6 research outputs found

    Estimating Finite Source Effects in Microlensing Events due to Free-Floating Planets with the Euclid Survey

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    In recent years free-loating planets (FFPs) have drawn a great interest among astrophysicists. Gravitational microlensing is a unique and exclusive method for their investigation which may allow obtaining precious information about their mass and spatial distribution. The planned Euclid space-based observatory will be able to detect a substantial number of microlensing events caused by FFPs towards the Galactic bulge. Making use of a synthetic population algorithm, we investigate the possibility of detecting finite source effects in simulated microlensing events due to FFPs. We find a significant efficiency for finite source effect detection that turns out to be between 20% and 40% for a FFP power law mass function index in the range [0.9, 1.6]. For many of such events it will also be possible to measure the angular Einstein radius and therefore constrain the lens physical parameters. These kinds of observations will also offer a unique possibility to investigate the photosphere and atmosphere of Galactic bulge stars.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, published in Advances in Astronomy, Volume 2015, Article ID 40230

    Investigating the free-floating planet mass by Euclid observations

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    The detection of anomalies in gravitational microlensing events is nowadays one of the main goals among the microlensing community. In the case of single-lens events, these anomalies can be caused by the finite source effects, that is when the source disk size is not negligible, and by the Earth rotation around the Sun (the so-called parallax effect). The finite source and parallax effects may help to define the mass of the lens, uniquely. Free-floating planets (FFPs) are extremely dim objects, and gravitational microlensing provides at present the exclusive method to investigate these bodies. In this work, making use of a synthetic population algorithm, we study the possibility of detecting the finite source and parallax effects in simulated microlensing events caused by FFPs towards the Galactic bulge, taking into consideration the capabilities of the space-based Euclid telescope. We find a significant efficiency for detecting the parallax effect in microlensing events with detectable finite source effect, that turns out to be about 51% for mass function index .Comment: Astrophysics and Space Science 201

    Estimating Finite Source Effects in Microlensing Events due to Free-Floating Planets with the Euclid Survey

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    In recent years free-floating planets (FFPs) have drawn a great interest among astrophysicists. Gravitational microlensing is a unique and exclusive method for their investigation which may allow obtaining precious information about their mass and spatial distribution. The planned Euclid space-based observatory will be able to detect a substantial number of microlensing events caused by FFPs towards the Galactic bulge. Making use of a synthetic population algorithm, we investigate the possibility of detecting finite source effects in simulated microlensing events due to FFPs. We find a significant efficiency for finite source effect detection that turns out to be between 20% and 40% for a FFP power law mass function index in the range [0.9, 1.6]. For many of such events it will also be possible to measure the angular Einstein radius and therefore constrain the lens physical parameters. These kinds of observations will also offer a unique possibility to investigate the photosphere and atmosphere of Galactic bulge stars

    Investigating Gravitationally Lensed Quasars Observable by Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

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    In this work, we investigate the possibility of observing quasars, particularly lensed quasars, by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman). To this aim, based on the capabilities of the Roman Space Telescope and the results from the quasar luminosity function (QLF) in the infrared band of the Spitzer Space Telescope imaging survey, we calculated the number of quasars expected to be in its field of view. In order to estimate the number of lensed quasars, we develop a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the probability that a quasar is lensed once or more times by foreground galaxies. Using the mass–luminosity distribution function of galaxies and the redshift distributions of galaxies and quasars, we find that 1 per 180 observed quasars will be lensed by foreground galaxies. Further on, adopting a singular isothermal sphere (SIS) model for lens galaxies, we calculate the time delay between lensed images for single and multiple lensing systems and present their distributions. We emphasize that detailed studies of these lensing systems will provide a powerful probe of the physical properties of quasars and may allow testing the mass distribution models of galaxies in addition to being extremely helpful for constraining the cosmological parameters

    The astrometric signal of microlensing events caused by free floating planets

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    Astrometric observations of microlensing events can be used to obtain important information about lenses. During these events, the shift of the position of the multiple image centroid with respect to the source star location can be measured. This effect, which is expected to occur on scales from micro-arcseconds to milli-arcseconds, depends on the lens-source-observer system physical parameters. Here, we consider the astrometric and photometric observations by space and ground-based telescopes of microlensing events towards the Galactic bulge caused by free floating planets (FFPs). We show that the efficiency of astrometric signal on photometrically detected microlensing events tends to increase for higher FFP masses in our Galaxy. In addition, we estimate that during five years of the Gaia observations, about a dozen of microlensing events caused by FFPs are expected to be detectable