4 research outputs found

    Borers and epizoans on oyster shells from the upper Tortonian, Lower Chelif Basin, NW Algeria

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    The three oyster lenses of the upper Tortonian of Djebel Touaka site which are described herein contain three species, Crassostrea gryphoides (Schlotheim), Ostrea lamellosa (Brocchi) and Hyotissa squarrosa (De Serre). The density of shell packing between the lenses is dissimilar. Most of the specimens are disarticulated and poorly fragmented; they exhibit a random distribution and orientation, without any distinct sorting. Bioerosion and encrustation are featured on both surfaces of left and right valves. The identified ichnogenera are Entobia (Bronn), Gastrochaenolites (Leymarie, 1842), Caulostrepsis (Clarke, 1908), Trypanites (Mägdefrau, 1932) and Maeandropolydora (Voigt, 1965). Encrusters are scared, represented by juvenile oysters/other bivalves, bryozoans and barnacles. The coexistence of borings on both sides of valves means that they probably occur not only while alive, but they keep happening after death. The oyster beds were deposited in a foreshore to shoreface environment, from the combined action of wave currents and sedimentation rate

    New insights on the latest Messinian-to-Piacenzian stratigraphic series from the Dahra Massif (Lower Chelif Basin, Algeria): Lago Mare, reflooding and bio-events

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    Geological investigations carried out on the Dahra Massif have revealed sedimentary changes and bioevents characterizing the post-gypsum detrital sediments (from Messinian to Piacenzian), which are followed by the Trubi equivalent Pliocene marls or white marly limestones. Structured into two superimposed steps, the late Messinian deposits yielded two successive ostracod assemblages. They indicate a brackish environment for the lower and a fairly open shallow brackish environment for the second. Based on their ostracod content, assemblage 1 (Cyprideis, Loxoconcha muelleri) corresponds to the Lago Mare biofacies 1 of the Apennine foredeep, which is correlated with the Lago Mare 1 episode dated between 5.64 and 5.60 Ma. Assemblage 2 (Loxocorniculina djafarovi) is referred to the Lago Mare biofacies 2 described in the same region. It is correlated with the Lago Mare 3 episode, dated between 5.46 and 5.33 Ma. Moreover, the stratigraphic succession is marked by a major discontinuity indicated by a hardground, separating step 1 from step 2 and corresponding to the ostracod assemblages 1 and 2, respectively. This discontinuity is considered here to be equivalent to the Messinian Erosional Surface, already evidenced in the region and widely known around the Mediterranean Basin. These late Messinian deposits and their ostracod assemblage 2, notably the detrital sedimentation with Ceratolithus acutus, Globorotalia margaritae, Reticulofenestra cisnerosii document a marine incursion into the Lower Chelif Basin, corresponding to the latest Messinian marine reflooding of the Mediterranean Basin, that happened before the earliest Zanclean R. cisnerosii occurrence. Finally, the bioevents evidenced in the Dahra Massif, reinforce the evidence of the late Messinian Lago Mare 3 episode, and support the ante-Zanclean age of the marine reflooding of the Mediterranean. The overlying deposits are marked by coral constructions (cf. Cladocora cf. caespitosa, Dendrophyllia sp) never described before and covering the entire early Zanclean, testifying the existence, at that time, of warm enough conditions, which may correspond to the marine isotopic stage TG5