6 research outputs found

    Ethnic tourism in Latin America a review of research issues

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    This paper aims to offer a review of research issues related to ethnic tourism - one of the dynamically developing "niche" forms of tourist traffic, considered to have a great potential for development. The examples of ethnic tourism centres from Ecuador and Mexico, where the author conducted field research, and discussed in the second part of the paper, illustrate the problems outlined in the introduction. The presented examples seem to prove the phenomenon of rebuilding, or reinforcing localness in the globalized world, which is debated by contemporary anthropologists, and more and more frequently discussed by geographers. Ethnic tourism shows in a focus both global tendencies, e.g. demand for "ethnic tourist products", and for processes having a local dimension, such as seeking new economic strategies in the changing external conditions which would permit the local residents to stay in the original place of residence, appreciation for the local traditions and consciously shaping the group identity. Ethnic tourism cannot be treated either as a universal remedy for the subsistence problems of the indigenous population or as a universal threat for their identity. It can take various forms; it can develop in different conditions and support various interests of its promoters. It seems chat the larger the share of local communities in taking decisions on the dimensions and forms of tourist traffic, the greater their ownership, the better the chances for the success of projects in the sphere of ethnic tourism. However, this success requires not only the engagement on the part of the hosts and their ability to organise joint activities, but also to change the attitude of many "guests''. Visitors should only expect to see "petrified in time", "original" traditions, thus being limited to "staged authenticity''. It is difficult to say whether an attitude of openness to live, contemporary cultural diversity may become a part of the spectrum of ethnic tourism or whether it will find its place in new forms "niche" of phenomena in tourist traffic. The currently observed popularity of ethnic tourism may imply that it has become a permanent feature of multi-cultural world. Studying its forms will certainly allow for a better understanding of the complicated sphere of contacts between various cultures

    Commercialisation of folk handicrafts in Mexico, Ecuador and Poland

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    The article based on the author 's field experiences analyses changes within the sector of contemporary folk handicrafts in Mexico, Ecuador and in Poland. After a short discussion on terms used in descriptions of the phenomena analysed (folk crafts, handicrafts, folk art, tourist art) - the text deals with general tendencies observed in present-day Latin American crafts production. Insertion of crafts in local economies and cultures and the transformation of some products in tourist merchandise or in decorative or utilitarian object bought by national urban and international clients are the main elements of the present-day craft market in Latin America. The author tries to show as well main directions in contemporary studies on Latin American crafts. Cases of Ecuadorian and Mexican communities that successfully transformed handicrafts in the main or important source of revenue are presented in the second part of the text, dealing with textiles from Otavalo and wood carving from San Antonio de Ibarra (Ecuador), pottery from Metepec and Ocumicho, and amate bark paper paintings (Mexico) The last part brings a description of changes of the craft market in Poland after the collapse of state-controlled system of their promotion, production and distribution. The discussion of possibilities of applying same of Latin American local experiences and the recovery of craft production in Poland ends the text

    Migrants, identity, place. Cuban immigrants in Florida

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    After resuming the history, dynamics and social and political features of the Cuban immigration to Florida, the author describes the urban space of the Cuban Miami, focusing on its place among other ethnic districts and its specifics - result of the existence of Cuban economic enclave in Miami. Discussing the problem of identity among Cuban immigrants, the author shows the difference between the first generation of migrants, considering themselves Cubans in exile and the confused identities of the second generation of Cuban-Americans. Some of the second generation youths identify themselves in terms of „being from Miami” refering it mainly to social and cultural space of Latin and Cuban reality of the city. The relation between identity and place studied, among others, by British and American human geographers can give an interesting insight into the problem of confused identities of migrants

    Latin American rural communities within research carried on in the Department of Latin America

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    The paper is a summary of research on local communities in rural areas in Latin Amcrica, carried out in the Department of Latin America, transformed later into the Departmcnt of Regional Studies of Latin America and finally the Department of Geography of Latin America at the Faculty of Geography and Rcgional Studies, University of Warsaw. Rural studies have been the dominant trajectory of research conductcd in the Department, however the text relates primarily major collaborative projects based on extensive field studies. The first and most important part of them concerned selected Mexican regions, particularly Las Huastecas and the north-western part of the State of Mexico (Mazahua region). They have been carried out in collaboration with Mexican researchers between the 80s and 2013. Their results are presented in reference to the general background of changing political and economic situation of the country. Follow-up studies including several field trips to the same places over time showed the dynamics of social, economic and spatial transformation of rural areas. Another collaborative project referred to consisted in studies in agricultural production cooperatives in Cuba, during the period 1987-1990. The third group of project aimed at understanding the role of rural tourism in local development in Latin American countries. They were carried out in the framework of collaborative research project which dealt with a number of regions of Ecuador and the smaller, individual research initiatives relating to diversification of forms of rural tourism in Mexico, Peru, Chile and Argentina. In the latter the importance of cultural heritage of Latin American countryside for development of rural tourism, including the specifics of ethnic tourism were included as a new research topic

    Migrations as a factor of social and economic transformations in Latin America

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    The text is a summary of research and didactics related to migration phenomena in Latin America, carried out in the Department of Latin America, transformed into the Departmcnt of Regional Studies on Latin America and later, the Department of Geography of Latin America, at the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. The authors focus on the most important issues present in research projects: labour migration characteristics and their effects observed in areas with particularly high intensity of labour migration, strategies of immigrants from Latin America in the United States of America and Europe, development of new patterns of international migration and socio-economic relations between places of origin and destination places of migrants. They are analysed on the basis of studies on: agricultural colonization, interregional migrations of Mexicans and Ecuadoreans, Caribbean migrants in New York City, Toronto and Miami, as well as Peruvians and Ecuadoreans in Italian cities. The application of the concept of transnational communities has been discussed within the last research cluster. Studies on changing patterns of labour migration of Mexican indigenous population and other groups of rural inhabitants in several Latin American countries have been characterized in detail and according to the authors, they confirm the importance of comparative perspective in research on socio-economic behaviour of migrants. It is helpful in explaining the nature of changes in social relations, organization of space and economic structures in areas sending migrants and transformations of their performance in migration destinations. Interdisciplinary approach, particularly cooperation among geographers, sociologists and anthropologist makes deepening of our knowledge on phenomena mentioned possible