13 research outputs found

    Cells and gene expression programs in the adult human heart

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Advanced insights into disease mechanisms and strategies to improve therapeutic opportunities require deeper understanding of the molecular processes of the normal heart. Knowledge of the full repertoire of cardiac cells and their gene expression profiles is a fundamental first step in this endeavor. Here, using large-scale single cell and nuclei transcriptomic profiling together with state-of-the-art analytical techniques, we characterise the adult human heart cellular landscape covering six anatomical cardiac regions (left and right atria and ventricles, apex and interventricular septum). Our results highlight the cellular heterogeneity of cardiomyocytes, pericytes and fibroblasts, revealing distinct subsets in the atria and ventricles indicative of diverse developmental origins and specialized properties. Further we define the complexity of the cardiac vascular network which includes clusters of arterial, capillary, venous, lymphatic endothelial cells and an atrial-enriched population. By comparing cardiac cells to skeletal muscle and kidney, we identify cardiac tissue resident macrophage subsets with transcriptional signatures indicative of both inflammatory and reparative phenotypes. Further, inference of cell-cell interactions highlight a macrophage-fibroblast-cardiomyocyte network that differs between atria and ventricles, and compared to skeletal muscle. We expect this reference human cardiac cell atlas to advance mechanistic studies of heart homeostasis and disease

    Integrated analyses of single-cell atlases reveal age, gender, and smoking status associations with cell type-specific expression of mediators of SARS-CoV-2 viral entry and highlights inflammatory programs in putative target cells

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    The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, creates an urgent need for identifying molecular mechanisms that mediate viral entry, propagation, and tissue pathology. Cell membrane bound angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and associated proteases, transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) and Cathepsin L (CTSL), were previously identified as mediators of SARS-CoV2 cellular entry. Here, we assess the cell type-specific RNA expression of ACE2, TMPRSS2, and CTSL through an integrated analysis of 107 single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-Seq studies, including 22 lung and airways datasets (16 unpublished), and 85 datasets from other diverse organs. Joint expression of ACE2 and the accessory proteases identifies specific subsets of respiratory epithelial cells as putative targets of viral infection in the nasal passages, airways, and alveoli. Cells that co-express ACE2 and proteases are also identified in cells from other organs, some of which have been associated with COVID-19 transmission or pathology, including gut enterocytes, corneal epithelial cells, cardiomyocytes, heart pericytes, olfactory sustentacular cells, and renal epithelial cells. Performing the first meta-analyses of scRNA-seq studies, we analyzed 1,176,683 cells from 282 nasal, airway, and lung parenchyma samples from 164 donors spanning fetal, childhood, adult, and elderly age groups, associate increased levels of ACE2, TMPRSS2, and CTSL in specific cell types with increasing age, male gender, and smoking, all of which are epidemiologically linked to COVID-19 susceptibility and outcomes. Notably, there was a particularly low expression of ACE2 in the few young pediatric samples in the analysis. Further analysis reveals a gene expression program shared by ACE2(+)TMPRSS2(+) cells in nasal, lung and gut tissues, including genes that may mediate viral entry, subtend key immune functions, and mediate epithelial-macrophage cross-talk. Amongst these are IL6, its receptor and co-receptor, IL1R, TNF response pathways, and complement genes. Cell type specificity in the lung and airways and smoking effects were conserved in mice. Our analyses suggest that differences in the cell type-specific expression of mediators of SARS-CoV-2 viral entry may be responsible for aspects of COVID-19 epidemiology and clinical course, and point to putative molecular pathways involved in disease susceptibility and pathogenesis

    Cells of the adult human heart

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    Abstract: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Advanced insights into disease mechanisms and therapeutic strategies require a deeper understanding of the molecular processes involved in the healthy heart. Knowledge of the full repertoire of cardiac cells and their gene expression profiles is a fundamental first step in this endeavour. Here, using state-of-the-art analyses of large-scale single-cell and single-nucleus transcriptomes, we characterize six anatomical adult heart regions. Our results highlight the cellular heterogeneity of cardiomyocytes, pericytes and fibroblasts, and reveal distinct atrial and ventricular subsets of cells with diverse developmental origins and specialized properties. We define the complexity of the cardiac vasculature and its changes along the arterio-venous axis. In the immune compartment, we identify cardiac-resident macrophages with inflammatory and protective transcriptional signatures. Furthermore, analyses of cell-to-cell interactions highlight different networks of macrophages, fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes between atria and ventricles that are distinct from those of skeletal muscle. Our human cardiac cell atlas improves our understanding of the human heart and provides a valuable reference for future studies

    Complexity and plasticity of cardiac cellular composition

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    Isolation of nuclei from mammalian cells and tissues for single-nucleus molecular profiling

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    Both single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) and single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNAseq) can be used to characterize the transcriptional profile of individual cells, and based on these transcriptional profiles, help define cell type distribution in mixed cell populations. However, scRNAseq analyses are confounded if some of the cells are large (>50 µm) or if some of cells adhere more tightly to some adjacent cells than to others. Further, single cell isolation for scRNAseq requires fresh tissue, which may not be available for human or animal model tissues. Additionally, the current enzymatic and mechanical methods for single-cell dissociation can lead to stress-induced transcriptional artifacts. Nuclei for snRNAseq, on the other hand, can be isolated from any cell, regardless of size, and from either fresh or frozen tissues, and compared to whole cells, they are more resistant to mechanical pressures and appear not to exhibit as many cell isolation-based transcriptional artifacts. Here, we describe a time- and cost-effective procedure to isolate nuclei from mammalian cells and tissues. The protocol incorporates steps to mechanically disrupt samples to release nuclei. Compared to conventional nuclei isolation protocols, the approach described here increases overall efficiency, eliminates risk of contaminant exposure, and reduces volumes of expensive reagents. A series of RNA quality control checks are also incorporated to ensure success and reduce costs of subsequent snRNAseq experiments. Nuclei isolated by this procedure can be separated on the 10× Genomics Chromium system for either snRNAseq and/or Single-Nucleus ATAC-Seq (snATAC-Seq), and is also compatible with other single cell platforms

    Transmembrane helix connectivity in Orai1 controls two gates for calcium-dependent transcription

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    The channel Orai1 requires Ca(2+) store depletion in the endoplasmic reticulum and an interaction with the Ca(2+) sensor STIM1 to mediate Ca(2+) signaling. Alterations in Orai1-mediated Ca(2+) influx have been linked to several pathological conditions including immunodeficiency, tubular myopathy, and cancer. We screened large-scale cancer genomics data sets for dysfunctional Orai1 mutants. Five of the identified Orai1 mutations resulted in constitutively active gating and transcriptional activation. Our analysis showed that certain Orai1 mutations were clustered in the transmembrane 2 helix surrounding the pore, which is a trigger site for Orai1 channel gating. Analysis of the constitutively open Orai1 mutant channels revealed two fundamental gates that enabled Ca(2+) influx: Arginine side chains were displaced so they no longer blocked the pore, and a chain of water molecules formed in the hydrophobic pore region. Together, these results enabled us to identify a cluster of Orai1 mutations that trigger Ca2+ permeation associated with gene transcription and provide a gating mechanism for Orai1

    LINC01013 is a determinant of fibroblast activation and encodes a novel fibroblast-activating micropeptide

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    Myocardial fibrosis confers an almost threefold mortality risk in heart disease. There are no prognostic therapies and novel therapeutic targets are needed. Many thousands of unannotated small open reading frames (smORFs) have been identified across the genome with potential to produce micropeptides (< 100 amino acids). We sought to investigate the role of smORFs in myocardial fibroblast activation.Analysis of human cardiac atrial fibroblasts (HCFs) stimulated with profibrotic TGFβ1 using RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and ribosome profiling (Ribo-Seq) identified long intergenic non-coding RNA LINC01013 as TGFβ1 responsive and containing an actively translated smORF. Knockdown of LINC01013 using siRNA reduced expression of profibrotic markers at baseline and blunted their response to TGFβ1. In contrast, overexpression of a codon-optimised smORF invoked a profibrotic response comparable to that seen with TGFβ1 treatment, whilst FLAG-tagged peptide associated with the mitochondria.Together, these data support a novel LINC01013 smORF micropeptide-mediated mechanism of fibroblast activation