1,748 research outputs found

    Gravitational waves from a test particle scattered by a neutron star: Axial mode case

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    Using a metric perturbation method, we study gravitational waves from a test particle scattered by a spherically symmetric relativistic star. We calculate the energy spectrum and the waveform of gravitational waves for axial modes. Since metric perturbations in axial modes do not couple to the matter fluid of the star, emitted waves for a normal neutron star show only one peak in the spectrum, which corresponds to the orbital frequency at the turning point, where the gravitational field is strongest. However, for an ultracompact star (the radius R3MR \lesssim 3M), another type of resonant periodic peak appears in the spectrum. This is just because of an excitation by a scattered particle of axial quasinormal modes, which were found by Chandrasekhar and Ferrari. This excitation comes from the existence of the potential minimum inside of a star. We also find for an ultracompact star many small periodic peaks at the frequency region beyond the maximum of the potential, which would be due to a resonance of two waves reflected by two potential barriers (Regge-Wheeler type and one at the center of the star). Such resonant peaks appear neither for a normal neutron star nor for a Schwarzschild black hole. Consequently, even if we analyze the energy spectrum of gravitational waves only for axial modes, it would be possible to distinguish between an ultracompact star and a normal neutron star (or a Schwarzschild black hole).Comment: 21 pages, revtex, 11 figures are attached with eps files Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Revisiting Event Horizon Finders

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    Event horizons are the defining physical features of black hole spacetimes, and are of considerable interest in studying black hole dynamics. Here, we reconsider three techniques to localise event horizons in numerical spacetimes: integrating geodesics, integrating a surface, and integrating a level-set of surfaces over a volume. We implement the first two techniques and find that straightforward integration of geodesics backward in time to be most robust. We find that the exponential rate of approach of a null surface towards the event horizon of a spinning black hole equals the surface gravity of the black hole. In head-on mergers we are able to track quasi-normal ringing of the merged black hole through seven oscillations, covering a dynamic range of about 10^5. Both at late times (when the final black hole has settled down) and at early times (before the merger), the apparent horizon is found to be an excellent approximation of the event horizon. In the head-on binary black hole merger, only {\em some} of the future null generators of the horizon are found to start from past null infinity; the others approach the event horizons of the individual black holes at times far before merger.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, revision

    Topological and geometrical restrictions, free-boundary problems and self-gravitating fluids

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    Let (P1) be certain elliptic free-boundary problem on a Riemannian manifold (M,g). In this paper we study the restrictions on the topology and geometry of the fibres (the level sets) of the solutions f to (P1). We give a technique based on certain remarkable property of the fibres (the analytic representation property) for going from the initial PDE to a global analytical characterization of the fibres (the equilibrium partition condition). We study this analytical characterization and obtain several topological and geometrical properties that the fibres of the solutions must possess, depending on the topology of M and the metric tensor g. We apply these results to the classical problem in physics of classifying the equilibrium shapes of both Newtonian and relativistic static self-gravitating fluids. We also suggest a relationship with the isometries of a Riemannian manifold.Comment: 36 pages. In this new version the analytic representation hypothesis is proved. Please address all correspondence to D. Peralta-Sala

    Nonlinear mode coupling in rotating stars and the r-mode instability in neutron stars

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    We develop the formalism required to study the nonlinear interaction of modes in rotating Newtonian stars in the weakly nonlinear regime. The formalism simplifies and extends previous treatments. At linear order, we elucidate and extend slightly a formalism due to Schutz, show how to decompose a general motion of a rotating star into a sum over modes, and obtain uncoupled equations of motion for the mode amplitudes under the influence of an external force. Nonlinear effects are added perturbatively via three-mode couplings. We describe a new, efficient way to compute the coupling coefficients, to zeroth order in the stellar rotation rate, using spin-weighted spherical harmonics. We apply this formalism to derive some properties of the coupling coefficients relevant to the nonlinear interactions of unstable r-modes in neutron stars, postponing numerical integrations of the coupled equations of motion to a later paper. From an astrophysical viewpoint, the most interesting result of this paper is that many couplings of r-modes to other rotational modes (modes with zero frequencies in the non-rotating limit) are small: either they vanish altogether because of various selection rules, or they vanish to lowest order in the angular velocity. In zero-buoyancy stars, the coupling of three r-modes is forbidden entirely and the coupling of two r-modes to one hybrid rotational mode vanishes to zeroth order in rotation frequency. In incompressible stars, the coupling of any three rotational modes vanishes to zeroth order in rotation frequency.Comment: 62 pages, no figures. Corrected error in computation of coupling coefficients, added new selection rule and an appendix on energy and angular momentum of mode

    A relativistic formalism for computation of irrotational binary stars in quasi equilibrium states

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    We present relativistic hydrostatic equations for obtaining irrotational binary neutron stars in quasi equilibrium states in 3+1 formalism. Equations derived here are different from those previously given by Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon, and Marck, and have a simpler and more tractable form for computation in numerical relativity. We also present hydrostatic equations for computation of equilibrium irrotational binary stars in first post-Newtonian order.Comment: 5 pages, corrected eqs.(2.10), (2.11) and (3.1

    Quasi-Normal Mode Expansion for Linearized Waves in Gravitational Systems

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    The quasinormal modes (QNM's) of gravitational systems modeled by the Klein-Gordon equation with effective potentials are studied in analogy to the QNM's of optical cavities. Conditions are given for the QNM's to form a complete set, i.e., for the Green's function to be expressible as a sum over QNM's, answering a conjecture by Price and Husain [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 68}, 1973 (1992)]. In the cases where the QNM sum is divergent, procedures for regularization are given. The crucial condition for completeness is the existence of spatial discontinuities in the system, e.g., the discontinuity at the stellar surface in the model of Price and Husain.Comment: 12 pages, WUGRAV-94-

    Radiative Falloff in Neutron Star Spacetimes

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    We systematically study late-time tails of scalar waves propagating in neutron star spacetimes. We consider uniform density neutron stars, for which the background spacetime is analytic and the compaction of the star can be varied continously between the Newtonian limit 2M/R << 1 and the relativistic Buchdahl limit 2M/R = 8/9. We study the reflection of a finite wave packet off neutron stars of different compactions 2M/R and find that a Newtonian, an intermediate, and a highly relativistic regime can be clearly distinguished. In the highly relativistic regime, the reflected signal is dominated by quasi-periodic peaks, which originate from the wave packet bouncing back and forth between the center of the star and the maximum of the background curvature potential at R ~ 3 M. Between these peaks, the field decays according to a power-law. In the Buchdahl limit 2M/R -> 8/9 the light travel time between the center and the maximum or the curvature potential grows without bound, so that the first peak arrives only at infinitely late time. The modes of neutron stars can therefore no longer be excited in the ultra-relativistic limit, and it is in this sense that the late-time radiative decay from neutron stars looses all its features and gives rise to power-law tails reminiscent of Schwarzschild black holes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to appear in PR

    Equilibrium sequences of irrotational binary polytropic stars : The case of double polytropic stars

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    Solutions to equilibrium sequences of irrotational binary polytropic stars in Newtonian gravity are expanded in a power of ϵ=a0/R\epsilon=a_0/R, where R and a0a_0 are the orbital separation of the binary system and the radius of each star for R=R=\infty. For each order of ϵ\epsilon, we should solve ordinary differential equations for arbitrary polytropic indices n. We show solutions for polytropic indices n= 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 up to ϵ6\epsilon^6 orders. Our semi-analytic solutions can be used to check the validity of numerical solutions.Comment: 59 pages including 15 tables and 13 figures, revtex, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Data analysis of gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars. III. Detection statistics and computational requirements

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    We develop the analytic and numerical tools for data analysis of the gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars for ground-based laser interferometric detectors. We study in detail the statistical properties of the optimum functional that need to be calculated in order to detect the gravitational-wave signal from a spinning neutron star and estimate its parameters. We derive formulae for false alarm and detection probabilities both for the optimal and the suboptimal filters. We assess the computational requirements needed to do the signal search. We compare a number of criteria to build sufficiently accurate templates for our data analysis scheme. We verify the validity of our concepts and formulae by means of the Monte Carlo simulations. We present algorithms by which one can estimate the parameters of the continuous signals accurately.Comment: LaTeX, 45 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Excitation of the odd-parity quasi-normal modes of compact objects

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    The gravitational radiation generated by a particle in a close unbounded orbit around a neutron star is computed as a means to study the importance of the ww modes of the neutron star. For simplicity, attention is restricted to odd parity (``axial'') modes which do not couple to the neutron star's fluid modes. We find that for realistic neutron star models, particles in unbounded orbits only weakly excite the ww modes; we conjecture that this is also the case for astrophysically interesting sources of neutron star perturbations. We also find that for cases in which there is significant excitation of quadrupole ww modes, there is comparable excitation of higher multipole modes.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.