113 research outputs found

    The topology of a semisimple Lie group is essentially unique

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    We study locally compact group topologies on semisimple Lie groups. We show that the Lie group topology on such a group SS is very rigid: every 'abstract' isomorphism between SS and a locally compact and σ\sigma-compact group Γ\Gamma is automatically a homeomorphism, provided that SS is absolutely simple. If SS is complex, then non-continuous field automorphisms of the complex numbers have to be considered, but that is all.Comment: To appear in: Advances in Mathematic

    A Maslov cocycle for unitary groups

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    We introduce a 2-cocycle for symplectic and skew-hermitian hyperbolic groups over arbitrary fields and skew fields, with values in the Witt group of hermitian forms. This cocycle has good functorial properties: it is natural under extension of scalars and stable, so it can be viewed as a universal 2-dimensional characteristic class for these groups. Over R and C, it coincides with the first Chern class.Comment: To appear in Proc. London Math. So

    Homogeneous compact geometries

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    We classify compact homogeneous geometries of irreducible spherical type and rank at least 2 which admit a transitive action of a compact connected group, up to equivariant 2-coverings. We apply our classification to polar actions on compact symmetric spaces.Comment: To appear in: Transformation Group