977 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative Approach to Equation of State and Collective Modes of the QGP

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    We discuss a non-perturbative TT-matrix approach to investigate the microscopic structure of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Utilizing an effective Hamiltonian which includes both light- and heavy-parton degrees of freedoms. The basic two-body interaction includes color-Coulomb and confining contributions in all available color channels, and is constrained by lattice-QCD data for the heavy-quark free energy. The in-medium TT-matrices and parton spectral functions are computed selfconsistently with full account of off-shell properties encoded in large scattering widths. We apply the TT-matrices to calculate the equation of state (EoS) for the QGP, including a ladder resummation of the Luttinger-Ward functional using a matrix-log technique to account for the dynamical formation of bound states. It turns out that the latter become the dominant degrees of freedom in the EoS at low QGP temperatures indicating a transition from parton to hadron degrees of freedom. The calculated spectral properties of one- and two-body states confirm this picture, where large parton scattering rates dissolve the parton quasiparticle structures while broad resonances start to form as the pseudocritical temperature is approached from above. Further calculations of transport coefficients reveal a small viscosity and heavy-quark diffusion coefficient.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, proceedings of XLVII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2017

    Heavy-Light Susceptibilities in a Strongly Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    Quark number susceptibilities as computed in lattice QCD are commonly believed to provide insights into the microscopic structure of QCD matter, in particular its degrees of freedom. We generalize a previously constructed partonic TT-matrix approach to finite chemical potential to calculate various susceptibilities, in particular for configurations containing a heavy charm quark. At vanishing chemical potential and moderate temperatures, this approach predicts large collisional widths of partons generated by dynamically formed hadronic resonance states which lead to transport parameters characteristic for a strongly coupled system. The quark chemical potential dependence is implemented into the propagators and the in-medium color potential, where two newly introduced parameters for the thermal and screening masses are fixed through a fit to the baryon number susceptibility, χ2B\chi^B_2. With this setup, we calculate heavy-light susceptibilities without further tuning; the results qualitatively agree with the lattice-QCD (lQCD) data for both χ11uc\chi^{uc}_{11} and χ22uc\chi^{uc}_{22}. This implies that the lQCD results are compatible with a significant content of broad DD-meson and charm-light diquark bound states in a moderately hot QGP.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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