6 research outputs found

    Identification of Fruit Tree Compositions in Public Parks Structure. Warsaw Case Study

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    Fruit trees are essential components of different types of greenery, including not only private gardens but also historical and modern public parks and gardens of many other cities. The research was carried out in spring 2016 by visiting different parks. Fruit trees were identified in 22 public parks of Warsaw situated in different districts of the city and picked up randomly for preliminary study. Observations were made by photographic documentation and mapping of the fruit trees on park plans using GPS coordinates which were taken during the site visit and Google Earth maps. According to the observations, selected fruit trees compositions have been recognized in public parks of Warsaw. The compositional structures that have been observed consist of solitaire fruit trees, groups of trees (containing fruit trees, but mostly composed of fruit trees and ornamental shrubs) and linear structures of fruit trees (rows and alleys). The results of the preliminary study show that the most frequent fruit tree compositions used in the structure of selected public parks of Warsaw represent groups of trees - groups that consist of fruit trees and different species of ornamental shrubs. The undertaken study confirmed that fruit trees planted in the public parks of Warsaw have a high compositional value. They play an important role in the spatial arrangement of the parks selected, but also define the scope and borders of the selected garden interiors and create attractive sites

    Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) and Peach (Prunus persica L.) Phenological Growth Stages According to BBCH Scale

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    The study present the detail descriptions of the stages of stone fruits growth, Prunus avium and Prunus persica, according to the BBCH scale. Phenological data were collected from 4 years old trees of P.avium and P. persica. The development stage of each organ was recorded during two growing seasons (2015-2016). Photographs of each stage were taken to illustrate the phenological growth stages. An accurate understanding of these stages is important for the correct timing of orchard management, as well as for disease and pest management, irrigation, flower thinning, fertilizer effectiveness etc

    Comparative Studies Of Oak (Quercus Petraea L.) Reservations Within Cluj Forestry

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    In Romania it is necessary a sustained effort to extend the forest areas through artificial regeneration. The purpose of this study is to show the correlation between the heights and diameters of Quercus petraea trees from seed reserves and their seed production. They were chosen 80 trees situated in four Quercus petraea seed reserves of Cluj County. The trees selected were located at a distance of 30 meters from each other. It has been found that the two measured variables (core diameter and trees height) are direct positive correlated, in the sense that increasing the value of a variable and thus leads to an increase in the other. Choosing trees with special qualities have great importance when it comes to transmitting genetic gain new generations. Comprehensive analysis of stationary and vegetation characteristics result in reproductive material with significant values as seeds quality and adaptability. 

    Flower Development of Ornamental Crabapple According to BBCH Scale

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    Crabapples offer a wide variety of tree forms and size, leaf shapes, flowers and colourful fruits which improve the quality of green spaces, being an excellent four-season landscape trees. The aim of this study was to determine flower development of Malus x zumi ‘Professor Sprenger’ using Biologische Bundesantalt, Bundessortenamt, and Chemische Industrie - BBCH code under urban conditions. Observations were made weekly during two growing seasons to identify the flowering stages. Flower development of ornamental crabapple described according to BBCH scale started from flower induction until dormancy. Knowing the flower development stages of ‘Professor Sprenger’ variety provide information on visual assessment protocols from urban areas and determine the species’ most ornamental period of the year

    Assessing the Visual Quality of Urban Landscapes Influenced by the Presence of Fruit Trees

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    The study was carried out to investigate the visual impact of using fruit trees in urban landscapes by applying the Scenic Beauty Estimation Method (SBE). Thirty students from the Faculty of Horticulture were asked to assign scenic beauty values to different landscapes with and without the presence of fruit trees in urban areas. The results show that fruit trees have positive influences on the aesthetic value of perceived landscape scenery

    Relationships Among Seed Germination, Lithological Substrate and Growth in Two Quercus Species

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    In Romania, Quercus is represented by five to nine species, depending on their taxonomic classification. The purpose of this study was to determine the seed germination rate and seedling growth of Quercus robur and Quercus petraea species in different soil conditions. The results obtained show that there are differences between trees growing and development. Our results show that seed quality and lithological substrate have an influence on seed germination of Quercus robur and Quercus petraea species. This fact has an important role in forest resource management