186 research outputs found

    A Conversation About Rethinking Criteria for Qualitative and Interpretive Research: Quality as Trustworthiness

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    This editorial shares a conversation about qualitative and interpretive research quality between friends. Dr. Yvonna Lincoln, University Distinguished Professor Emerita at Texas A&M University, has been a pioneer in the field of qualitative and interpretive inquiry research. The purpose of this paper is to share Yvonna Lincoln’s contemporary thinking about quality criteria for qualitative and interpretive inquiry research and to make it available to mathematics educators who conduct qualitative research in urban settings

    Handbook of Qualitative Research

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    Handbook of Qualitive Research merupakan mahakarya dari berbagai buku metode penelitian yang ada, baik itu berbahasa Indonesia maupun berbahasa asing. Buku ini selalu dirujuk, dipelajari dan senantiasa konseptual serta digunakan dalam literatur kajian-kajian kualitatif. Kehadiran buku ini merupakan hasil dari refleksi dan pengamatan penerbit selama bertahun-tahun yang melihat bahwa dalam kenyataan dunia perbukuan kita, baik itu karya ilmiah yang berupa skripsi, tesis dan disertasi, maupun buku-buku riset dan terjemahan serta buku-buku teks kualitatif- buku Handbook ini selalu menjadi salah satu di antara sekian referensi pustaka yang ada. Oleh karenanya, sebagai komitmen kami untuk tetap berpegang teguh pada penerbitan buku teks, dengan segala daya upaya, kami menghadirkan buku ini dihadapan pembaca. Bagian I dari buku ini membahas bidang kajian kualitatif, dimulai dengan sejarah, disusul dengan tradisi penelitian kualitatif terapan, mengkaji "the other",dan strategi serta etika penelitian lapangan (field research). bagian II membahas secara khusus tema yang kita pandang sebagai paradigma utama historis dan kontemporer yang kini membentuk dan mempengaruhi penelitian kualitatif dalam disiplin ilmu humaniora. Bagian III mengkaji strategi utama metode penelitian yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian nyata. Persoalan metode dimulai dengan desain proyek penelitatif (qualitative research project). Bagian IV mengkaji metode pengumpulan dan analisis data-data empiris. Pembahasan pada bagian ini bergerak dari wawancara ke observasi, pemanfaatan artefak, dokumen, dan catatan masa lalu, rekaman visual, pengalaman pribadi, pengolahan data, dan metode-metode analisis terkomputerisasi, naratif (tuturan), isi, dan semiotik. Bagian V memaparkan seni interpretasi, meliputi kriteria penilaian terhadap kelayakan data-data kualitatif, proses penafsiran, teks tertulis, dan penelitian kebijakan serta evaluasi kualitatif. bagian VI membicarakan masa depan penelitian kualitatif. Selamat menikmati dan menyelami dunia kualitatif

    Using Precision in STEM Language: A Qualitative Look

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    Teachers need to develop a variety of pedagogical strategies that can encourage precise and accurate communication - an extremely important 21st century skill. Precision with STEM oral language is essential. Emphasizing oral communication with precise language in combination with increased spatial skills with modeling can improve the chances of success in STEM courses and later in making STEM career choices. The participants were 14 middle and high school teachers who participated in a week of professional development (PD). The Aural/Spatial Interactions and Invariant Components of Vocabulary for STEM Content Area Specialists (AS-STEM) was administered to teacher groups to examine how STEM discourses influenced AS-STEM success. This study compared language differences among groups that were more versus less successful at representing unseen 3-D objects by drawing 2-D depictions from oral descriptions from peers. The groups that were more successful, able to produce more accurate depictions, used (a) language type merging that was more coherent and less frequent, (b) language precision that appeared to convey meaning effectively, and (c) validated shared meaning regularly and established these shared meanings efficiently. Thus, teachers who were able to merge language types using precision and jointly took ownership of the tasks were more successful. We trust that this work translates into practice through the awareness teachers had from participation in and discussion of the activities

    Supporting the Complex Social Lives of New Parents

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    One of the many challenges of becoming a parent is the shift in one’s social life. As HCI researchers have begun to investigate the intersection of sociotechnical system design and parenthood, they have also sought to understand how parents’ social lives can be best supported. We build on these strands of research through a qualitative study with new parents regarding the role of digital technologies in their social lives as they transition to parenthood. We demonstrate how sociotechnical systems are entangled in the ways new parents manage their relationships, build (or resist building) new friendships and ad hoc support systems, and navigate the vulnerabilities of parenthood. We discuss how systems designed for new parents can better support the vulnerabilities they internalize, the diverse friendships they desire, and the logistical challenges they experience. We conclude with recommendations for future design and research in this area

    Factors affecting the identification of talented junior-elite footballers: a case study

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and examine factors associated with the identification of talented junior-elite footballers. Three data collection methods were employed: (1) document analysis (4 documents), (2) overt observation (~105 h) and (3) 12 semi-structured one-to-one interviews with staff responsible for player recruitment (M = 70 min). Data were analysed using a constant comparative approach, which allowed flexibility and reflexivity throughout the data collection period. Two core themes concerning the identification of talented players at this academy emerged: "structural issues", which were further categorised as: (1) financial; (2) educational; (3) philosophical or cultural; (4) competition amongst clubs; and (5) hours in practice; and "Current performance and potential talent" which covered issues around growth, maturation and development and psycho-social attributes. The paper concludes by suggesting that clubs should be more proactive in understanding the structural issues that affect talent identification processes, and better educating and supporting staff responsible for recruitment activity

    Trivial and normative? Online fieldwork within YouTube’s beauty community

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    In this article, I discuss methodological understandings around qualitative research and online ethnographic practice to bring forward a reflexive account on the particularities of doing fieldwork on YouTube. I draw from a multiyear ethnographic examination of YouTube’s beauty community that sought to understand online popularity framed by local norms and practices and shed light into the local significance of knowledge, expertise, and self-development. I argue for an epistemological perspective that acknowledges the diversity of viable, conceivable fieldwork experiences while distancing from prescriptive modes of argumentation. I propose seeing fieldwork in and through its richness and predicaments, persistently naturalistic while interpretive. I approach online popularity, fandom, and even YouTube itself from a perspective that tolerates ambivalence, contradictions, and embraces the complexity of social worlds and human interaction

    Path dependence and the stabilization of strategic premises: how the funeral industry buries itself

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    Lincoln, Yvonna S., Curriculum Studies and the Traditions of Inquiry: The Humanistic Tradition, pp. 79-97 in Philip W. Jackson, ed., Handbook of Research on Curriculum. New York: Macmillan, 1992.

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    Reviews historical (traditional, reconceptualist), political, aesthetic, critical, phenomenologist, and feminist traditions of curriculum inquiry

    Naturalistic inquiry/ Lincoln

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    416 hal.; 23 cm
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