692 research outputs found
Peer Review Untuk Pengajaran Ketrampilan Menulis Kalimat Bahasa Inggris
This research aimed to know the effectiveness of peer review for teaching English sentence writing skill to university students in Central Java, Indonesia. An experimental group was treated by implementing peer review, but a control group was not treated. For collecting the data, both groups were given test: pre test and post test. After analyzing using t-test formula, the result showed that t-value (2,890) was higher than t-table (2,048). Therefore, peer review was effective for teaching English sentence writing skill.
Key words: peer review, sentence writing skill, teaching English sentence writing skil
Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Pariah Movie Episode of Smallville Serial Movie
This study was to describe the conversational implicature and the violation of the co-operative principle which appears in the ‘Pariah' episode of Smallville serial movie. The subject of this study was the utterances which contained the
conversational implicature in scene one and scene two of act one in written script of the movie written by Holly Harold directed by Paul Shapiro available in TWIZ TV.COM and originally air dated on February second, 2005.
The result showed that there were fourteen conversational implicatures. They violated the Grice's maxims. Mostly, they violated in Quality maxim which reached 35.7 percentages. The lowest percentage violating the maxim was on quantity maxim. It reached 14.3 percentages. This suggested that using conversation in movie provided good stimulus for learners to understand well what was implied in the meaning of the utterances, to get casual conversation model, to learn the language easily, and to practice the language in conversation.
Key words: conversational implicatures, violation of co-operative principle in Grice
maxims, Pariah episode in smallville serial movi
Ethnobotanical Study on Tidung Tribe in Using Plants for Medicine, Spice, and Ceremony
Ethnobotany is a study that is related to plants and their use. This study is based on the reality that human kinds cannot be separated from their nature. Interestingly, different tribes has different ways in using natural resources. In in Indonesia, study ethnobotany has enriched the variety of ethnobiology study. This is because Indonesia has various tribes and each tribe has their own ways in interacting with their nature, including the way they use plants for daily life. One of tribes that has been studied is Tidung. Tidung is a tribe that inhabits the north area of Kalimantan, Indonesia. This tribe is using plants for medicine, spice, and ceremony. This study has been done by interviewing people who are Tidung tribe. The result shows that there are 20 medicinal plant species, 16 spice plant species, and eight ceremonial plant species. Mostly, the Tidung tribe use plants for medicine which means that this tribe highly depends on the nature of mainataining their health
Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan peningakatan kemampuan menulis narasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia kelas VII B di MTs Negeri Bendosari Sukoharjo serta mengetahui peningkatan kualalitas dan hasil kemampuan menulis siswa pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia materi karangan narasi dengan menggunakan strategi Critical incident. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), kolaboratif antara peneliti kepala sekolah dan guru bahasa Indonesia kelas VII B. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII B di MTs Negeri Bendosari Sukoharjo yang berjumlah 29 siswa, siswa laki-laki berjumlah 19 dan siswa perempuan berjumlah 10 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data ini adalah observasi wawancara, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilaksanakan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Perbaikan tindakan mengajar yang dilakukan oleh guru yaitu melibatkan siswa secara aktif dan mandiri, membantu membimbing dan mengarahkan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal-soal dengan strategi Critical Incident. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil tes uji coba mandiri siswa dengan nilai KKM diatas 69. Adanya peningkatan kemampuan menulis narasi siswa kelas VII B di MTs Negeri Bendosari Sukoharjo sebelum tindakan hanya mencapai 44,8% (13 siswa), pada tindakan I meningkat menjadi 62,0% (18 siswa), dan pada tindakan II meningkat menjadi 75,9% sebanyak 22 siswa, kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa penggunaan strategi Critical Incident dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan sastra Indonesia pada materi menulis narasi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis narasi siswa kelas VII B MTs Negeri Bendosari Sukoharjo
View of Nature of Science (VNOS) Form B: an Instrument for Assessing Preservice Teachers View of Nature of Science at Borneo University Tarakan
VNOS form B is an instrument that has been developed and revised to assess the view of nature of science of preservice science teachers through nature of science aspects.Indeed, students and teachers have to have the view of nature of science to avoid misconceptions of science concepts. Unfortunately, research on the view of Nature of Science is less conducted in Indonesia. This is a qualitative research that was conducted in Borneo University Tarakan. Respondents are preservice biology teachers in the sixth semester. The first step of this research is translating and adapting the VNOS form B into Bahasa Indonesia to make sure that the instrument is culturally fit to Indonesian and the transadapted instrument then given to the respondents. The result shows that the VNOS form B can be applied to assess the view of nature of science of preservice biology teachers. However, the result also shows that most of preservice biology teachers have few understanding on aspects of nature of scince
Audio Feedback in ESL/EFL Writing Contexts: A Review of the Literature
Over the past two decades, multiple empirical studies have examined how teacher audio feedback works in EFL/ESL writing courses. This review explores instructor audio feedback studies in higher education writing contexts. Seventy empirical studies were identified in literature searches published between 2000 and 2022 in several academic databases. Then, based on exclusion and inclusion criteria, thirteen relevant studies were reviewed. The results indicate that interest in instructor audio feedback research has risen since 2000. This overview presents what empirical studies on teacher audio feedback in L2 writing courses aimed to find out, how they were conducted, and what they found. As many research designs and findings were underexplored, more studies are required to investigate this feedback type to benefit L2 writing learning and teaching and enrich studies on audio feedback practices. The gaps identified in the selected studies offer ideas for future explorations of teacher audio feedback in L2 writing contexts
Pelaksanaan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan langkah
strategis untuk melengkapi kompetensi mahasiswa calon tenaga kependidikan.
Dengan PPL mahasiswa dapat belajar dari lapangan. Dengan demikian mahasiswa
dapat memberi dan menerima (give and take) berbagai keilmuan yang dapat
menghantarkan mahasiswa menjadi calon tenaga pendidik professional.
Agar kegiatan PPL yang dilaksanakan sejak tanggal 1 Juli 2014 sampai 17
September 2014 berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan tujuan, maka diperlukan
adanya persiapan yang matang. Persiapan PPL terwujud dalam kegiatan pembekalan.
Tahap I dengan materi orientasi pelaksanaan observasi di sekolah serta penyusunan
program. Pembekalan tahap II diadakan menjelang pelaksanaan PPL, mahasiswa
memperoleh pembekalan yang dilaksanakan di kampus UNY. Materi yang diberikan
meliputi materi untuk pengembangan wawasan mahasiswa dan teknik melaksanakan
PPL tentang pelaksanaan pendidikan yang relevan dengan kebijakan bidang
Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh praktikan selama masa
observasi, praktikan memperoleh gambaran tentang situasi dan kondisi kegiatan
belajar mengajar mata pelajaran geografi kelas X dan XI yang berada di SMA Negeri
5 Purworejo. Setelah melaksanakan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) di SMA
Negeri 5 Purworejo, banyak pengalaman yang praktikan dapatkan mengenai situasi
dan permasalahan pendidikan di suatu sekolah
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