4 research outputs found

    Generalized Lymphatic Anomaly as a Differential Diagnosis of Lytic Lesions

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    Generalized lymphatic anomaly (GLA) is an infrequent multiorgan disease characterized by the presence of abnormal proliferation of lymphatic vessels. The diagnosis requires histological confirmation, and the treatment is controversial. We are presenting a case of a 28-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with an extragonadal mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumor. He underwent chemotherapy, and during this treatment, radiologic findings evidenced lytic lesions. Multiple biopsies were performed, which revealed the presence of abnormal lymphatic vessels, characteristic of GLA. There are different etiologies of osteolytic lesions, and on some occasions, they mimic a tumoral entity. The clinical suspicion of GLA is the first step in approaching the diagnosis, particularly in young adult patients

    Neuroim谩genes estructurales y funcionales en la caracterizaci贸n del linfoma del SNC Structural and functional imaging for the characterization of CNS lymphomas

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    Objetivo: Mostrar los hallazgos en im谩genes del compromiso primario o secundario del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) por el linfoma, haciendo 茅nfasis en el aporte de la espectroscop铆a. Material y m茅todos: Se estudiaron en forma retrospectiva con un equipo de resonancia magn茅tica (RM) de 1.5T 25 casos (16 hombres y 9 mujeres) con diagn贸stico histol贸gico de linfoma no Hodgkin y compromiso del SNC. Se destacaron los distintos tipos de presentaci贸n en im谩genes convencionales con contraste y funcionales en espectroscop铆a. Se utilizaron t茅cnicas multivoxel con tiempos de eco intermedio y corto. Resultados: Se detectaron 3 patrones principales de presentaci贸n de esta patolog铆a: parenquimatosa, men铆ngea y de pares craneanos. Adem谩s, se destacaron algunos hallazgos caracter铆sticos, como compromiso de los espacios perivasculares. La resonancia magn茅tica convencional no fue concluyente en la caracterizaci贸n del tumor en varios de los casos. En dichos pacientes, el aporte de la espectroscop铆a fue de gran utilidad. El hallazgo m谩s significativo tanto para los linfomas primarios como para los secundarios fue el aumento de los picos de l铆pidos y colina. El pico de l铆pido fue en algunos casos identificado como el metabolito dominante, especialmente en tiempos de eco (TE) corto. No se encontraron diferencias en el patr贸n espectrosc贸pico entre linfomas primarios y sist茅micos. Conclusi贸n: La afectaci贸n del SNC por los linfomas presenta una gran variedad de manifestaciones radiol贸gicas, con diferentes patrones de presentaci贸n. Esta caracter铆stica hace dif铆cil la correcta caracterizaci贸n de estos tumores en forma prequir煤rgica s贸lo con RM convencional. La espectroscop铆a por RM puede ser de gran utilidad en estas situaciones, demostrando la presencia del pico de l铆pido. Este hallazgo, presente en un tumor s贸lido intraxial con realce post contraste sugiere la posibilidad de un linfoma y podr铆a promover la modificaci贸n de la estrategia terap茅utica y quir煤rgica.<br>Purpose: To show the imaging patterns of primary or secondary involvement of the Central Nervous System (CNS) in cases of lymphoma with emphasis in the contribution of spectroscopy. Material and methods: 25 cases (16 males and 9 females) were retrospectively reviewed using a 1.5T magnetic resonance unit. The patients had a histological diagnosis of Non- Hodgkins lymphoma with CNS involvement. The cases were studied with conventional MR with contrast and functional images were obtained with spectroscopy through a multivoxel technique using intermediate and short echo sequences Results: Three main patterns of presentation were identified: parenchymal, meningeal and cranial nerve involvement. Additionally some characteristic findings were detected such as the involvement of perivascular spaces. Conventional MRI was not conclusive in the characterization of several tumors. In such patients spectroscopy proved to be very useful. The most significant findings both in the primary tumors as well as in the secondary lesions were the lipid and choline peaks. The choline peak was in some cases identified as the dominant metabolite, particularly in the short TE echo sequences. No differences were found between the spectroscopic pattern of primary and systemic lymphomas. Conclusion: CNS lymphomas are tumors with a wide range of radiological patterns. This characteristic creates difficulties to characterize them correctly during the pre-surgical phase with conventional MRI alone. MR Spectroscopy may be useful in such cases by demonstrating the lipid peak. This finding only seen in deep intra-axial tumours demonstrated by contrast enhancement supports the presumption of lymphoma and may lead to changes in therapeutic or surgical strategy

    Actualizaci贸n de la estadificaci贸n del c谩ncer de pulm贸n Lung cancer staging: an update

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    The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), junto con The International Union Against Cancer (UICC) y The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), crearon un Comit茅 Internacional de Estadificaci贸n (ISC) que recopil贸 retrospectivamente y analiz贸 los datos procedentes de pacientes de diferentes partes del mundo, con el prop贸sito de efectuar cambios en la 6a edici贸n del TNM de c谩ncer de pulm贸n. La misma hab铆a sido publicada en el 2002 y no hab铆a tenido modificaciones desde 1997 (5a edici贸n), por lo que con la actualizaci贸n se busc贸 establecer una estadificaci贸n adecuada y segura, necesaria para describir en forma estandarizada la extensi贸n de la enfermedad, predecir el pron贸stico, seleccionar la terap茅utica y evaluar los resultados en ensayos cl铆nicos retrospectivos. La 7a edici贸n del TNM de c谩ncer de pulm贸n, publicada a fines de 2009 y vigente desde el 1掳 de enero de 2010, ha incorporado en la estadificaci贸n del c谩ncer de pulm贸n cambios sustanciales (especialmente referidos al tama帽o tumoral y mapeo ganglionar), proponiendo adem谩s una nueva agrupaci贸n de estadios.The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) together with The International Union Against Cancer (UICC) and The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) created an International Staging Committee (ISC) that retrospectively collected and analyzed data from patients worldwide with the purpose of introducing changes to the 6th edition of the TNM staging for lung cancer published in 2002, which was not changed since 1997 (5th Edition). The updating was intended to provide an adequate and safe staging, which is necessary to describe, in a standardized manner, the extent of disease, predict prognosis, select therapy, and assess outcomes in prospective clinical trials. The 7th edition of the TNM staging for lung cancer published in late 2009 and effective as of January 1, 2010, have incorporated substantial changes in the staging of lung cancer (with particular reference to tumor size and lymph node mapping), and, additionally, proposing a new staging groups

    Puesta al d铆a: estadificaci贸n del carcinoma de c茅lulas renales Update on staging of renal cell carcinoma.

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    El c谩ncer de c茅lulas renales o adenocarcinoma renal es el tumor renal maligno m谩s frecuente en adultos, con una incidencia mayor entre la cuarta y sexta d茅cadas de la vida. Los hombres se afectan el doble que las mujeres. En Argentina, por a帽o se calcula una incidencia de 6,1 casos por 100.000 habitantes, con una mortalidad anual de 3,4 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Para la estadificaci贸n se utiliza el sistema TNM de la American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), actualizado en su s茅ptima edici贸n (2010). All铆 se reflejan algunos cambios en el T, con subdivisi贸n de la categor铆a T2 (T2a > 7 cm y 10 cm). Asimismo, se considera T4 a la invasi贸n por contig眉idad de la gl谩ndula suprarrenal homolateral y T3a al compromiso de la vena renal. Tambi茅n se simplific贸 el N en N0 y N1.Renal cell cancer or renal adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant renal tumor in adults, with a higher incidence between the fourth and sixth decades of life. It is twice more frequent in men than in women. In Argentina, the estimated incidence is 6.1 cases per 100000 inhabitants per year with a mortality rate of 3.4 cases per 100000 inhabitants per year. Staging is performed using the TNM system of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), which has been updated in its seventh edition, (2010) reflecting changes in T, with T2 subdivision (T2a > 7 cm and 10 cm), reclassification of ipsilateral adrenal involvement as T4 if there is contiguous invasion and reclassification of renal vein involvement as T3a. Nodal involvement was simplified to N0 and N1