47 research outputs found

    Targeting SHP2 phosphatase in breast cancer overcomes RTK-mediated resistance to PI3K inhibitors

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    BACKGROUND: PI3K signaling is frequently activated in breast cancer and is targeted by PI3K inhibitors. However, resistance of tumor cells to PI3K inhibition, often mediated by activated receptor tyrosine kinases, is commonly observed and reduces the potency of PI3K inhibitors. Therefore, new treatment strategies to overcome resistance to PI3K inhibitors are urgently needed to boost their efficacy. The phosphatase SHP2, which plays a crucial role in mediating signal transduction between receptor tyrosine kinases and both the PI3K and MAPK pathways, is a potential target for combination treatment. METHODS: We tested combinations of PI3K and SHP2 inhibitors in several experimental breast cancer models that are resistant to PI3K inhibition. Using cell culturing, biochemical and genetic approaches, we evaluated tumor cell proliferation and signaling output in cells treated with PI3K and SHP2 inhibitors. RESULTS: Combination treatment with PI3K and SHP2 inhibitors counteracted both acquired and intrinsic breast cancer cell resistance to PI3K inhibition that is mediated by activated receptor tyrosine kinases. Dual PI3K and SHP2 inhibition blocked proliferation and led to sustained inactivation of PI3K and MAPK signaling, where resistant cells rapidly re-activated these pathways upon PI3K inhibitor monotreatment. In addition, we demonstrate that overexpression of SHP2 induced resistance to PI3K inhibition, and that SHP2 was frequently activated during the development of PI3K inhibitor resistance after prolonged treatment of sensitive cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the importance of SHP2 as a player in resistance to PI3K inhibitors. Combination treatment with PI3K and SHP2 inhibitors could pave the way for significant improvements in therapies for breast cancer

    Mutant p53 as a guardian of the cancer cell

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    Forty years of research have established that the p53 tumor suppressor provides a major barrier to neoplastic transformation and tumor progression by its unique ability to act as an extremely sensitive collector of stress inputs, and to coordinate a complex framework of diverse effector pathways and processes that protect cellular homeostasis and genome stability. Missense mutations in the TP53 gene are extremely widespread in human cancers and give rise to mutant p53 proteins that lose tumor suppressive activities, and some of which exert trans-dominant repression over the wild-type counterpart. Cancer cells acquire selective advantages by retaining mutant forms of the protein, which radically subvert the nature of the p53 pathway by promoting invasion, metastasis and chemoresistance. In this review, we consider available evidence suggesting that mutant p53 proteins can favor cancer cell survival and tumor progression by acting as homeostatic factors that sense and protect cancer cells from transformation-related stress stimuli, including DNA lesions, oxidative and proteotoxic stress, metabolic inbalance, interaction with the tumor microenvironment, and the immune system. These activities of mutant p53 may explain cancer cell addiction to this particular oncogene, and their study may disclose tumor vulnerabilities and synthetic lethalities that could be exploited for hitting tumors bearing missense TP53 mutations

    YAP and β-catenin cooperate to drive oncogenesis in basal breast cancer

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    Targeting cancer stem cells (CSC) can serve as an effective approach toward limiting resistance to therapies. While basal-like (triple-negative) breast cancers encompass cells with CSC features, rational therapies remain poorly established. We show here that the receptor tyrosine kinase Met promotes YAP activity in basal-like breast cancer and find enhanced YAP activity within the CSC population. Interfering with YAP activity delayed basal-like cancer formation, prevented luminal to basal trans-differentiation, and reduced CSC. YAP knockout mammary glands revealed a decrease in β-catenin target genes, suggesting that YAP is required for nuclear β-catenin activity. Mechanistically, nuclear YAP interacted with β-catenin and TEAD4 at gene regulatory elements. Proteomic patient data revealed an upregulation of the YAP signature in basal-like breast cancers. Our findings demonstrate that in basal-like breast cancers, β-catenin activity is dependent on YAP signalling and controls the CSC program. These findings suggest that targeting the YAP/TEAD4/β-catenin complex offers a potential therapeutic strategy for eradicating CSCs in basal-like breast cancers

    Proteasome machinery is instrumental in a common gain-of-function program of the p53 missense mutants in cancer

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    In cancer, the tumour suppressor gene TP53 undergoes frequent missense mutations that endow mutant p53 proteins with oncogenic properties. Until now, a universal mutant p53 gain-of-function program has not been defined. By means of multi-omics: proteome, DNA interactome (chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing) and transcriptome (RNA sequencing/microarray) analyses, we identified the proteasome machinery as a common target of p53 missense mutants. The mutant p53-proteasome axis globally affects protein homeostasis, inhibiting multiple tumour-suppressive pathways, including the anti-oncogenic KSRP-microRNA pathway. In cancer cells, p53 missense mutants cooperate with Nrf2 (NFE2L2) to activate proteasome gene transcription, resulting in resistance to the proteasome inhibitor carfilzomib. Combining the mutant p53-inactivating agent APR-246 (PRIMA-1MET) with the proteasome inhibitor carfilzomib is effective in overcoming chemoresistance in triple-negative breast cancer cells, creating a therapeutic opportunity for treatment of solid tumours and metastasis with mutant p53