14 research outputs found

    Confined Coulomb systems with absorbing boundaries: the two-dimensional two-component plasma

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    Using a solvable model, the two-dimensional two-component plasma, we study a Coulomb gas confined in a disk and in an annulus with boundaries that can adsorb some of the negative particles of the system. We obtain explicit analytic expressions for the grand potential, the pressure and the density profiles of the system. By studying the behavior of the disjoining pressure we find that without the adsorbing boundaries the system is naturally unstable, while with attractive boundaries the system is stable because of a positive contribution from the surface tension to the disjoining pressure. The results for the density profiles show the formation of a positive layer near the boundary that screens the adsorbed negative particles, a typical behavior in charged systems. We also compute the adsorbed charge on the boundary and show that it satisfies a certain number of relations, in particular an electro-neutrality sum rule.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, v2: section IV was shortened and some formulas has been rewritten to make them more readabl

    La prescripción ordinaria del contrato de seguro en los procesos de responsabilidad fiscal en Colombia (2012 a 2018)

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    Este trabajo de investigación nace de la inquietud relacionada con la suerte que corren los recursos y bienes del Estado en manos de los funcionarios públicos, contratistas y particulares que administran, custodian y manejan los recursos del Erario; de la forma como los órganos de control fiscal, concretamente la Contraloría General de la República, desarrolla la vigilancia y control a los sujetos de control y como se surte el proceso de responsabilidad fiscal, en especial la aplicación normativa que en este se define sobre el término de prescripción del contrato de seguro, en cuanto a la vinculación de las aseguradoras en calidad de terceros civilmente responsables. Los presupuestos jurídicos y fácticos que fundamentan el desarrollo de la presente investigación son de una parte, la preceptiva constitucional, normativa, doctrinal y jurisprudencial, y de otra, el estudio de casos, asumidos a través del levantamiento de información de campo sobre expedientes que surten investigaciones de responsabilidad fiscal, que motivan el desarrollo de la temática. En desarrollo de la temática de investigación, es importante rememorar que en el adelanto contemporáneo de la democracia del Estado Colombiano, se resalta con gran categoría el incremento en la participación ciudadana dentro de la gestión de los diferentes asuntos públicos, atribuida especialmente a la relevancia otorgada a los mecanismos de control que permiten la fiscalización del apropiado ejercicio de la autoridad en cabeza de quienes tienen bajo su responsabilidad la formulación de las políticas públicas y su correspondiente ejecución. Intrínseco al ejercicio de vigilancia se halla el control fiscal, cuyo origen constitucional le otorga una particular y primordial connotación en la ardua tarea gubernamental dirigida al cumplimiento de los fines esenciales del Estado y al logro constante de los mismos, bajo la aplicación inherente de los principios de la administración pública.Universidad Libre – Facultad de Derecho -- Maestría en Derecho AdministrativoThis research work arises from the concern related to the fate of State resources and assets in the hands of public officials, contractors and individuals who administer, guard and manage Treasury resources; of the way in which the fiscal control bodies, specifically the Comptroller General of the Republic, develops the surveillance and control of the subjects of control and how the process of fiscal responsibility is supplied, especially the regulatory application that is defined in this on the term of prescription of the insurance contract, in terms of the linking of insurers as civilly liable third parties. The legal and factual assumptions that support the development of this investigation are, on the one hand, the constitutional, normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential requirements, and on the other, the study of cases, assumed through the collection of field information on files that provide investigations of fiscal responsibility, which motivate the development of the theme. In developing the research theme, it is important to recall that in the contemporary advancement of democracy in the Colombian State, the increase in citizen participation in the management of different public affairs is highlighted with great category, especially attributed to the relevance given to the control mechanisms that allow the control of the proper exercise of authority by those who are responsible for formulating public policies and their corresponding execution. Intrinsic to the exercise of surveillance is fiscal control, whose constitutional origin gives it a particular and primordial connotation in the arduous government task directed at fulfillment of the essential purposes of the State and the constant achievement of the same, under the inherent application of the principles of public administration

    Plan de mejora en el proceso de Evaluación de Desempeño de la ips pharmasan

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    Cuando la Evaluación del desempeño se constituye como el eje central del funcionamiento empresarial, conviene que, todos y cada uno de los integrantes de organización, conozcan y se involucren con cada uno de los pasos de que se compone este, de ahí que, se presentan los resultados de la indagación que se hiciera en la IPS PHARMSAN de la ciudad de Bucaramanga y que buscó diseñar un plan de mejora del desempeño laboral como componente fundamental del desarrollo administrativo de la empresa. Se aplicó una metodología cualitativa y con enfoque socio crítico, aplicado a una población de usuarios seleccionados de manera aleatoria y a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta virtual con la cual se sistematizaron los resultados presentados en este informe.When the Performance Evaluation is constituted as the central axis of the business operation, it is convenient that each and every one of the members of the organization, know and get involved with each of the steps that make up this, hence, they are presented the results of the investigation that was made in the IPS PHARMSAN of the city of Bucaramanga and that sought to Design a model for the improvement of work performance as a fundamental component of the administrative development of the company. A qualitative methodology with a socio-critical approach was applied, applied to a population of randomly selected users and to whom a virtual survey was applied with which the results presented in this report were systematized

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, Zona Centro Departamento de Boyacá

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    Este trabajo consiste en presentar el análisis de los factores psicosociales emergentes que yacen de las consecuencias de la violencia que atraviesa nuestra nación. Inicialmente se realiza el análisis del caso seleccionado por el grupo colaborativo. En el “Relato 5: Carlos Arturo”, se consideran aspectos principalmente enmarcados a los fragmentos que más llaman la atención del relato desde un enfoque psicosocial en base a artículos científicos propuestos durante el diplomado de profundización en escenarios de violencia, también se analizan los impactos psicosociales que podemos reconocer en el contexto del protagonista de la historia y de igual forma generamos una respuesta a las voces que logramos encontrar en la narración toda vez que revelan un posicionamiento intransferible desde el lugar de la víctima o el superviviente que narra su experiencia, a lo largo de este documento podemos comprender algunos destacados electivos respecto a imágenes imperiosas de la violencia y sus impactos establecidos para finalmente poder registrar apartes que emergen una autonomía complexa frente a las imágenes de pánico de la violencia. Posteriormente el grupo colaborativo reflexiona en el caso propuesto “las comunidades de Cacarica”, el cual muestra el entorno a los procedentes psicosociales que consideramos están ocultos después de la corrida y el acoso militar. También se analizan los impactos que genera para la población el hecho de ser estigmatizada como cómplices de un actor armado. A continuación, el grupo propone dos acciones de apoyo en la situación de crisis generada por la tortura y el asesinato de miembros y líderes de la comunidad de estudio y finalmente se logran instituir tres destrezas psicosociales con los pobladores de Cacarica, que facilitan la potenciación de recursos de resistencia a la situación indicada por la problemática.This work is about the psychosocial facts found in the consequences of violence that suffer our country. At the beginning, we did the case analysis that we selected as a collaborative team. In the "Report 5: Carlos Arturo" it is considered by mainly framed aspects to the most important fragments that we care about from a psychologic approach based in scientific articles proposed all across the strengthening degree in scenes of violence. Also, the psychosocial impacts that we recognized in the story's protagonist context are analyzed. Besides, we generate an answer to the voices that we can find in the story whenever they reveal a subjective positioning from the victim's place who tells the story. Throughout this document we can get understand some alternate meanings regarding dominant images of violence and its naturalized impacts to finally be able to register parts that reveal a discursive emancipation in front of the horror images of violence. Later, the collaborative group reflects on the proposed case: “the communities of Cacarica”, which shows the environment to the psychosocial emerging who we consider to be latent after the incursion and military harassment. It also analyses the impact on the population of being stigmatized as accomplices of an armed actor. The group then proposes two actions to support the crisis situation generated by the torture and murder of members and leaders of the study community, and finally three psychosocial strategies have been establish with the people of Cacarica, facilitating the development of resources to deal with the situation expressed by the problem

    Potassium Starvation in Yeast: Mechanisms of Homeostasis Revealed by Mathematical Modeling

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    The intrinsic ability of cells to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions is a fundamental process required for survival. Potassium is the most abundant cation in living cells and is required for essential cellular processes, including the regulation of cell volume, pH and protein synthesis. Yeast cells can grow from low micromolar to molar potassium concentrations and utilize sophisticated control mechanisms to keep the internal potassium concentration in a viable range. We developed a mathematical model for Saccharomyces cerevisiae to explore the complex interplay between biophysical forces and molecular regulation facilitating potassium homeostasis. By using a novel inference method (“the reverse tracking algorithm”) we predicted and then verified experimentally that the main regulators under conditions of potassium starvation are proton fluxes responding to changes of potassium concentrations. In contrast to the prevailing view, we show that regulation of the main potassium transport systems (Trk1,2 and Nha1) in the plasma membrane is not sufficient to achieve homeostasis

    Alkane fluids confined and compressed by two smooth gold crystalline surfaces: pure liquids and mixtures

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    With the use of grand canonical molecular dynamics, we studied the slow ompression(0.01m/s) of very thin liquid films made of equimolar mixtures of short and long alkane chains (hexane and hexadecane), and branched and unbranched alkanes (phytane and hexadecane). Besides comparing how these mixtures behave under constant speed compression, we will compare their properties with the behavior and structure of the pure systems undergoing the same type of slow compression. To understand the arrangement of the molecules inside the confinement, we present segmental and molecular density profiles, average length and orientation of the molecules inside well layered gaps. To observe the effects of the compression on the fluids, we present the number of confined molecules, the inlayer orientation, the solvation force and the inlayer diffusion coefficient, versus the thickness of the gap. We observe that pure hexadecane, although liquid at this temperature, starts presenting strong solid-like behavior when it is compressed to thicknesses under 3nm, while pure hexane and pure phytane continue to behave liquid-like except at 1.3nm when they show some weak solid-like features. When hexadecane is mixed with the short straight hexane, it remains liquid down to 2.8nm at which point this mixture behaves solid-like with an enhanced alignment of the long molecules not seen in its pure form; but when hexadecane is mixed with the branched phytane the system does not present the solid-like features seen when hexadecane is compressed pure.PhDCommittee Chair: Landman, Uzi; Committee Co-Chair: Gao, Jianping; Committee Member: El-Sayed, Mostafa A.; Committee Member: Kennedy, Brian; Committee Member: Riedo, Elisa; Committee Member: Schatz, Michae

    Acciones, actitudes y escenarios que se promueven para la participación y responsabilidad democrática en instituciones educativas de la comuna 1 de Villavicencio

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    TablasEsta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar las acciones, actitudes y escenarios que se promueven para la participación y responsabilidad democrática en instituciones educativas de Villavicencio, conocer el estado de participación y responsabilidad democrática de los estudiantes con el fin de proponer estrategias que fortalezcan la formación ciudadana encaminados a la construcción de espacios de participación activa, la preparación de ciudadanos con habilidades para participar. La investigación se diseñó tomando en cuenta el enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo con diseño transversal, como primera fase se visita a las instituciones educativas seleccionadas, se realiza la aplicación de los instrumentos, cada uno de ellos fueron sometidos a pruebas de validez mediante análisis factorial exploratorio, después se procede con la tabulación, análisis de la información y por ultimo discusión de resultados como base fundamental para establecer un diagnóstico de forma clara y precisa del nivel de competencias ciudadanas para la participación y responsabilidad democrática. Finalmente a partir del diagnóstico se realiza una propuesta basada en el desarrollo de actividades que incentiven la democrática y se reconozca el papel de la ciudadanía en un contexto educativo.This research aims to determine the actions, attitudes and scenarios to promote participation and democratic accountability in educational institutions of Villavicencio, the status of democratic participation and responsibility of students in order to propose strategies to strengthen civic education aimed the construction of spaces for active participation, preparation of citizens with the skills to participate. The research was designed taking into account the quantitative approach, descriptive with cross design, as the first phase is to visit selected colleges, the application of instruments, each of them were tested for validity using factor analysis is performed exploratory, then proceed with the tabulation, analysis of information and discussion of results finally as a fundamental basis for precise level of civic skills for democratic participation and accountability clearly diagnose. Finally from diagnosis is made a proposal based on the development of activities that encourage the democratic and recognize the role of citizenship in an educational context