7,392 research outputs found

    Second-chance punitivism and the contractual governance of crime and incivility: New Labour, old Hobbes

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    The growing application of mechanisms of contractual governance to behaviour that breaches social norms, rather than the criminal law, appears to represent an ethopolitical concern with delinquent self-reform through the activation of technologies of the self. In fact, there is little empirical evidence that the contractual governance of incivility leads to such self-reform. Beneath the ideology of contractual agreement to observe social norms lies what this paper calls a ‘second-chance punitivism’ which operates to crystallise behavioural elements of the Hobbesian social contract, after breach, into a more specific form. The responsibilising and individualising properties of this form of contractual governance set the moral-ideological platform for a retributive punitivism, when the rational agents it creates fail to live up to their image, and are taken to have wasted their ‘second chance’

    190 MeV Proton-Induced Fission

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grants NSF PHY 78-22774 A03, NSF PHY 81-14339, and by Indiana Universit

    The Two Fluid Drop Snap-off Problem: Experiments and Theory

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    We address the dynamics of a drop with viscosity λη\lambda \eta breaking up inside another fluid of viscosity η\eta. For λ=1\lambda=1, a scaling theory predicts the time evolution of the drop shape near the point of snap-off which is in excellent agreement with experiment and previous simulations of Lister and Stone. We also investigate the λ\lambda dependence of the shape and breaking rate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exploring the parent population of beamed NLS1s: from the black hole to the jet

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    The aim of this work is to understand the nature of the parent population of beamed narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), by studying the physical properties of three parent candidates samples: steep-spectrum radio-loud NLS1s, radio-quiet NLS1s and disk-hosted radio-galaxies. In particular, we focused on the black hole mass and Eddington ratio distribution and on the interactions between the jet and the narrow-line region.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO) V, Workshop Series of the Argentinian Astronomical Societ

    SuperWASP: Wide Angle Search for Planets

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    SuperWASP is a fully robotic, ultra-wide angle survey for planetary transits. Currently under construction, it will consist of 5 cameras, each monitoring a 9.5 x 9.5 deg field of view. The Torus mount and enclosure will be fully automated and linked to a built-in weather station. We aim to begin observations at the beginning of 2003.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to be published in proceedings of "Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets

    Experimental results on strangeness production in proton-proton collisions at COSY

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    The production of K+ and K- mesons in elementary proton-proton collision has been investigated at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY in Juelich. A high quality proton beam with low emittance and small momentum spread permitted to study the creation of these mesons very close to the kinematical threshold. The energy dependence of the total cross section is investigated using internal beam facilities providing a high accuracy particle momentum determination as well as an external non-magnetic detection setup with a large geometrical acceptance. The determination of the four-momentum vectors for all ejectiles of each registered event gives the complete kinematical information allowing to study the interaction of the outgoing particles. Results on the performed studies of the pp --> pp K+ K-, pp --> p Lambda K+ and pp --> p Sigma0 K+ reactions will be presented and their relevance to the interpretation of heavy ion collisions will be discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, plenary talk at 6th International Conference On Strange Quarks in Matter: '2001 - A Flavorspace Odyssey' (SQM2001), Frankfurt, Germany, September 25-29, 2001, to be published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy