the given subjects and the controllability of the given text could not be optimal simultaneously. We present RealCustom that, for the first time, disentangles similarity from controllability by precisely limiting subject influence to relevant parts only, achieved by gradually narrowing real text word from its general connotation to the specific subject and using its cross-attention to distinguish relevance. Specifically, RealCustom introduces a novel "train-inference" decoupled framework: (1) during training, RealCustom learns general alignment between visual conditions to original textual conditions by a novel adaptive scoring module to adaptively modulate influence quantity; (2) during inference, a novel adaptive mask guidance strategy is proposed to iteratively update the influence scope and influence quantity of the given subjects to gradually narrow the generation of the real text word. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superior real-time customization ability of RealCustom in the open domain, achieving both unprecedented similarity of the given subjects and controllability of the given text for the first time. The project page is https://corleone-huang.github.io/realcustom/.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202

    MCDAN: a Multi-scale Context-enhanced Dynamic Attention Network for Diffusion Prediction

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    Information diffusion prediction aims at predicting the target users in the information diffusion path on social networks. Prior works mainly focus on the observed structure or sequence of cascades, trying to predict to whom this cascade will be infected passively. In this study, we argue that user intent understanding is also a key part of information diffusion prediction. We thereby propose a novel Multi-scale Context-enhanced Dynamic Attention Network (MCDAN) to predict which user will most likely join the observed current cascades. Specifically, to consider the global interactive relationship among users, we take full advantage of user friendships and global cascading relationships, which are extracted from the social network and historical cascades, respectively. To refine the model's ability to understand the user's preference for the current cascade, we propose a multi-scale sequential hypergraph attention module to capture the dynamic preference of users at different time scales. Moreover, we design a contextual attention enhancement module to strengthen the interaction of user representations within the current cascade. Finally, to engage the user's own susceptibility, we construct a susceptibility label for each user based on user susceptibility analysis and use the rank of this label for auxiliary prediction. We conduct experiments over four widely used datasets and show that MCDAN significantly overperforms the state-of-the-art models. The average improvements are up to 10.61% in terms of Hits@100 and 9.71% in terms of MAP@100, respectively

    Context-Aware Visual Policy Network for Fine-Grained Image Captioning

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    With the maturity of visual detection techniques, we are more ambitious in describing visual content with open-vocabulary, fine-grained and free-form language, i.e., the task of image captioning. In particular, we are interested in generating longer, richer and more fine-grained sentences and paragraphs as image descriptions. Image captioning can be translated to the task of sequential language prediction given visual content, where the output sequence forms natural language description with plausible grammar. However, existing image captioning methods focus only on language policy while not visual policy, and thus fail to capture visual context that are crucial for compositional reasoning such as object relationships (e.g., "man riding horse") and visual comparisons (e.g., "small(er) cat"). This issue is especially severe when generating longer sequences such as a paragraph. To fill the gap, we propose a Context-Aware Visual Policy network (CAVP) for fine-grained image-to-language generation: image sentence captioning and image paragraph captioning. During captioning, CAVP explicitly considers the previous visual attentions as context, and decides whether the context is used for the current word/sentence generation given the current visual attention. Compared against traditional visual attention mechanism that only fixes a single visual region at each step, CAVP can attend to complex visual compositions over time. The whole image captioning model -- CAVP and its subsequent language policy network -- can be efficiently optimized end-to-end by using an actor-critic policy gradient method. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of CAVP by state-of-the-art performances on MS-COCO and Stanford captioning datasets, using various metrics and sensible visualizations of qualitative visual context.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI). Extended version of "Context-Aware Visual Policy Network for Sequence-Level Image Captioning", ACM MM 2018 (arXiv:1808.05864

    Promoting Generalization for Exact Solvers via Adversarial Instance Augmentation

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    Machine learning has been successfully applied to improve the efficiency of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solvers. However, the learning-based solvers often suffer from severe performance degradation on unseen MILP instances -- especially on large-scale instances from a perturbed environment -- due to the limited diversity of training distributions. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel approach, which is called Adversarial Instance Augmentation and does not require to know the problem type for new instance generation, to promote data diversity for learning-based branching modules in the branch-and-bound (B&B) Solvers (AdaSolver). We use the bipartite graph representations for MILP instances and obtain various perturbed instances to regularize the solver by augmenting the graph structures with a learned augmentation policy. The major technical contribution of AdaSolver is that we formulate the non-differentiable instance augmentation as a contextual bandit problem and adversarially train the learning-based solver and augmentation policy, enabling efficient gradient-based training of the augmentation policy. To the best of our knowledge, AdaSolver is the first general and effective framework for understanding and improving the generalization of both imitation-learning-based (IL-based) and reinforcement-learning-based (RL-based) B&B solvers. Extensive experiments demonstrate that by producing various augmented instances, AdaSolver leads to a remarkable efficiency improvement across various distributions