20 research outputs found

    Channel-wise Subband Input for Better Voice and Accompaniment Separation on High Resolution Music

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    This paper presents a new input format, channel-wise subband input (CWS), for convolutional neural networks (CNN) based music source separation (MSS) models in the frequency domain. We aim to address the major issues in CNN-based high-resolution MSS model: high computational cost and weight sharing between distinctly different bands. Specifically, in this paper, we decompose the input mixture spectra into several bands and concatenate them channel-wise as the model input. The proposed approach enables effective weight sharing in each subband and introduces more flexibility between channels. For comparison purposes, we perform voice and accompaniment separation (VAS) on models with different scales, architectures, and CWS settings. Experiments show that the CWS input is beneficial in many aspects. We evaluate our method on musdb18hq test set, focusing on SDR, SIR and SAR metrics. Among all our experiments, CWS enables models to obtain 6.9% performance gain on the average metrics. With even a smaller number of parameters, less training data, and shorter training time, our MDenseNet with 8-bands CWS input still surpasses the original MMDenseNet with a large margin. Moreover, CWS also reduces computational cost and training time to a large extent.Comment: Accepted in INTERSPEECH 202

    Leveraging Pre-trained AudioLDM for Text to Sound Generation: A Benchmark Study

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    Deep neural networks have recently achieved breakthroughs in sound generation with text prompts. Despite their promising performance, current text-to-sound generation models face issues on small-scale datasets (e.g., overfitting), significantly limiting their performance. In this paper, we investigate the use of pre-trained AudioLDM, the state-of-the-art model for text-to-audio generation, as the backbone for sound generation. Our study demonstrates the advantages of using pre-trained models for text-to-sound generation, especially in data-scarcity scenarios. In addition, experiments show that different training strategies (e.g., training conditions) may affect the performance of AudioLDM on datasets of different scales. To facilitate future studies, we also evaluate various text-to-sound generation systems on several frequently used datasets under the same evaluation protocols, which allow fair comparisons and benchmarking of these methods on the common ground.Comment: EUSIPCO 202

    Text-Driven Foley Sound Generation With Latent Diffusion Model

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    Foley sound generation aims to synthesise the background sound for multimedia content. Previous models usually employ a large development set with labels as input (e.g., single numbers or one-hot vector). In this work, we propose a diffusion model based system for Foley sound generation with text conditions. To alleviate the data scarcity issue, our model is initially pre-trained with large-scale datasets and fine-tuned to this task via transfer learning using the contrastive language-audio pertaining (CLAP) technique. We have observed that the feature embedding extracted by the text encoder can significantly affect the performance of the generation model. Hence, we introduce a trainable layer after the encoder to improve the text embedding produced by the encoder. In addition, we further refine the generated waveform by generating multiple candidate audio clips simultaneously and selecting the best one, which is determined in terms of the similarity score between the embedding of the candidate clips and the embedding of the target text label. Using the proposed method, our system ranks 1st{1}^{st} among the systems submitted to DCASE Challenge 2023 Task 7. The results of the ablation studies illustrate that the proposed techniques significantly improve sound generation performance. The codes for implementing the proposed system are available online.Comment: Submit to DCASE-workshop 2023. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.1590

    AudioSR: Versatile Audio Super-resolution at Scale

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    Audio super-resolution is a fundamental task that predicts high-frequency components for low-resolution audio, enhancing audio quality in digital applications. Previous methods have limitations such as the limited scope of audio types (e.g., music, speech) and specific bandwidth settings they can handle (e.g., 4kHz to 8kHz). In this paper, we introduce a diffusion-based generative model, AudioSR, that is capable of performing robust audio super-resolution on versatile audio types, including sound effects, music, and speech. Specifically, AudioSR can upsample any input audio signal within the bandwidth range of 2kHz to 16kHz to a high-resolution audio signal at 24kHz bandwidth with a sampling rate of 48kHz. Extensive objective evaluation on various audio super-resolution benchmarks demonstrates the strong result achieved by the proposed model. In addition, our subjective evaluation shows that AudioSR can acts as a plug-and-play module to enhance the generation quality of a wide range of audio generative models, including AudioLDM, Fastspeech2, and MusicGen. Our code and demo are available at https://audioldm.github.io/audiosr.Comment: Under review. Demo and code: https://audioldm.github.io/audios

    Adapting Language-Audio Models as Few-Shot Audio Learners

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    We presented the Treff adapter, a training-efficient adapter for CLAP, to boost zero-shot classification performance by making use of a small set of labelled data. Specifically, we designed CALM to retrieve the probability distribution of text-audio clips over classes using a set of audio-label pairs and combined it with CLAP's zero-shot classification results. Furthermore, we designed a training-free version of the Treff adapter by using CALM as a cosine similarity measure. Experiments showed that the proposed Treff adapter is comparable and even better than fully-supervised methods and adaptation methods in low-shot and data-abundant scenarios. While the Treff adapter shows that combining large-scale pretraining and rapid learning of domain-specific knowledge is non-trivial for obtaining generic representations for few-shot learning, it is still limited to audio classification tasks. In the future, we will explore how to use audio-language models in diverse audio domains

    VoiceFixer: A Unified Framework for High-Fidelity Speech Restoration

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    Speech restoration aims to remove distortions in speech signals. Prior methods mainly focus on a single type of distortion, such as speech denoising or dereverberation. However, speech signals can be degraded by several different distortions simultaneously in the real world. It is thus important to extend speech restoration models to deal with multiple distortions. In this paper, we introduce VoiceFixer, a unified framework for high-fidelity speech restoration. VoiceFixer restores speech from multiple distortions (e.g., noise, reverberation, and clipping) and can expand degraded speech (e.g., noisy speech) with a low bandwidth to 44.1 kHz full-bandwidth high-fidelity speech. We design VoiceFixer based on (1) an analysis stage that predicts intermediate-level features from the degraded speech, and (2) a synthesis stage that generates waveform using a neural vocoder. Both objective and subjective evaluations show that VoiceFixer is effective on severely degraded speech, such as real-world historical speech recordings. Samples of VoiceFixer are available at https://haoheliu.github.io/voicefixer.Comment: Submitted to INTERSPEECH 202