461 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of downlink shared channels in a UMTS network

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    In light of the expected growth in wireless data communications and the commonly anticipated up/downlink asymmetry, we present a performance analysis of downlink data transfer over \textsc{d}ownlink \textsc{s}hared \textsc{ch}annels (\textsc{dsch}s), arguably the most efficient \textsc{umts} transport channel for medium-to-large data transfers. It is our objective to provide qualitative insight in the different aspects that influence the data \textsc{q}uality \textsc{o}f \textsc{s}ervice (\textsc{qos}). As a most principal factor, the data traffic load affects the data \textsc{qos} in two distinct manners: {\em (i)} a heavier data traffic load implies a greater competition for \textsc{dsch} resources and thus longer transfer delays; and {\em (ii)} since each data call served on a \textsc{dsch} must maintain an \textsc{a}ssociated \textsc{d}edicated \textsc{ch}annel (\textsc{a}-\textsc{dch}) for signalling purposes, a heavier data traffic load implies a higher interference level, a higher frame error rate and thus a lower effective aggregate \textsc{dsch} throughput: {\em the greater the demand for service, the smaller the aggregate service capacity.} The latter effect is further amplified in a multicellular scenario, where a \textsc{dsch} experiences additional interference from the \textsc{dsch}s and \textsc{a}-\textsc{dch}s in surrounding cells, causing a further degradation of its effective throughput. Following an insightful two-stage performance evaluation approach, which segregates the interference aspects from the traffic dynamics, a set of numerical experiments is executed in order to demonstrate these effects and obtain qualitative insight in the impact of various system aspects on the data \textsc{qos}

    Quality-of-Service differentiation in an integrated services GSM/GPRS network

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    We develop and analyse a generic model for performance evaluation, parameter optimisation and dimensioning in a \textsc{gsm}/\textsc{gprs} network. The model enables analytical evaluation for a scenario of integrated speech, video and data services, potentially offered in distinct priority classes. While a speech call is assigned a single traffic channel for its entire duration, both video and data calls can handle varying channel assignments. The principal distinction between these elastic call types, is that in case of video calls, a more generous channel assignment implies a better throughput and thus call quality, while for data calls the increased throughput implies a reduced sojourn time. Although a broader variety of models can be designed and analysed within the generic framework, the analytical and numerical results are presented for the \textsc{svd} model integrating speech, video and data calls, and for the \textsc{shl} model, integrating speech and two priority classes of data calls. In both models, an access queue is maintained for data calls which cannot be served immediately upon arrival. Markov chain analysis is applied to derive basic performance measures such as the expected channel utilization, service-specific blocking probabilities (\textsc{gos}), expected video \textsc{qos} (throughput) and expected (priority class-specific) data \textsc{qos} (sojourn times). Furthermore, closed-form expressions are derived for the expected video and data \textsc{qos}, conditional on the call duration or file size, respectively, and on the system state at arrival. As a potential application, these measures can be fed back to the caller as an indication of the expected \textsc{qos}. The included numerical study demonstrates the merit of the presented generic model and performance analysis, and provides \textsc{gsm}/\textsc{gprs} network operators with valuable insight in the \textsc{gos} and \textsc{qos} tradeoffs involved in balancing the various controllable system parameters

    Elastic calls in an integrated services network: the greater the call size variability the better the QoS

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    We study a telecommunications network integrating prioritized stream calls and delay tolerant elastic calls that are served with the remaining (varying) service capacity according to a processor sharing discipline. The remarkable observation is presented and analytically supported that the expected elastic call holding time is decreasing in the variability of the elastic call size distribution. As a consequence, network planning guidelines or admission control schemes that are developed based on deterministic or lightly variable elastic call sizes are likely to be conservative and inefficient, given the commonly acknowledged property of e.g.\ \textsc{www}\ documents to be heavy tailed. Application areas of the model and results include fixed \textsc{ip} or \textsc{atm} networks and mobile cellular \textsc{gsm}/\textsc{gprs} and \textsc{umts} networks. \u

    Impact of inter-cell interference on ïŹ‚ow level performance of scheduling schemes for the UMTS EUL

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    The UMTS Enhanced Uplink (EUL) is expected to provide higher capacity, increased data rates, and smaller latency on the communication link from users towards the network. A key mechanism in EUL trafïŹc handling is the packet scheduler, for which a number of basic schemes can be identiïŹed (one-by- one, partial parallel, and full parallel). In this paper we analyze the interaction between the EUL scheduling scheme deployed in the network and the inter-cell interference. On the one hand, different scheduling schemes cause different inter-cell interference patterns on neighbouring cells. On the other hand, the different schemes are affected by inter-cell interference in different ways. The scheduling schemes are evaluated and compared under different approaches for reserving part of the allowed noise rise at the base station for inter-cell interference. For our analysis, we have developed a hybrid analytical/simulation approach allowing for fast evaluation of performance measures such as the mean ïŹ‚ow transfer time and fairness expressing how the performance depends on the user’s location. This approach takes into account both the packet-level characteristics and the ïŹ‚ow-level dynamics due to the random user behaviour

    Analysis of packet scheduling for UMTS EUL - design decisions and performance evaluation

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    The UMTS Enhanced Uplink (EUL) provides higher capacity, increased data rates and smaller latency on the communication link from users towards the network. In this paper we present a performance comparison of three distinct EUL scheduling schemes (one-by-one, partial parallel and full parallel) taking into account both the packet level characteristics and the flow level dynamics due to the (random) user behaviour.\ud Using a very efficient hybrid analytical and simulation approach we analyse the three schemes with respect to performance measures such as mean file transfer time and fairness. In UMTS, a significant part of the system capacity will be used to support non-elastic voice traffic. Hence, part of our investigation is dedicated to the effects that the volume of voice traffic has on the performance of the elastic traffic supported by the EUL. Finally, we evaluate the impact that implementation specifics of a full parallel scheduler has on these measures.\ud \ud Our main conclusion is that our partial parallel scheduler, which is a hybrid between the one-by-one and full parallel, outperforms the other two schedulers in terms of mean flow transfer time, and is less sensitive to volume and nature of voice traffic. However, under certain circumstances, the partial parallel scheduler exhibits a somewhat lower fairness than the alternatives

    Scheduling strategies for LTE uplink with flow behaviour analysis

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    Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a cellular technology developed to support\ud diversity of data traffic at potentially high rates. It is foreseen to extend the capacity and improve the performance of current 3G cellular networks. A key\ud mechanism in the LTE traffic handling is the packet scheduler, which is in charge of allocating resources to active flows in both the frequency and time dimension. In this paper we present a performance comparison of two distinct scheduling schemes for LTE uplink (fair fixed assignment and fair work-conserving) taking into account both packet level characteristics and flow level dynamics due to the random user behaviour. For that purpose, we apply a combined analytical/simulation approach which enables fast evaluation of performance measures such as mean flow transfer times manifesting the impact of resource allocation strategies. The results show that the resource allocation strategy has a crucial impact on performance and that some trends are observed only if flow level dynamics are considered

    An analytical packet/flow-level modelling approach for wireless LANs with Quality-of-Service support

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    We present an analytical packet/flow-level modelling approach for the performance analysis of IEEE 802.11e WLAN, where we explicitly take into account QoS differentiation mechanisms based on minimum contention window size values and Arbitration InterFrame Space (AIFS) values, as included in the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) protocol of the 802.11e standard. We first enhance the packet-level approach previously used for best-effort WLANs to include traffic classes with different QoS requirements. The packet-level model approach yields service weights that discriminate among traffic classes. From these observations, the packet/flow-level model for 802.11e is the \textit{generalized} discriminatory processor-sharing (GDPS) queueing model where the state-dependent system capacity is distributed among active traffic classes according to state-dependent priority weights. Extensive simulations show that the discriminatory processor-sharing model closely represents the flow behavior of 802.11e

    Throughputs in processor sharing models for integrated stream and elastic traffic

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    We present an analytical study of throughput measures in processor sharing queueing systems with randomly varying service rates, modelling a communication link in an integrated services network carrying prioritised stream traffic and elastic traffic. A number of distinct throughput measures for the elastic traffic are defined and analysed. In particular, the differences between the various throughput measures and the impact of the elastic call size distribution are investigated. It is concluded that the call-average throughput, which is most relevant from the user point of view but typically hard to analyse, is very well approximated by the newly proposed so-called expected instantaneous throughput, which can easily be obtained from the system's steady state distribution. \u

    Performance analysis of wireless LANs: an integrated packet/flow level approach

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    In this paper we present an integrated packet/flow level modelling approach for analysing flow throughputs and transfer times in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. The packet level model captures the statistical characteristics of the transmission of individual packets at the MAC layer, while the flow level model takes into account the system dynamics due to the initiation and completion of data flow transfers. The latter model is a processor sharing type of queueing model reflecting the IEEE 802.11 MAC design principle of distributing the transmission capacity fairly among the active flows. The resulting integrated packet/flow level model is analytically tractable and yields a simple approximation for the throughput and flow transfer time. Extensive simulations show that the approximation is very accurate for a wide range of parameter settings. In addition, the simulation study confirms the attractive property following from our approximation that the expected flow transfer delay is insensitive to the flow size distribution (apart from its mean)
