4,406 research outputs found

    Inflation and Large Internal Dimensions

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    We consider some aspects of inflation in models with large internal dimensions. If inflation occurs on a 3D wall after the stabilization of internal dimensions in the models with low unification scale (M ~ 1 TeV), the inflaton field must be extremely light. This problem may disappear In models with intermediate (M ~10^{11} GeV) to high (M ~ 10^{16} GeV) unification scale. However, in all of these cases the wall inflation does not provide a complete solution to the horizon and flatness problems. To solve them, there must be a stage of inflation in the bulk before the compactification of internal dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, minor modification

    From inflation to a zero cosmological constant phase without fine tuning

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    We show that it is possible to obtain inflation and also solve the cosmological constant problem. The theory is invariant under changes of the Lagrangian density LL to L+constL+const. Then the constant part of a scalar field potential VV cannot be responsible for inflation. However, we show that inflation can be driven by a condensate of a four index field strength. A constraint appears which correlates this condensate to VV. After a conformal transformation, the equations are the standard GR equations with an effective scalar field potential VeffV_{eff} which has generally an absolute minimum Veff=0V_{eff}=0 independently of VV and without fine tuning. We also show that, after inflation, the usual reheating phase scenario (from oscillations around the absolute minimum) is possible.Comment: revised version containes an improved model where fine tuning is not needed for transition to a zero cosmological constant phase. 5 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Inflation from Extra Dimensions

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    The radial mode of n extra compact dimensions (the radion, b) can cause inflation in theories where the fundamental gravity scale, M, is smaller than the Planck scale M_P. For radion potentials V(b) with a simple polynomial form, to get the observed density perturbations, the energy scale of V(b) must greatly exceed M ~ 1 TeV: V(b)^{1/4} = M_v ~ 10^{-4} M_P. This gives a large radion mass and reheat temperature ~ 10^9 GeV, thus avoiding the moduli problem. Such a value of M_v can be consistent with the classical treatment if the new dimensions started sufficiently small. A new possibility is that b approaches its stable value from above during inflation. The same conclusions about M_v may hold even if inflation is driven by matter fields rather than by the radion.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses epsf.te

    Cosmological term as a source of mass

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    In the spherically symmetric case the dominant energy condition together with the requirements of regularity at the center, asymptotic flatness and fineteness of the ADM mass, defines the family of asymptotically flat globally regular solutions to the Einstein minimally coupled equations which includes the class of metrics asymptotically de Sitter at approaching the regular center. The source term corresponds to an r-dependent cosmological term given by the second rank symmetric tensor invariant under boosts in the radial direction and evolving from de Sitter vacuum in the origin to Minkowski vacuum at infinity. Space-time symmetry changes smoothly from the de Sitter group at the center to the Lorentz group at infinity through the radial boosts in between. The standard formula for the ADM mass relates it to the de Sitter vacuum replacing a central singularity at the scale of symmetry restoration. For masses exceeding a certain critical value m_{crit} de Sitter-Schwarzschild geometry describes a vacuum nonsingular black hole, while beyond m_{crit} it describes a G-lump which is a vacuum selfgravitating particlelike structure without horizons. Quantum energy spectrum of G-lump is shifted down by the binding energy, and zero-point vacuum mode is fixed at the value corresponding to the Hawking temperature from the de Sitter horizon.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, 8 figures incorporated, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Reconstructing a model of quintessential inflation

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    We present an explicit cosmological model where inflation and dark energy both could arise from the dynamics of the same scalar field. We present our discussion in the framework where the inflaton field ϕ\phi attains a nearly constant velocity mP1dϕ/dNα+βexp(βN)m_P^{-1} |d\phi/dN|\equiv \alpha+\beta \exp(\beta N) (where NlnaN\equiv \ln a is the e-folding time) during inflation. We show that the model with α<0.25|\alpha|<0.25 and β<0\beta<0 can easily satisfy inflationary constraints, including the spectral index of scalar fluctuations (ns=0.96±0.013n_s=0.96\pm 0.013), tensor-to-scalar ratio (r<0.28r<0.28) and also the bound imposed on Ωϕ\Omega_\phi during the nucleosynthesis epoch (Ωϕ(1MeV)<0.1\Omega_\phi (1 {\rm MeV})<0.1). In our construction, the scalar field potential always scales proportionally to the square of the Hubble expansion rate. One may thereby account for the two vastly different energy scales associated with the Hubble parameters at early and late epochs. The inflaton energy could also produce an observationally significant effective dark energy at a late epoch without violating local gravity tests.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; added refs, published versio

    Cosmological Constant, Dark Matter, and Electroweak Phase Transition

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    Accepting the fine tuned cosmological constant hypothesis, we have recently proposed that this hypothesis can be tested if the dark matter freeze out occurs at the electroweak scale and if one were to measure an anomalous shift in the dark matter relic abundance. In this paper, we numerically compute this relic abundance shift in the context of explicit singlet extensions of the Standard Model and explore the properties of the phase transition which would lead to the observationally most favorable scenario. Through the numerical exploration, we explicitly identify a parameter space in a singlet extension of the standard model which gives order unity observable effects. We also clarify the notion of a temperature dependence in the vacuum energy.Comment: 58 pages, 10 figure

    Power-law inflation with a nonminimally coupled scalar field

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    We consider the dynamics of power-law inflation with a nonminimally coupled scalar field ϕ\phi. It is well known that multiple scalar fields with exponential potentials V(ϕ)=V0exp(16π/pmpl2ϕ)V(\phi)=V_0 {\rm exp}(-\sqrt{16\pi/p m_{\rm pl}^2} \phi) lead to an inflationary solution even if the each scalar field is not capable to sustain inflation. In this paper, we show that inflation can be assisted even in the one-field case by the effect of nonminimal coupling. When ξ\xi is positive, since an effective potential which arises by a conformal transformation becomes flatter compared with the case of ξ=0\xi=0 for ϕ>0\phi>0, we have an inflationary solution even when the universe evolves as non-inflationary in the minimally coupled case. For the negative ξ\xi, the assisted inflation can take place when ϕ\phi evolves in the region of ϕ<0\phi<0 \.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Infrared behaviour of the pressure in g\phi^3 theory in 6 dimensions

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    In an earlier paper Almeida and Frenkel considered the calculation of the pressure in g\phi^3 theory in 6 dimensions via the Schwinger--Dyson equation. They found, under certain approximations, that a finite result ensues in the infrared limit. We find this conclusion to remain true with certain variations of these approximations, suggesting the finiteness of the result to be fairly robust.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, uses revtex

    Interaction of Low - Energy Induced Gravity with Quantized Matter -- II. Temperature effects

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    At the very early Universe the matter fields are described by the GUT models in curved space-time. At high energies these fields are asymptotically free and conformally coupled to external metric. The only possible quantum effect is the appearance of the conformal anomaly, which leads to the propagation of the new degree of freedom - conformal factor. Simultaneously with the expansion of the Universe, the scale of energies decreases and the propagating conformal factor starts to interact with the Higgs field due to the violation of conformal invariance in the matter fields sector. In a previous paper \cite{foo} we have shown that this interaction can lead to special physical effects like the renormalization group flow, which ends in some fixed point. Furthermore in the vicinity of this fixed point there occur the first order phase transitions. In the present paper we consider the same theory of conformal factor coupled to Higgs field and incorporate the temperature effects. We reduce the complicated higher-derivative operator to several ones of the standard second-derivative form and calculate an exact effective potential with temperature on the anti de Sitter (AdS) background.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex - 2 Figure

    DEFROST: A New Code for Simulating Preheating after Inflation

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    At the end of inflation, dynamical instability can rapidly deposit the energy of homogeneous cold inflaton into excitations of other fields. This process, known as preheating, is rather violent, inhomogeneous and non-linear, and has to be studied numerically. This paper presents a new code for simulating scalar field dynamics in expanding universe written for that purpose. Compared to available alternatives, it significantly improves both the speed and the accuracy of calculations, and is fully instrumented for 3D visualization. We reproduce previously published results on preheating in simple chaotic inflation models, and further investigate non-linear dynamics of the inflaton decay. Surprisingly, we find that the fields do not want to thermalize quite the way one would think. Instead of directly reaching equilibrium, the evolution appears to be stuck in a rather simple but quite inhomogeneous state. In particular, one-point distribution function of total energy density appears to be universal among various two-field preheating models, and is exceedingly well described by a lognormal distribution. It is tempting to attribute this state to scalar field turbulence.Comment: RevTeX 4.0; 16 pages, 9 figure