65 research outputs found

    Irreducible values of polynomials

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    Schinzel's Hypothesis H is a general conjecture in number theory on prime values of polynomials that generalizes, e.g., the twin prime conjecture and Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progression. We prove an arithmetic analog of this conjecture for polynomial rings over pseudo algebraically closed fields. This implies results over large finite fields. A main tool in the proof is an irreducibility theorems \`a la Hilbert.Comment: The paper was shorten, some errors were correcte

    Hardy-Littlewood tuple conjecture over large finite field

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    We prove the following function field analog of the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture (which generalizes the twin prime conjecture) over large finite fields. Let n,r be positive integers and q an odd prime power. For distinct polynomials a_1, ..., a_r over F_q of degree <n let \pi(q,n;a) be the number of monic polynomials f over F_q of degree n such that f+a_1, ..., f+a_r are simultaneously irreducible. We prove that \pi(q,n;a) asymptotically equals q^n/n^r as q tends to infinity on odd prime powers and n,r are fixed (the tuple a1,...,a_r need not be fixed).Comment: minor change

    Projective pairs of profinite groups

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    We generalize the notion of a projective profinite group to a projective pair of a profinite group and a closed subgroup. We establish the connection with Pseudo Algebraically Closed (PAC) extensions of PAC fields: Let M be an algebraic extension of a PAC field K. Then M/K is PAC if and only if the corresponding pair of absolute Galois groups (Gal(M),Gal(K)) is projective. Moreover any projective pair can be realized as absolute Galois groups of a PAC extension of a PAC field. Using this characterization we construct new examples of PAC extensions of relatively small fields, e.g., unbounded abelian extensions of the rational numbers

    Irreducibility and embedding problems

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    We study irreducible specializations, in particular when group-preserving specializations may not exist. We obtain a criterion in terms of embedding problems. We include several applications to analogs of Schinzel's hypothesis H and to the theory of Hilbertian fields

    On the Bateman-Horm Conjecture about Polynomial Rings

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    Given a power qq of a prime number pp and "nice" polynomials f_1,...,f_r\in\bbF_q[T,X] with r=1r=1 if p=2p=2, we establish an asymptotic formula for the number of pairs (a_1,a_2)\in\bbF_q^2 such that f1(T,a1T+a2),...,fr(T,a1T+a2)f_1(T,a_1T+a_2),...,f_r(T,a_1T+a_2) are irreducible in \bbF_q[T]. In particular that number tends to infinity with qq.Comment: To be published in Muenster Journal of Mathematic

    On totally ramified extensions of discrete valued fields

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    We give a simple characterization of the totally wild ramified valuations in a Galois extension of fields of characteristic p. This criterion involves the valuations of Artin-Schreier cosets of the F_{p^r}^\times-translation of a single element. We apply the criterion to construct some interesting examples

    On the number of ramified primes in specializations of function fields over Q\mathbb{Q}

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    We study the number of ramified prime numbers in finite Galois extensions of Q\mathbb{Q} obtained by specializing a finite Galois extension of Q(T)\mathbb{Q}(T). Our main result is a central limit theorem for this number. We also give some Galois theoretical applications.Comment: To appear in the New York Journal of Mathematic

    PAC Fields over Finitely Generated Fields

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    We prove the following theorem for a finitely generated field KK: Let MM be a Galois extension of KK which is not separably closed. Then MM is not PAC over KK.Comment: 7 pages, Math.

    Subgroup structure of fundamental groups in positive characteristic

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    Let Π\Pi be the \'etale fundamental group of a smooth affine curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0p>0. We establish a criterion for profinite freeness of closed subgroups of Π\Pi. Roughly speaking, if a closed subgroup of Π\Pi is "captured" between two normal subgroups, then it is free, provided it contains most of the open subgroups of index pp. In the proof we establish a strong version of "almost ω\omega-freeness" of Π\Pi and then apply the Haran-Shapiro induction

    Irreducible polynomials of bounded height

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    The goal of this paper is to prove that a random polynomial with i.i.d. random coefficients taking values uniformly in {1,…,210}\{1,\ldots, 210\} is irreducible with probability tending to 11 as the degree tends to infinity. Moreover, we prove that the Galois group of the random polynomial contains the alternating group, again with probability tending to 11.Comment: Some revision
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