1,066 research outputs found

    Perturbation-Assisted Sample Synthesis: A Novel Approach for Uncertainty Quantification

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    This paper introduces a novel generator called Perturbation-Assisted Sample Synthesis (PASS), designed for drawing reliable conclusions from complex data, especially when using advanced modeling techniques like deep neural networks. PASS utilizes perturbation to generate synthetic data that closely mirrors the distribution of raw data, encompassing numerical and unstructured data types such as gene expression, images, and text. By estimating the data-generating distribution and leveraging large pre-trained generative models, PASS enhances estimation accuracy, providing an estimated distribution of any statistic through Monte Carlo experiments. Building on PASS, we propose a generative inference framework called Perturbation-Assisted Inference (PAI), which offers a statistical guarantee of validity. In pivotal inference, PAI enables accurate conclusions without knowing a pivotal's distribution as in simulations, even with limited data. In non-pivotal situations, we train PASS using an independent holdout sample, resulting in credible conclusions. To showcase PAI's capability in tackling complex problems, we highlight its applications in three domains: image synthesis inference, sentiment word inference, and multimodal inference via stable diffusion

    Momentum-space entanglement after a quench in one-dimensional disordered fermionic systems

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    We numerically investigate the momentum-space entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum of the random-dimer model and its generalizations, which circumvent Anderson localization, after a quench in the Hamiltonian parameters. The type of dynamics that occurs depends on whether or not the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states present in these models. If the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states, we observe an interesting slow logarithmic-like growth of the momentum-space entanglement entropy followed by an eventual saturation. Otherwise, the momentum-space entanglement entropy is found to rapidly saturate. We also find that the momentum-space entanglement spectrum reveals the presence of delocalized states in these models for long times after the quench and the many-body entanglement gap decays logarithmically in time when the Fermi level is near the energy of the delocalized states.Comment: 4+e pages, 3 figure

    An Overview of Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors: Healthcare and Artificial Intelligence

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    With the rapid development of the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, human activity recognition (HAR) has been applied in a variety of domains such as security and surveillance, human-robot interaction, and entertainment. Even though a number of surveys and review papers have been published, there is a lack of HAR overview papers focusing on healthcare applications that use wearable sensors. Therefore, we fill in the gap by presenting this overview paper. In particular, we present our projects to illustrate the system design of HAR applications for healthcare. Our projects include early mobility identification of human activities for intensive care unit (ICU) patients and gait analysis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients. We cover essential components of designing HAR systems including sensor factors (e.g., type, number, and placement location), AI model selection (e.g., classical machine learning models versus deep learning models), and feature engineering. In addition, we highlight the challenges of such healthcare-oriented HAR systems and propose several research opportunities for both the medical and the computer science community
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