1,353 research outputs found

    Dollars for Degrees: Financial Aid and its Impact on Post-Secondary Degree Completion in Texas

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    Researchers have begun to investigate more deeply the specific effects of rising college costs, increasing debt, and the impact of financial aid on degree completion. Specifically, this paper describes the various sources and types of financial aid available to postsecondary students in Texas, how financial aid is packaged at different types of institutions, and the effects of financial aid types and packages on post-secondary persistence and completion. An appendix contains additional detail on federal, state, institutional and private aid sources as well as a list of the advisors, interviewees, and focus group members we spoke with during our research. While this paper focuses on financial aid in Texas given GTF's state-based purview, we believe many of the lessons are applicable across the country

    Dollars for Degrees: Structuring Post-Secondary Scholarships to Increase Student Success

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    This report explores how funders can structure their scholarship awards and provide access to key non-financial supports to improve post-secondary persistence and completion

    Cure Violence: A Public Health Model to Reduce Gun Violence

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    Scholars and practitioners alike in recent years have suggested that real and lasting progress in the fight against gun violence requires changing the social norms and attitudes that perpetuate violence and the use of guns. The Cure Violence model is a public health approach to gun violence reduction that seeks to change individual and community attitudes and norms about gun violence. It considers gun violence to be analogous to a communicable disease that passes from person to person when left untreated. Cure Violence operates independently of, while hopefully not undermining, law enforcement. In this article, we describe the theoretical basis for the program, review existing program evaluations, identify several challenges facing evaluators, and offer directions for future research

    Evaluation and Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis

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    Green-Water Rearing and Delayed Weaning Improve Growth and Survival of Summer Flounder

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    The advent of an aquaculture industry for summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus requires that optimal methods be identified for hatchery production. Two experiments were conducted to test strategies for larval rearing and for weaning newly metamorphosed juveniles from live to artificial diets. Rearing of larvae in ‘‘green water’’ (with algae added) resulted in better survival (76.1 6 6.5%) from days 5–42 after hatching than did rearing in ‘‘clear water’’ (no algae added; 27.8 6 13.6%), although no differences in growth were apparent. When fish were weaned from live feed beginning at day 45 versus day 57 by either a ‘‘gradual’’ method (7-d weaning period) or an ‘‘immediate’’ method (no weaning period), better survival and growth were obtained with fish weaned at the later age. For both agegroups, fish weaned by the gradual method exhibited better growth, but not better survival, than those weaned by the immediate method. With these data as examples, commercial hatcheries can conduct cost : benefit analyses of the different rearing methods

    Supreme Court Legitimacy Under Threat? The Role of Cues in How the Public Responds to Supreme Court Decisions

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    Understanding how the public views the Court and its rulings is crucial to assessing its institutional stability. However, as scholars note, “People are broadly supportive of the court and believe in its ‘legitimacy’—that is, that Supreme Court rulings should be respected and followed. But we don’t know that much about whether people actually agree with the case outcomes themselves.” In this article, we highlight empirical research investigating the factors that affect public agreement with Court decisions, highlighting recent developments from our work. At the onset, it is to note that the public generally hears about the Court’s decisions from media sources, not from the Court itself. Legal rulings are jam-packed with jurisprudential jargon and technical language that can be difficult for a lay audience to understand, which is why the general public is especially likely to rely on heuristics— cognitive shortcuts—as cues to help them decipher the ruling and assess whether they agree or disagree. So, what do we know about the heuristic cues that affect how the public receives Supreme Court rulings? And how is the Court faring after the controversial 2022 ruling in Dobbs and other recent politically volatile case decisions?

    An experimental evaluation of displacement dewatering

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    "December, 1990.""Submitted for AIChE Chicago Annual Meeting, November 11-16, 1990.

    The physics of impulse drying: new insights from numerical modeling

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    "March, 1989.""This manuscript is based on results obtained in IPC research and is to be presented at the Ninth Fundamental Research Symposium in Cambridge, England, on September 16-22, 1989.
