2,415 research outputs found

    Ordered proteolysis in anaphase inactivates Plk1 to contribute to proper mitotic exit in human cells

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    e have found that key mitotic regulators show distinct patterns of degradation during exit from mitosis in human cells. Using a live-cell assay for proteolysis, we show that two of these regulators, polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) and Aurora A, are degraded at different times after the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) switches from binding Cdc20 to Cdh1. Therefore, events in addition to the switch from Cdc20 to Cdh1 control the proteolysis of APC/C-Cdh1 substrates in vivo. We have identified a putative destruction box in Plk1 that is required for degradation of Plk1 in anaphase, and have examined the effect of nondegradable Plk1 on mitotic exit. Our results show that Plk1 proteolysis contributes to the inactivation of Plk1 in anaphase, and that this is required for the proper control of mitotic exit and cytokinesis. Our experiments reveal a role for APC/C-mediated proteolysis in exit from mitosis in human cells

    Extended twin study of alcohol use in Virginia and Australia

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    Drinking alcohol is a normal behavior in many societies, and prior studies have demonstrated it has both genetic and environmental sources of variation. Using two very large samples of twins and their first-degree relatives (Australia ≈ 20,000 individuals from 8,019 families; Virginia ≈ 23,000 from 6,042 families), we examine whether there are differences: (1) in the genetic and environmental factors that influence four interrelated drinking behaviors (quantity, frequency, age of initiation, and number of drinks in the last week), (2) between the twin-only design and the extended twin design, and (3) the Australian and Virginia samples. We find that while drinking behaviors are interrelated, there are substantial differences in the genetic and environmental architectures across phenotypes. Specifically, drinking quantity, frequency, and number of drinks in the past week have large broad genetic variance components, and smaller but significant environmental variance components, while age of onset is driven exclusively by environmental factors. Further, the twin-only design and the extended twin design come to similar conclusions regarding broad-sense heritability and environmental transmission, but the extended twin models provide a more nuanced perspective. Finally, we find a high level of similarity between the Australian and Virginian samples, especially for the genetic factors. The observed differences, when present, tend to be at the environmental level. Implications for the extended twin model and future directions are discussed

    Cross-cultural comparison of genetic and cultural transmission of smoking initiation using an extended twin kinship model

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    Background: Considerable evidence from twin and adoption studies indicates that genetic and shared environmental factors play a role in the initiation of smoking behavior. Although twin and adoption designs are powerful to detect genetic and environmental influences, they do not provide information on the processes of assortative mating and parent–offspring transmission and their contribution to the variability explained by genetic and/or environmental factors. Methods: We examined the role of genetic and environmental factors in individual differences for smoking initiation (SI) using an extended kinship design. This design allows the simultaneous testing of additive and non-additive genetic, shared and individual-specific environmental factors, as well as sex differences in the expression of genes and environment in the presence of assortative mating and combined genetic and cultural transmission, while also estimating the regression of the prevalence of SI on age. A dichotomous lifetime ‘ever’ smoking measure was obtained from twins and relatives in the ‘Virginia 30,000’ sample and the ‘Australian 25,000’. Results: Results demonstrate that both genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the liability to SI. Major influences on individual differences appeared to be additive genetic and unique environmental effects, with smaller contributions from assortative mating, shared sibling environment, twin environment, cultural transmission, and resulting genotype-environment covariance. Age regression of the prevalence of SI was significant. The finding of negative cultural transmission without dominance led us to investigate more closely two possible mechanisms for the lower parent–offspring correlations compared to the sibling and DZ twin correlations in subsets of the data: (1) age × gene interaction, and (2) social homogamy. Neither of the mechanism provided a significantly better explanation of the data. Conclusions: This study showed significant heritability, partly due to assortment, and significant effects of primarily non-parental shared environment on liability to SI

    Interaction of marital status and genetic risk for symptoms of depression

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    Clinical characteristics of familial generalized anxiety disorder

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    The authors seek to determine whether the clinical characteristics of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) differ in individuals with a high vs. low familial vulnerability to illness. We identified 486 personally interviewed female twins from a population‐based register who had both an interviewed co‐twin and a lifetime history of GAD using modified DSM‐III‐R criteria which required a one‐month minimum duration of illness. We attempted to predict risk for GAD in the co‐twin from the clinical features of the GAD in the proband twin using the Cox proportional hazard model, controlling for year of birth and zygosity. Only two variables uniquely predicted an increased risk for GAD in the co‐twin: number of GAD symptoms endorsed and comorbidity with bulimia. Variables that did not uniquely predict risk of illness in the co‐twin included age at onset, duration of the longest episode and number of episodes. The familial vulnerability to GAD can be meaningfully indexed by clinical features of the syndrome. These results suggest that if the syndrome of GAD is to be narrowed, it would, from a familial perspective, be more valid to increase the minimum number of required symptoms rather than to increase the minimum duration of illness. Anxiety 1:186–191 (1994/1995). © 1995 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/101797/1/3070010407_ftp.pd

    Racial Differences in Genetic and Environmental Risk to Preterm Birth

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    Preterm birth is more prevalent in African Americans than European Americans and contributes to 3.4 times more African American infant deaths. Models of social inequity do not appreciably account for this marked disparity and molecular genetic studies have yet to characterize whether allelic differences that exist between races contribute to this gap. In this study, biometrical genetic models are applied to a large mixed-race sample consisting of 733,339 births to measure the extent that heritable factors and environmental exposures predict the timing of birth and explain differences between racial groups. Although we expected significant differences in mean gestational age between racial groups, we did not anticipate the variance of gestational age in African Americans (σ2 = 7.097) to be nearly twice that of European Americans (σ2 = 3.764). Our results show that this difference in the variance of gestational age can largely be attributed to environmental sources; which were 3.1 times greater in African Americans. Specifically, environmental factors that change between pregnancies, versus exposures that influence all pregnancies within a family, are largely responsible for the increased reproductive heterogeneity observed in African American mothers. Although the contribution of both fetal and maternal genetic factors differed between race categories, genetic studies may best be directed to understanding the differences in the socio-cultural sources of this heterogeneity, and their possible interaction with genetic differences within and between races. This study provides a comprehensive description of the relative genetic and environmental contributions to racial differences in gestational age

    New methodology for known metabolite identification in metabonomics / metabolomics: topological metabolite identification carbon efficiency (tMICE)

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    A new, simple-to-implement and quantitative approach to assessing the confidence in NMR-based identification of known metabolites is introduced. The approach is based on a topological analysis of metabolite identification information available from NMR spectroscopy studies and is a development of the metabolite identification carbon efficiency (MICE) method. New topological metabolite identification indices are introduced, analysed and proposed for general use, including topological metabolite identification carbon efficiency (tMICE). Since known metabolite identification is one of the key bottlenecks in either NMR spectroscopy- or mass spectrometry-based metabonomics/metabolomics studies, and given the fact that there is no current consensus on how to assess metabolite identification confidence, it is hoped that these new approaches and the topological indices will find utility

    Analgesic treatment of ciguatoxin-induced cold allodynia

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    Ciguatera, the most common form of nonbacterial ichthyosarcotoxism, is caused by consumption of fish that have bioaccumulated the polyether sodium channel activator ciguatoxin. The neurological symptoms of ciguatera include distressing, often persistent sensory disturbances such as paraesthesias and the pathognomonic symptom of cold allodynia. We show that intracutaneous administration of ciguatoxin in humans elicits a pronounced axon-reflex flare and replicates cold allodynia. To identify compounds able to inhibit ciguatoxin-induced Na-v responses, we developed a novel in vitro ciguatoxin assay using the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y. Pharmacological characterisation of this assay demonstrated a major contribution of Na(v)1.2 and Na(v)1.3, but not Na(v)1.7, to ciguatoxin-induced Ca2+ responses. Clinically available Nav inhibitors, as well as the K(v)7 agonist flupirtine, inhibited tetrodotoxin-sensitive ciguatoxin-evoked responses. To establish their in vivo efficacy, we used a novel animal model of ciguatoxin-induced cold allodynia. However, differences in the efficacy of these compounds to reverse ciguatoxin-induced cold allodynia did not correlate with their potency to inhibit ciguatoxin-induced responses in SH-SY5Y cells or at heterologously expressed Nav1.3, Na(v)1.6, Na(v)1.7, or Na(v)1.8, indicating cold allodynia might be more complex than simple activation of Na-v channels. These findings highlight the need for suitable animal models to guide the empiric choice of analgesics, and suggest that lamotrigine and flupirtine could be potentially useful for the treatment of ciguatera. (C) 2013 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved

    Males do not reduce the fitness of their female co-twins in contemporary samples.

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    Lummaa et al. (2007) presented historical data collected from twins born in Finland between 1734 and 1888 which suggested that females (N = 31) born as part of an opposite sex (OS) twin pair were 25% less likely to reproduce than female twins (N = 35) born as part of a same sex (SS) pair. They hypothesized that this reduction in fitness was due to masculinization of the female fetus via prenatal effects of the hormones of a male fetus. Because such masculinization would presumably take place in modern populations as well, it would seem important to establish to what degree it does so, and if so, whether reproduction is affected. We therefore address the question of reproduction differences in individual female twins from same-sex (N = 1979) and opposite-sex (N = 913) dizygotic pairs in studies carried out in Australia, the Netherlands, and the United States. In all three samples, there were no differences in the number of children or age of first pregnancies in women from same sex pairs compared to those from opposite sex pairs. Similarly, there were no differences in psychological femininity between women from pairs of the same or opposite sex