42,098 research outputs found

    Charm-strange baryon strong decays in a chiral quark model

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    The strong decays of charm-strange baryons up to N=2 shell are studied in a chiral quark model. The theoretical predictions for the well determined charm-strange baryons, Ξcβˆ—(2645)\Xi_c^*(2645), Ξc(2790)\Xi_c(2790) and Ξc(2815)\Xi_c(2815), are in good agreement with the experimental data. This model is also extended to analyze the strong decays of the other newly observed charm-strange baryons Ξc(2930)\Xi_c(2930), Ξc(2980)\Xi_c(2980), Ξc(3055)\Xi_c(3055), Ξc(3080)\Xi_c(3080) and Ξc(3123)\Xi_c(3123). Our predictions are given as follows. (i) Ξc(2930)\Xi_c(2930) might be the first PP-wave excitation of Ξcβ€²\Xi_c' with JP=1/2βˆ’J^P=1/2^-, favors the $|\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\lambda 1/2^->or or |\Xi_c'\ ^4P_\lambda 1/2^->state.(ii) state. (ii) \Xi_c(2980)mightcorrespondtotwooverlapping might correspond to two overlapping Pβˆ’wavestates-wave states |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 1/2^->and and |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 3/2^->,respectively.The, respectively. The \Xi_c(2980)observedinthe observed in the \Lambda_c^+\bar{K}\pifinalstateismostlikelytobethe final state is most likely to be the |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 1/2^->state,whilethenarrowerresonancewithamass state, while the narrower resonance with a mass m\simeq 2.97GeVobservedinthe GeV observed in the \Xi_c^*(2645)\pichannelfavorstobeassignedtothe channel favors to be assigned to the |\Xi_c'\ ^2P_\rho 3/2^->state.(iii) state. (iii) \Xi_c(3080)favorstobeclassifiedasthe favors to be classified as the |\Xi_c\ S_{\rho\rho} 1/2^+>state,i.e.,thefirstradialexcitation(2S)of state, i.e., the first radial excitation (2S) of \Xi_c.(iv). (iv) \Xi_c(3055)ismostlikelytobethefirst is most likely to be the first Dβˆ’waveexcitationof-wave excitation of \Xi_cwith with J^P=3/2^+,favorsthe, favors the |\Xi_c\ ^2D_{\lambda\lambda} 3/2^+>state.(v) state. (v) \Xi_c(3123)mightbeassignedtothe might be assigned to the |\Xi_c'\ ^4D_{\lambda\lambda} 3/2^+>,, |\Xi_c'\ ^4D_{\lambda\lambda} 5/2^+>,or, or |\Xi_c\ ^2D_{\rho\rho} 5/2^+>state.Asabyβˆ’product,wecalculatethestrongdecaysofthebottombaryons state. As a by-product, we calculate the strong decays of the bottom baryons \Sigma_b^{\pm},, \Sigma_b^{*\pm}and and \Xi_b^*$, which are in good agreement with the recent observations as well.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    EASYFLOW: Keep Ethereum Away From Overflow

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    While Ethereum smart contracts enabled a wide range of blockchain applications, they are extremely vulnerable to different forms of security attacks. Due to the fact that transactions to smart contracts commonly involve cryptocurrency transfer, any successful attacks can lead to money loss or even financial disorder. In this paper, we focus on the overflow attacks in Ethereum , mainly because they widely rooted in many smart contracts and comparatively easy to exploit. We have developed EASYFLOW , an overflow detector at Ethereum Virtual Machine level. The key insight behind EASYFLOW is a taint analysis based tracking technique to analyze the propagation of involved taints. Specifically, EASYFLOW can not only divide smart contracts into safe contracts, manifested overflows, well-protected overflows and potential overflows, but also automatically generate transactions to trigger potential overflows. In our preliminary evaluation, EASYFLOW managed to find potentially vulnerable Ethereum contracts with little runtime overhead.Comment: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings. IEEE Press, 201
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