4,749 research outputs found

    Non-Fermi-Liquid/Marginal-Fermi-Liquid Signatures Induced by Van Hove Singularity

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    We theoretically study the two-dimensional metal that is coupled to critical magnons and features van Hove singularities on the Fermi surface. When there is only translationally invariant SYK-liked Yukawa interaction, van Hove points suppress the contribution from the part of the Fermi surface away from them, dominating and exhibiting non-Fermi-liquid behavior. When introducing disordered Yukawa coupling, it leads to a crossover from non-Fermi-liquid to marginal-Fermi-liquid, and the marginal-Fermi-liquid region exhibits the Tln(1/T)T\ln (1/T) specific heat and temperature-linear resistivity of strange metal. By solving the gap equation, we provide the critical temperature for superconductor induced by van Hove singularities and point out the possible emergence of pair-density-wave superconductor. Our theory may become a new mechanism for understanding non-Fermi-liquid or marginal-Fermi-liquid phenomenons.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    GeV {\gamma}-ray Emission Detected by Fermi-LAT Probably Associated with the Thermal Composite Supernova Remnant Kesteven 41 in a Molecular Environment

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    Hadron emission from supernova remnant (SNR)-molecular cloud (MC) association systems has been widely regarded as a probe of the shock-accelerated cosmic-ray protons. Here, we report on the detection of a {\gamma}-ray emission source, with a significance of 24{\sigma} in 0.2-300 GeV, projected to lie to the northwest of the thermal composite SNR Kesteven 41, using 5.6 years of Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) observation data. No significant long-term variability in the energy range 0.2--300 GeV is detected around this source. The 3{\sigma} error circle, 0.09 degree; in radius, covers the 1720MHz OH maser and is essentially consistent with the location of the V_{LSR} ~-50 km/s MC with which the SNR interacts. The source emission has an exponential cutoff power-law spectrum with a photon index of 1.9+/-0.1 and a cutoff energy of 4.0+/-0.9 GeV, and the corresponding 0.2-300 GeV luminosity is ~1.3*10^36 erg/s at a distance of 12 kpc. There is no radio pulsar in the 3{\sigma} circle responsible for the high {\gamma}-ray luminosity. While the inverse Compton scattering scenario would lead to a difficulty in the electron energy budget, the source emission can naturally be explained by the hadronic interaction between the relativistic protons accelerated by the shock of SNR Kesteven 41 and the adjacent northwestern MC. In this paper, we present a list of Galactic thermal composite SNRs detected at GeV {\gamma}-ray energies by Fermi-LAT is presented

    Careful at Estimation and Bold at Exploration

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    Exploration strategies in continuous action space are often heuristic due to the infinite actions, and these kinds of methods cannot derive a general conclusion. In prior work, it has been shown that policy-based exploration is beneficial for continuous action space in deterministic policy reinforcement learning(DPRL). However, policy-based exploration in DPRL has two prominent issues: aimless exploration and policy divergence, and the policy gradient for exploration is only sometimes helpful due to inaccurate estimation. Based on the double-Q function framework, we introduce a novel exploration strategy to mitigate these issues, separate from the policy gradient. We first propose the greedy Q softmax update schema for Q value update. The expected Q value is derived by weighted summing the conservative Q value over actions, and the weight is the corresponding greedy Q value. Greedy Q takes the maximum value of the two Q functions, and conservative Q takes the minimum value of the two different Q functions. For practicality, this theoretical basis is then extended to allow us to combine action exploration with the Q value update, except for the premise that we have a surrogate policy that behaves like this exploration policy. In practice, we construct such an exploration policy with a few sampled actions, and to meet the premise, we learn such a surrogate policy by minimizing the KL divergence between the target policy and the exploration policy constructed by the conservative Q. We evaluate our method on the Mujoco benchmark and demonstrate superior performance compared to previous state-of-the-art methods across various environments, particularly in the most complex Humanoid environment.Comment: 20 page

    Unified Detoxifying and Debiasing in Language Generation via Inference-time Adaptive Optimization

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    Warning: this paper contains model outputs exhibiting offensiveness and biases. Recently pre-trained language models (PLMs) have prospered in various natural language generation (NLG) tasks due to their ability to generate fairly fluent text. Nevertheless, these models are observed to capture and reproduce harmful contents in training corpora, typically toxic language and social biases, raising severe moral issues. Prior works on ethical NLG tackle detoxifying and debiasing separately, which is problematic since we find debiased models still exhibit toxicity while detoxified ones even exacerbate biases. To address such a challenge, we propose the first unified framework of detoxifying and debiasing called UDDIA, which jointly formalizes these two problems as rectifying the output space. We theoretically interpret our framework as learning a text distribution mixing weighted attributes. Besides, UDDIA conducts adaptive optimization of only a few parameters during decoding based on a parameter-efficient tuning schema without any training data. This leads to minimal generation quality loss and improved rectification performance with acceptable computational cost. Experimental results demonstrate that compared to several strong baselines, UDDIA achieves debiasing and detoxifying simultaneously and better balances efficiency and effectiveness, taking a further step towards practical ethical NLG.Comment: Work in Progress. Preprin

    Critical Behavior and Duality in Dimensionally Reduced Planar Chern-Simons Superconductors

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    Tha quantum electrodynamics of particles constrained to move on a plane is not a fully dimensionally reduced theory because the gauge fields through which they interact live in higher dimensions. By constraining the gauge field to the surface of the bulk, we obtain a fully reduced planar Abelian Chern-Simons Higgs model that can describe the vortex dynamics and second-order superconducting-normal phase transitions in planar Chern-Simons superconductors. Dual analyses performed before and after dimensional reduction yield the same Lagrangian for describing the vortex dynamics, indicating the self-consistency of our reduced theory. Compared to ordinary (2+1)-dimensional electrodynamics, we obtain anomalous fermion statistical vortices, consistent with results considering boundary effects. An additional electric charge constraint and different Chern-Simons parameter constraints are also found, which may help define a self-dual conformal field theory. Our renormalization group analysis shows that the quantized critical exponent depends on the Chern-Simons parameter. Quench disorder can bring more stable fixed points with different dynamical critical exponents. If we dimensionally reduce to a curved surface, our theory can also be extended to curved spacetimes, where geometric flow will be introduced and compete with vortex flow.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure