7 research outputs found

    Praćenje dinamičkih deformacija tehnoloških struktura

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    Building structures are extremely sensitive to the influence of outdoor conditions, especially the influence of wind, temperature changes in the surroundings caused by sunshine, and the effect of the building’s own or operating load. According to the resonance of the structure with the surroundings, vibrations and oscillations in relatively high frequency intervals (1–100.0 Hz) occur. These phenomena significantly affect the static and dynamic characteristics of structures as well as their safety and functionality. The paper provides an example of monitoring these phenomena using surveying methods and instrumentation. The monitored structure (a desorbing tower) has a cylindrical shape. The measurements were made by a total station with a measurement frequency ca 2 Hz. The main point of the paper is an analysis of the dynamic behaviour of the structure using different methods for the spectral analysis of a time series. The use of a fast Fourier Transform and a Lomb-Scargle periodogram is described, and the frequencies of the structure’s oscillation are calculated.Strukture zgrada iznimno su osjetljive na utjecaj vanjskih uvjeta, posebno na utjecaje vjetra, temperaturne promjene u okolini uzrokovane sunčevim zračenjem, a također i na utjecaj vlastitog ili operativnog opterećenja. Prema rezonanciji strukture s okolinom, javljaju se vibracije i oscilacije u relativno visokim frekvencijskim intervalima (1–100,0 Hz). Ta pojava znatno utječe na statičke i dinamičke karakteristike struktura, kao i na njihovu sigurnost i funkcionalnost. U radu se daje primjer praćenja tih pojava geodetskim metodama i instrumentima. Struktura koja se prati (desorpcijski toranj) ima cilindrični oblik. Mjerenja su provedena pomoću totalne stanice mjernom frekvencijom oko 2 Hz. Doprinos u radu je analiza dinamičkog ponašanja strukture upotrebom različitih metoda i spektralnih analiza vremenskog niza podataka. Opisana je upotreba brze Fourierove transformacije i Lomb-Scarglovog periodograma i izračunate frekvencije strukturnih oscilacija

    Monitoring of Bridge Dynamics by Radar Interferometry

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    The paper presents the possibilities of radar interferometry in dynamic deformationmonitoring of bridge structures. The technology is increasingly used for this purposethanks to high accuracy of realized measurements and possibility to measure deformationat multiple places of the monitored structure. High frequency of realized measurements (upto 200 Hz) enables to determine the most of significant vibration modes of bridgedeformation. This technology is presented on real case study of the cycle bridge over theriver Morava near to Bratislava (Slovak republic). A spectral analysis of vibrationfrequencies is performed by discrete Fourier transformation. The evaluation of correctnessof the obtained deformation is performed by comparison of the results with accelerometerand total station measurements and FEM (Finite Element Method) model of the structure

    Monitoring of a concrete roof using terrestrial laser scanning

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    The paper deals with the geodetic monitoring of a parabolic shaped reinforced con-crete roof structure in the chemical company Duslo, Ltd. in Šaľa (Slovak Republic).The monitored structure is a part of the roof of a warehouse used for the storage offertilizer. The atmospheric conditions and the operation load caused deformationof the construction. For measurement was used the technology of terrestrial laserscanning. The displacements of the observed parts of the construction were cal-culated using planar surfaces by the procedure of Singular Value Decomposition ofmatrixes. The procedure of initial and 2 epochal measurements of deformations,the procedure of the data processing, and the results of the deformation monitoringare described

    Monitoring of a concrete roof using terrestrial laser scanning

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    The paper deals with the geodetic monitoring of a parabolic shaped reinforced con-crete roof structure in the chemical company Duslo, Ltd. in Šaľa (Slovak Republic).The monitored structure is a part of the roof of a warehouse used for the storage offertilizer. The atmospheric conditions and the operation load caused deformationof the construction. For measurement was used the technology of terrestrial laserscanning. The displacements of the observed parts of the construction were cal-culated using planar surfaces by the procedure of Singular Value Decomposition ofmatrixes. The procedure of initial and 2 epochal measurements of deformations,the procedure of the data processing, and the results of the deformation monitoringare described