18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh penggunaan media Webgis Inarisk terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa pada materi mitigasi dan adaptasi bencana

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    Spatial thinking skills is needed in geography learning. Geography learning learns about the geosphere, which need to be studied from the perspective of spatial, environment, and regional complex. This is consistent with the concept of spatial thinking, which involves complex thinking processes from multiple perspectives to study various phenomena. This research aims to determine the effect and effectiveness of using webgis inarisk media towards spatial thinking skills. This research was conducted through a quantitative method with data analysis using T-Test (Independent Sample T-Test) and the effectiveness test using (N-Gain Score Test). The results showed the Sig. (2-tailed) value in the analysis of the Independent Sample T-Test was 0.001 or more than 0.05. The average score of spatial thinking ability also showed that the experiment group (XI IPS 2) has a score of 70.3 which is higher than the control group (XI IPS 1) that is 64.2. Based on this, it is concluded that the webgis inarisk as a learning media has an effect on students' spatial thinking abilities. The results of the N-Gain Score test showed that webgis inarsik media used in experiment group (XI IPS 2) has better effectiveness in the achievement of spatial thinking skills, which is 43.7 percent, compared to map media used in control group (XI IPS 1) with an effectiveness of 32.09 percent.Kemampuan berpikir spasial diperlukan dalam pembelajaran geografi. Pembelajaran geografi mempelajari tentang fenomena geosfer, dimana perlu dikaji melalui melalui sudut pandang keruangan, kelingkungan dan kompleks wilayah. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan konsep berpikir spasial, yang melibatkan proses berpikir yang kompleks dari berbagai perspektif untuk mempelajari berbagai fenomena. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan efektivitas penggunaan media webgis inarisk terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan analisis analisis data melalui Uji-T (Independent Sample T-Test) dan uji efektivitas (Uji N-Gain Score). Hasil nilai Sig (2-tailed) pada analisis Independent Sample T-Test menunjukkan skor 0,001 atau lebih dari 0,05. Rata-rata skor kemampuan berpikir spasial juga menunjukkan pada kelas eksperimen yaitu (XI IPS 2) memiliki nilai 70,3 yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol (XI IPS 1) yaitu 64,2. Disimpulkan bahwa webgis inarisk sebagai media pembelajaran berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa. Hasil Uji nilai N-Gain Score juga menunjukkan bahwa media webgis yang digunakan di kelas eksperimen (XI IPS 2) memiliki efektivitas yang lebih baik dalam pencapaian kemampuan berpikir spasial yaitu sebesar 43,7 persen, dibandingkan media peta yang digunakan di kelas kontrol (XI IPS 1) dengan efektivitas 32,09 persen

    Bridging Digital Divide and Rural e-Goverment (Smart Kampung): Evidence from Banyuwangi, Indonesia

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    Currently humans can not be separated from using of technology. The more complex the problem, the need for technology continues to be sought. Unfortunately, even though technology is needed, digital divide still occurs. Digital divide occurs at all levels including at the local level. Villages in Indonesia require the penetration of information and communication technology in an effort to improve the quality of life. This study aims to explain the relationship and dynamics that occur with the presence of ICT at the government level with rural communities in Banyuwangi district. Furthermore, this study seeks to illustrate the impact on the development of ICT at the village level. The results showed that internet penetration was still a deterministic technology rather than a deterministic socioculture. The internet and rural e-government as its derivatives are like goals, not tools to achieve goals. The digital divide still seems clear. This is due to five main dimensions, namely the technical dimension, economic inequality, skills inequality, inequality of use, and inequality of social support. The impact then occurs technology alienation. For the village, digital inequality is not merely a matter of these five dimensions, but also means social, economic, political and cultural inequality. Technology plays an important role in providing intelligent and friendly public services to the community. There is a power relationship in the digitalization of technology in the field of public services in the form of domination of power over the community. Technology is a must to be accepted and applied by society

    Economic and environmental benefit of informal waste scavenging at landfill sites: A case study at Bukit Gemuk, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

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    Recycling is an important part of the solid waste management system. However, community engagement in this activity remains relatively low. The presence of a group of individuals engaged in collecting recyclable materials at landfill sites has contributed to improving solid waste management performance. This paper aims to identify the background and activities of scavengers in collecting recyclable items at landfills, as well as the environmental impact of the scavenging activity. This study was based on questionnaires distributed to 46 scavengers in the study area. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method was used to assess the environmental impact of using recyclable materials in manufacturing products. The LCA analysis could identify the contribution of recycled materials to the total savings of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen dioxide (N20) by using recycled materials in the production of a new product. According to the study, the majority of those involved in the scavenging activity are immigrants from Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite safety and health concerns, their efforts to earn a living through waste scavenging are extremely valuable. Furthermore, the findings show that their contribution to the collection of recyclable materials cannot be denied. It is because the presence of this group is essential in a country where recycling awareness is low. Furthermore, the indirect contribution to the environment is important, particularly in reducing the use of natural materials in producing new materials. As a result, the government must devise a more effective strategy for recycling programs by involving all stakeholders


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    Tambakrejo Village has a unique landscape appearance. The landscape’s appearance needs to be identified to determine the potential of natural resources. The purpose of this study is to inventory the potential of natural resources using smartphones so they can be used sustainably by local communities. The method used in this study is a field survey by collecting data related to natural resources with a spatial approach. The applications used are Avenza Maps and Kobo Collect. The results showed that Tambakrejo Village has several types of landforms, including karst, coastal, old volcanic hills, and alluvial plains (fluvial). These landforms have different natural resource potentials from other landforms. The karst area has land, water, landscape, mineral, and biological resources. Alluvial plains have water and land resources. Meanwhile, in the old volcanic hills, there are forest and land resources, and the coastal areas are in the form of mangrove resources, coral reefs, and seagrass beds. These resources must be managed wisely and carefully so that their sustainability can be maintained. This is because inappropriate natural resource management can cause drought in limestone areas, flooding in alluvial plains, and land degradation in limestone and hilly areas.Desa Tambakrejo memiliki kenampakan bentang alam yang cukup unik. Kenampakan bentang alam tersebut perlu diidentifikasi untuk mengetahui potensi sumber daya alam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menginventarisasi potensi sumber daya alam dengan menggunakan telepon pintar agar dapat dimanfaatkan secara berkelanjutan oleh masyarakat lokal. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah survei lapangan dengan melakukan pendataan terkait sumber daya alam dengan pendekatan keruangan. Aplikasi yang digunakan yaitu Avenza Maps dan Kobo Collect. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Tambakrejo memiliki beberapa jenis bentuk lahan antara lain karst, kepesisiran, perbukitan vulkanik tua, dan dataran aluvial (fluvial). Bentuk lahan tersebut memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang berbeda dengan bentuk lahan yang lain. Adapun daerah karst memiliki sumber daya lahan, air, lanskap, mineral, dan sumber daya hayati. Pada dataran aluvial memiliki sumber daya air dan lahan. Sementara pada perbukitan vulkanik tua berupa sumber daya hutan dan lahan, dan daerah kepesisiran berupa sumber daya mangrove, terumbu karang, dan padang lamun. Sumber daya tersebut harus dikelola bijaksana dan penuh kehati-hatian agar kelestariannya dapat terjaga. Hal ini dikarenakan pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang tidak sesuai dapat menyebabkan bencana kekeringan pada daerah batu gamping, banjir pada dataran aluvial, dan degradasi lahan pada daerah batu gamping dan daerah perbukitan

    Penilaian Risiko Bencana di Sub DAS Amprong Menggunakan Pendekatan GIS

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    Abstrak: Sub DAS Amprong secara administrasi masuk pada wilayah Kabupaten Malang dan Kota Malang. Meliputi lima Kecamatan yakni: Kedungkandang, Poncokusumo, Tumpang, Pakis dan Jabung. Risiko bencana longsor tergolong tinggi pada kawasan ini. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengurangan risiko bencana longsor mengunakan pendeketaan GIS (Geographic Information System). Menggunakan GIS distribusi tingkat risiko akan dapat diketahui dengan baik, sehingga mampu memberikan solusi yang lebih akurat. Penelitian ini meliputi empat tahapan: 1) pemetaan bahaya longsor, 2) pemetaan kerentanan bencana, 3) pemetaan kapasitas bencana, 4) pemetaan risiko bencana. Hasilnya diketahui bahwa kecamatan Jabung dan Poncokusumo merupakan wialayah dengan tingkat risiko longsor paling tinggi. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat risiko dapat dilakukan melalui mitigasi bencana secara struktural dan nonstruktural. Wilayah dengan risiko tinggi bukan merupakan kawasan pemukiman, namun memiliki aktivitas utama berupa pertanian. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya manajemen risiko bencana longsor dalam usaha longsor seperti: dengan cara: 1) pengaturan sistem irigasi dengan baik, 2) penerapan sistem terasering, dan 3) pemasangan bronjong pada kaki lereng. Abstract: Amprong watershed is administratively included in Malang Regency and Malang City. Includes five districts namely: Kedungkandang, Poncokusumo, Tumpang, Pakis and Jabung. The risk of landslides is classified high in this region. Therefore, this research aims to reduce the risk of landslides using GIS (Geographic Information System). Using GIS the distribution of risk levels will be well known, so as to provide a more accurate solution. This research includes four stages: 1) mapping of landslide hazards, 2) mapping of disaster vulnerability, 3) mapping of disaster capacity, 4) mapping of disaster risk. The results are known that the Jabung and Poncokusumo sub-districts are areas with the highest risk of landslides. Efforts that can be made to reduce the level of risk can be done through structural and nonstructural disaster mitigation. High risk areas are not residential areas, but have major activities in the form of agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to have landslide risk management, such as: by: 1) regulating the irrigation system properly, 2) applying the terracing system, and 3) installing gabions at the foot of the slope


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    INCREASING THE CAPACITY OF PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN VOLCANO ERUPTION DISASTER PREPAREDNESS THROUGH DISASTER MITIGATION SIMULATION IN THE MOUNT SEMERU REGIONIndonesia is one of the countries prone to volcanic eruptions. One of the volcanic eruption disasters that occurred was the Semeru Volcano in 2021 and 2022 in Lumajang Regency. The impact of the Semeru Volcano eruption resulted in many casualties. This proves that the lack of understanding of the community in dealing with the threats and risks of volcanic disasters. Thus, the importance of action to minimize the impact of future disasters. The community service activities carried out by the community service team from the State University of Malang in the Decentralized Research and Service Program of the Faculty of Social Sciences are one of the solutions to increase community capacity in reducing the risk of volcanic disasters. The community service activities were carried out with disaster learning and volcano disaster mitigation simulations carried out in Sumbermujur Village, Lumajang Regency at a school directly affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru, namely SDN Sumberwuluh 2. Disaster learning activities and simulations aim to increase disaster knowledge and knowledge of volcano disaster simulations and minimize the impact of the eruption of the Semeru Volcano. The method is carried out with four stages: initial observation, socialization, implementation, and evaluation. The results show that disaster learning and disaster simulation need to be routinely carried out in schools to provide early disaster knowledge to deal with the threat of disasters that can occur at any time. From the activities carried out, students also gain knowledge skills in carrying out self-rescue steps in the event of a volcano disaster at school.Indonesia ialah salah satu negara yang rawan terhadap bencana erupsi gunung api. Salah satu bencana erupsi gunung api yang yang terjadi adalah Gunung Api Semeru Tahun 2021 dan 2022 di Kabupaten Lumajang. Dampak letusan Gunung Api Semeru mengakibatkan banyaknya korban jiwa. Hal itu membuktikan bahwa kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat dalam menghadapi ancaman dan risiko bencana gunung api. Dengan demikan pentingnya tindakan untuk meminimalisir dampak akibat bencana yang akan datang kedepannya. Dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian dari Universitas Negeri Malang dalam program penelitian dan pengabdian Desentralisasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial sebagai salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat dalam mengurangi risiko bencana gunung api. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan pembelajaran kebencanaan dan simulasi mitigasi bencana gunung api yang dilaksanakan di Desa Sumbermujur Kabupaten Lumajang pada sekolah yang terdampak langsung erupsi Gunung Semeru yakni SDN Sumberwuluh 2. Kegiatan pembelajaran kebencanaan dan simulasi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kebencanaan dan pengetahuan simulasi bencana gunung api, serta meminimalisir dampak erupsi Gunung Api Semeru. Metode diakukan dengan 4 tahapan yakni observasi awal, sosialisasi, pelaksanan, dan evaluasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran kebencanaan dan simulasi bencana perlu rutin dilakukan di sekolah guna memberikan pengetahuan kebencanaan sejak dini untuk menghadapi ancaman bencana yang sewaktu waktu dapat terjadi. Dari kegiatan yang dilakukan peserta didik juga mendapatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dalam melakukan langkah-langkah penyelamatan diri bila terjadi bencana gunung api di sekolah

    Deteksi Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Sub DAS Brantas Hulu

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    ABSTRAK   Irawan, Listyo Yudha. 2011. Deteksi Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Sub DAS Brantas Hulu. Skripsi, Jurusan Geografi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Purwanto, S.Pd, M.Si, (II) Syamsul Bachri, S.Si, M.Sc.   Kata Kunci: daerah aliran sungai, perubahan penggunaan lahan, sistem informasi geografis, arahan pemanfaatan lahan Penggunaan lahan merupakan wujud nyata dari pengaruh aktivitas manusia terhadap permukaan bumi. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) merupakan kawasan dengan penggunaan lahan yang sangat dinamis. Perubahan penggunaan lahan seringkali hanya bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia saja tanpa meninjau kelestarian dan keberlangsungan lahan yang diubah tersebut. Sub DAS Brantas Hulu merupakan kawasan dengan laju alih fungsi lahan yang tinggi dalam kurun waktu 1997-2011. Diperlukan suatu basis data spasial untuk memantau perkembangan dan perubahan penggunaan lahan di Sub DAS Brantas Hulu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pola penggunaan lahan dan trend perubahannya Tahun 1997-2011. Mengkaji faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan penggunaan lahan. Serta untuk mengkaji kesesuaian arahan pemanfaatan lahan dengan penggunaan lahan tahun 2011. Metode yang digunakan berbasis SIG dengan analisis peta penggunaan lahan pada Tahun 1997, 2006, dan peta penggunaan lahan tentatif/2011, serta melakukan cek lapangan untuk mencocokkan hasil pemetaaan sementara dengan kondisi penggunaaan lahan di lapangan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Pemilihan metode purposive sampling dilakukan pada beberapa titik pengamatan yang dianggap mewakili kondisi penggunaan lahan di lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan yang cukup signifikan pada Tahun 1997-2006 seluas 2917,577 Ha. Perubahan penggunaan lahan untuk periode 2006-2011 adalah seluas 816,98 Ha. Beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan penggunaan lahan di Sub DAS Brantas Hulu antara lain: 1) faktor ekonomi berkaitan dengan peningkatan pendapatan penduduk yang bekerja pada sektor pertanian, khususnya untuk ladang/tegalan, serta kemudahan dalam perawatan tanaman dan pengolahan lahan. 2) Penyalahgunaan Hak Penggelolaan Hutan (HPH) oleh masyarakat sekitar hutan. 3) bertambah luasnya kawasan terbangun untuk berbagai bangunan dan pemukiman penduduk. Beberapa kebijakan arahan pemanfaatan lahan berdasarkan RTRW telah mengalami penyimpangan terutama pada kawasan lindung dan zona reboisasi/penghijauan. Dari luas total 17344 Ha, arahan pemanfaataan lahan yang sesuai sebesar 14376,443 Ha, sesuai bersyarat 730,837 Ha dan tidak sesuai 2078,902 Ha

    Seismic hazard analysis using Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) Method: A case study in Southern Malang District, East Java

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    Indonesia is a country that has a high earthquake threat. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) recorded that Indonesia experienced 5,439 earthquakes with a magnitude of Mw 5. Geologically, Indonesia is located about 200 km from the subduction zone of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. Malang Regency faces the subduction of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. Earthquakes that occur in plate subduction areas will propagate in various directions, including to Malang Regency. Thus, Malang Regency, especially in the southern part, has a high earthquake threat. This study aims to calculate the earthquake threat using a deterministic approach. Earthquake threats can be calculated using the Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) method. This study obtained the Mc. Guirre and Donovan attenuation function. These two attenuation functions produce different Peak Ground Acceleration values. The calculations with the Mc. Guirre attenuation function has a range of PGA values from 38,76461 gals to 69,78215 gals. Meanwhile, the Donovan attenuation function calculation produces a range of PGA values from 41.97550 gals to 76.21376 gals. Based on the value of ground acceleration during an earthquake, Bantur, Gedangan, and Sumbermanjing sub-districts are the sub-districts with the highest earthquake threat level in Southern Malang Regency. Tirtoyudo Village, Tirtoyudo District, Malang District has a lower PGA value when compared to Gedangan District. However, the amount of damage to buildings in this subdistrict was much higher. Since the building structure in Tirtoyudo Village cannot withstand ground shaking due to the earthquake, there is damage to the structure of the building

    Project-Based Research Learning (PBRL) Integrated With E-Learning in Projects Completion

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    Project-Based Research Learning (PBRL) is one of the learn-ing models that stimulate students to be active and innovative in developing products. The purposes of this study were to determine 1) the influence of the PBRL integrated with e-learning on students' spatial thinking ability, 2) the influence of the PBRL integrated with e-learning on the students' ability to make disaster management projects, and 3) the influence of the PBRL in-tegrated with e-learning on learning outcomes. The data analysis was used independent samples t-test from six essay questions and grading rubrics measurement. The results showed 1) a significant influence of the PBRL in-tegrated with e-learning on students spatial thinking ability, 2) an influence of the PBRL integrated with e-learning on the students' ability to make dis-aster management projects, and 3) a significant influence of the PBRL inte-grated with e-learning on learning outcomes. The learning model is also ef-fective as an alternative for distance learning

    Identifikasi karakteristik akuifer dan potensi air tanah dengan metode geolistrik konfigurasi Schlumberger di Desa Arjosari, Kecamatan Kalipare, Kabupaten Malang

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    Identification of groundwater potential through the characteristics of the aquifer layer is an important study. This is useful for knowing the availability of shallow groundwater in an area. Arjosari Village, Kalipare District, Malang Regency is an area that often experiences shortages in meeting daily water needs, especially during the dry season. The availability of groundwater at the research site is influenced by the area's topographical conditions, which range from flat to very steep.This study aims to identify the location of the aquifer and groundwater potential in Arjosari Village. This study uses the Schlumberger configuration to identify aquifers and groundwater. This method adheres to the basic principle that each rock layer has a different resistivity value. In addition to rock material type factors, the level of saturation and chemical composition in water affects the value of resistivity. The results showed that the aquifer characteristics and groundwater potential were different for each lithological condition, slope, soil type, and land use. In the research location, shallow aquifers were found less than 20 meters while there were also deep aquifers located more than 25 meters below the ground surface. Shallow aquifers can be used as a water source by the community, especially to meet their daily water needs. The results of this study are used for Geography learning on hydrological material.Identifikasi potensi airtanah melalui karakteristik perlapisan akuifer merupakan suatu kajian yang penting. Hal ini bermanfaat untuk mengetahui ketersediaan air tanah dangkal di suatu wilayah. Desa Arjosari, Kecamatan Kalipare, Kabupaten Malang merupakan wilayah yang sering mengalami kekurangan air dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari khususnya saat musim kemarau. Kondisi topografi wilayah yang bervariasi dari datar hingga sangat curam merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi keterdapatan airtanah di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi lokasi keberadaan akuifer dan potensi airtanah di Desa Arjosari. Penelitian ini menggunakan konfigurasi Schlumberger untuk mengidentifikasi akuifer dan airtanah. Metode ini berdasarkan prinsip dasar bahwa masing-masing perlapisan batuan mempunyai nilai tahanan jenis yang berbeda-beda. Selain faktor jenis material batuan, tingkat kejenuhan dan komposisi kimia dalam air mempengaruhi nilai tahanan jenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik akuifer dan potensi airtanah berbeda pada setiap kondisi litologi, kemiringan lereng, jenis tanah, dan penggunaan lahan. Di lokasi penelitian ditemukan akuifer dangkal kurang dari 20 meter sementara terdapat pula akuifer dalam yang terletak lebih dari 25 meter di bawah permukaan tanah. Akuifer dangkal dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air oleh masyarakat khususnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian ini dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran geografi pada materi hidrologi