1,125 research outputs found

    Sparse Neural Network Training with In-Time Over-Parameterization

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    Sparse Neural Network Training with In-Time Over-Parameterization

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    A NDT&E Methodology Based on Magnetic Representation for Surface Topography of Ferromagnetic Materials

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    Accurate evaluation is the final aim of nondestructive testing (NDT). However, the present electromagnetic NDT methods are commonly used to check the existence of defects, and all the tested targets only consist of concave defects (i.e., section-loss defects), such as holes, cracks, or corrosions, failing to evaluate the tested surface topography, which mainly consists of concave-shaped and bump-shaped features. At present, it is accepted that the commonly observed signals of the defects mainly manifest themselves in a single-/double-peak wave and their up/down directions of the peak wave can be easily changed just by changing the directions of either applied magnetization or pick-up units even for one defect. Unlike the present stylus and optical methods for surface topography inspections, a new electromagnetic NDT and evaluation (NDT&E) methodology is provided based on the accurate magnetic representation of surface topography, in which a concave-shaped feature produces “positive” magnetic flux leakages (MFLs) and therefore forms a “raised” signal wave but a bump-shaped feature generates “negative” magnetic fields and therefore leads to a “sunken” signal wave. In this case, the corresponding relationships between wave features and surface topography are presented and the relevant evaluation system for testing surface topography (concave, bumped, and flat features) is built. The provided methodology was analyzed and verified by finite element and experimental methods. Meanwhile, the different dimension parameters of height/depth and width of surface topography are further studied

    A New Method of SHM for Steel Wire Rope and its Apparatus

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    Steel wire ropes often operate in a high‐speed swing status in practical engineering, and the reliable structural health monitoring (SHM) for them directly relates to human lives; however, they are usually beyond the capability of present portable magnet magnetic flux leakage (MFL) sensors based on yoke magnetic method due to its strong magnetic force and large weight. Unlike the yoke method, a new method of SHM for steel wire rope is proposed by theoretical analyses and also verified by finite element method (FEM) and experiments, which features much weaker magnetic interaction force and similar magnetization capability compared to the traditional yoke method. Meanwhile, the relevant detection apparatus or sensor is designed by simulation optimization. Furthermore, experimental comparisons between the new and yoke sensors for steel wire rope inspection are also conducted, which successfully confirm the characterization of smaller magnetic interaction force, less wear, and damage in contrast with traditional technologies. Finally, methods for SHM of steel wire rope and apparatus are discussed, which demonstrate the good practicability for SHM of steel wire rope under poor working conditions

    Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Industri Pariwisata dan Strategi Keluar Dari Krisis: Studi Kasus Strategi Pariwisata Kota Nanning Tiongkok

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap industri pariwisata dan strategi untuk keluar dari krisis, dengan mengambil contoh industri pariwisata di kota Nanning, Tiongkok. Penetilian ini menggunakan metode analisis literatur, berfokus pada sejauh mana dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap industri pariwisata di kota Nanning dan mengusulkan strategi yang sesuai. Pertama, dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisis literatur terkait dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap industri pariwisata, untuk memahami dampaknya terhadap industri pariwisata di kota Nanning. Kedua, mengumpulkan data spesifik industri pariwisata di Nanning selama pandemi, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk menganalisis dampak pandemi terhadap industri pariwisata di Nanning. Terakhir, memilih kota Nanning sebagai studi kasus, secara mendalam mendiskusikan bagaimana merumuskan strategi efektif untuk keluar dari krisis di tengah pandemi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 telah memberikan dampak negatif yang signifikan terhadap industri pariwisata di Nanning, seperti penurunan jumlah wisatawan, penurunan pendapatan pariwisata, dan kesulitan di sektor industri pariwisata. Untuk keluar dari krisis, penelitian ini mengusulkan strategi berikut dari berbagai pihak: pertama pemerintah dapat mengambil langkah-langkah seperti dukungan keuangan, dukungan keuangan, survei pasar, pelatihan profesi, pengawasan pasar, dan mendorong transformasi industri pariwisata untuk membimbing perkembangan perusahaan pariwisata dan mempromosikan perkembangan industri pariwisata. Pemerintah juga dapat mempercepat pengembangan industri pariwisata sehat untuk meningkatkan daya saing pasar. Kedua Industri pariwisata di Nanning menghadapi tuntutan baru, seperti memperhatikan kesehatan dan keselamatan wisatawan, menyediakan layanan personalisasi, menarik wisatawan dari negara-negara ASEAN, dan mengembangkan pariwisata budaya. Kebersihan dan manajemen kesehatan merupakan langkah penting untuk memastikan lingkungan pariwisata bersih dan kesehatan karyawan. Promosi dan pemasaran bisnis online akan menjadi lebih penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen modern. Pengenalan kebijakan diskon untuk menarik wisatawan, kerja sama dengan perusahaan lain untuk memperluas jangkauan. Merumuskan rencana promosi pemasaran komprehensif untuk meningkatkan popularitas dan daya tarik pariwisata Nanning