756 research outputs found

    How University Departmens respond to the Rise of Academic Entrepreneurship? The Pasteur's Quadrant Explanation

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    This paper examines how universities can develop a new organizational structure to cope with the rise of academic entrepreneurship. By deploying the Pasteurian quadrant framework, knowledge creation and knowledge utilization in universities are measured. The relationships between university antecedents, Pasteurian orientation, and research performance are analyzed. A survey of university administrators and faculty members collected 634 responses from faculty members in 99 departments among 6 universities. The findings indicate that university antecedents of strategic flexibility and balancing commitment contribute to a greater Pasteurian orientation in university departments. The higher degree of Pasteurian orientation has significantly positive impacts on the performance both of knowledge creation and knowledge utilization. Moreover, the Pasteurian orientation acts as a mediator between university antecedents and research performance. Using cluster analysis, the departments are categorized into four groups. The differences between university- and department- factors in these four groups are examined and discussed. We conclude that not all university departments should move toward the Pasteurian group, and there are specific organizational and disciplinary factors resulting in mobility barriers among groups. Policies to encourage academic entrepreneurship should consider these mobility barriers, along with this new governance of science.Academic entrepreneurship, Pasteur’s quadrant, research excellence, research commercialization

    The use of multiple molecular markers as predictors of the clinical prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer

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    AbstractSerum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is most commonly used as a prognostic biomarker for evaluating curatively resected colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, but it has a low sensitivity and specificity. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential genetic markers in CRC patients using membrane array. Fifty CRC patients were enrolled and mRNA expression in their tissues were analyzed using membrane array analysis. Seven genes were analyzed in this study, including ATP2A2, GLUT1, MMP13, MAGE-A2, MAGE-A7, MAGE-A8, and MAGE-A12. Correlations between the results of the membrane array and the clinicopathological features of these CRC patients were then evaluated. The results show that the overexpression of any three or four of these seven genes is correlated with tumor invasion depth, lymphatic invasion, advanced stage, and postoperative recurrence (all p < 0.005). Furthermore, the expression of any four genes was more significantly correlated with clinicopathological characteristics than the expression of only two or three genes. The combination of multiple molecular markers and the membrane array method might be useful for predicting postoperative relapse in CRC patients

    Probing the R-parity violating supersymmetric effects in the exclusive c→d/sℓνℓc\to d/s\ell\nu_\ell decays

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    A lot of branching ratios of the exclusive c→d/sℓνℓc \to d/s\ell\nu_\ell (ℓ=e,μ\ell=e,\mu) decays have been quite accurately measured by CLEO-c, BELLE, BABAR, BES(I,II,III), ALEPH and MARKIII collaborations. We probe the R-parity violating supersymmetric effects in the exclusive c→d/sℓνℓc \to d/s\ell\nu_\ell decays. From the latest experimental measurements, we obtain new upper limits on the relevant R-parity violating coupling parameters within the decays, and many upper limits are obtained for the first time. Using the constrained new parameter spaces, we predict the R-parity violating effects on the observables, which have not been measured or have not been well measured yet. We find that the R-parity violating effects due to slepton exchange could be large on the branching ratios of Dd/s→eνeD_{d/s}\to e\nu_e decays and the normalized forward-backward asymmetries of Du/d→π/KℓνℓD_{u/d}\to \pi/K \ell\nu_\ell as well as Ds→KℓνℓD_s\to K \ell\nu_\ell decays, and all branching ratios of the relevant semileptonic DD decays are sensitive to squark exchange couplings. Our results in this work could be used to probe new physics effects in the leptonic decays as well as the semileptonic decays, and will correlate with searches for direct supersymmetric signals at LHC and BESIII.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Comparison of Efficacy and Safety Between First and Second Generation Drug-Eluting Stents in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease: A Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Background: Lots of trials demonstrate that second-generation drug-eluting stents (G2-DES), with their improved properties, offer significantly superior efficacy and safety profiles compared to first generation DES (G1-DES) for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). This study aimed to verify the advantage of G2-DES over G1-DES in Chinese patients with stable CAD (SCAD). Methods: For this retrospective observational analysis, 2709 SCAD patients with either G1-DES (n = 863) or G2-DES (n = 1846) were enrolled consecutively throughout 2013. Propensity score matching (PSM) was applied to control differing baseline factors. Two-year outcomes, including major adverse coronary events as well as individual events, including target vessel-related myocardial infarction, target lesion revascularization (TLR), target vessel revascularization, and cardiogenic death were evaluated. Results: The incidence of revascularization between G1- and G2-DES showed a trend of significant difference with a threshold P - value (8.6% vs. 6.7%, χ2 = 2.995, P = 0.084). G2-DES significantly improved TLR-free survival compared to G1-DES (96.6% vs. 97.9%, P = 0.049) and revascularization-free survival curve showed a trend of improvement of G2-DES (92.0% vs. 93.8%, P = 0.082). These differences diminished after PSM. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression analysis showed a trend for G1-associated increase in revascularization (hazard ratio: 1.28, 95% confidence interval: 0.95-1.72, P = 0.099) while no significance was found after PSM. Other endpoints showed no significant differences after multivariate adjustment regardless of PSM. Conclusions: G1-DES showed the same safety as G2-DES in this large Chinese cohort of real-world patients. However, G2-DES improved TLR-free survival of SCAD patients 2 years after PCI. The advantage was influenced by baseline clinical factors. G1-DES was associated with a trend of increase in revascularization risk and was not an independent predictor of worse medium-term prognosis compared with G2-DES

    A High-Accuracy Detection System: Based on Transfer Learning for Apical Lesions on Periapical Radiograph

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    Apical Lesions, one of the most common oral diseases, can be effectively detected in daily dental examinations by a periapical radiograph (PA). In the current popular endodontic treatment, most dentists spend a lot of time manually marking the lesion area. In order to reduce the burden on dentists, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based regional analysis model for spical lesions for periapical radiographs. In this study, the database was provided by dentists with more than three years of practical experience, meeting the criteria for clinical practical application. The contributions of this work are (1) an advanced adaptive threshold preprocessing technique for image segmentation, which can achieve an accuracy rate of more than 96%; (2) a better and more intuitive apical lesions symptom enhancement technique; and (3) a model for apical lesions detection with an accuracy as high as 96.21%. Compared with existing state-of-the-art technology, the proposed model has improved the accuracy by more than 5%. The proposed model has successfully improved the automatic diagnosis of apical lesions. With the help of automation, dentists can focus more on technical and medical diagnoses, such as treatment, tooth cleaning, or medical communication. This proposal has been certified by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) with the certification number 202002030B0

    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 larger triplet expansion alters histone modification and induces RNA foci

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8) involves the expression of an expanded CTG/CAG combined repeats (CR) from opposite strands producing CUG expansion transcripts (ataxin 8 opposite strand, ATXN8OS) and a polyglutamine expansion protein (ataxin 8, ATXN8). The pathogenesis of SCA8 is complex and the spectrum of clinical presentations is broad.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using stably induced cell models expressing 0, 23, 88 and 157 CR, we study the role of ATXN8OS transcripts in SCA8 pathogenesis. In the absence of doxycycline, the stable ATXN8OS CR cell lines exhibit low levels of ATXN8OS expression and a repeat length-related increase in staurosporine sensitivity and in the number of annexin positive cells. A repeat length-dependent repression of ATXN8OS expression was also notable. Addition of doxycycline leads to 25~50 times more ATXN8OS RNA expression with a repeat length-dependent increase in fold of ATXN8OS RNA induction. ChIP-PCR assay using anti-dimethyl-histone H3-K9 and anti-acetyl-histone H3-K14 antibodies revealed increased H3-K9 dimethylation and reduced H3-K14 acetylation around the ATXN8OS cDNA gene in 157 CR line. The repeat length-dependent increase in induction fold is probably due to the increased RNA stability as demonstrated by monitoring ATXN8OS RNA decay in cells treated with the transcriptional inhibitor, actinomycin D. In cells stably expressing ATXN8OS, RNA FISH experiments further revealed ribonuclear foci formation in cells carrying expanded 88 and 157 CR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study demonstrates that the expanded CUG-repeat tracts are toxic to human cells and may affect ATXN8OS RNA expression and stability through epigenetic and post-transcriptional mechanisms.</p

    Lentivirus-mediated RNA interference targeting the H19 gene inhibits cell proliferation and apoptosis in human choriocarcinoma cell line JAR

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    BACKGROUND: H19 is a paternally imprinted gene that has been shown to be highly expressed in the trophoblast tissue. Results from previous studies have initiated a debate as to whether noncoding RNA H19 acts as a tumor suppressor or as a tumor promotor in trophoblast tissue. In the present study, we developed lentiviral vectors expressing H19-specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) to specifically block the expression of H19 in the human choriocarcinoma cell line JAR. Using this approach, we investigated the impact of the H19 gene on the proliferation, invasion and apoptosis of JAR cells. Moreover, we examined the effect of H19 knockdown on the expression of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), hairy and enhancer of split homologue-1 (HES-1) and dual-specific phosphatase 5 (DUSP5) genes. RESULTS: H19 knockdown inhibited apoptosis and proliferation of JAR cells, but had no significant impact on cell invasion. In addition, H19 knockdown resulted in significant upregulation of HES-1 and DUSP5 expression, but not IGF2 expression in JAR cells. CONCLUSIONS: The finding that H19 downregulation could simultaneously inhibit proliferation and apoptosis of JAR cells highlights a putative dual function for H19 in choriocarcinoma and may explain the debate on whether H19 acts as a tumor suppressor or a tumor promotor in trophoblast tissue. Furthermore, upregulation of HES-1 and DUSP5 may mediate H19 downregulation-induced suppression of proliferation and apoptosis of JAR cells

    Herbal Medicine in Uterine Fibroid

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    Uterine fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyoma is the most common benign tumor of the uterus found in women of reproductive age. Uterine fibroids are the cause of major quality-of-life issues for approximately 25% of all women who suffer from clinically significant symptoms of uterine fibroid. Despite the prevalence of fibroid, currently, there are no effective treatment options for fibroid. The lack of understanding of the etiology of fibroid contributes to the scarcity of medical therapies available. Sex steroid hormones, dysregulation of cell signaling pathways, miRNA expression, and cytogenetic abnormalities may all implicate in fibroid etiology. Several herbal medicines have been used as anti-inflammation and antitumor agents. All of them have a common capability to inhibit expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proliferative genes, and pro-angiogenetic genes. Exploring herbal medicines as remedies lighten the hope of treatment. In the current review article, we discuss signal transduction pathways activated herbal medicines. We also address the possibility of using herbal medicines for uterine fibroid treatment
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