225 research outputs found

    Modelling the influence of machined surface roughness on the fatigue life of aluminium alloy

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    The influence of machined surface roughness on the fatigue life of 7010 aluminium alloy has been investigated. Four-point bending specimen have been machined according to various machining conditions and tested in fatigue. In order to explain the high dependence of SN curves on the surface roughness of the specimen, an approach based on the finite element analysis of measured surface topography is proposed. Surface grooves due to machining are supposed to generate stress concentrations that are so calculated. A model of fatigue life prediction is developed, using this definition of local Kt

    A new approach of high speed cutting modelling: SPH method

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    The purpose of this study is to introduce a new approach of high speed cutting numerical modelling. A lagrangian Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) based model is carried out using the Ls-Dyna software. SPH is a meshless method, thus large material distortions that occur in the cutting problem are easily managed and SPH contact control permits a “natural” workpiece/chip separation. Estimated chip morphology and cutting forces are compared to machining dedicated code results and experimental data. The developed SPH model proved its ability to account for continuous and shear localized chip formation and also correctly estimates the cutting forces, as illustrated in some orthogonal cutting examples

    Modélisation numérique de la coupe orthogonale en UGV

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    L'usinage par enlèvement de matière est le procédé le plus utilisé dans la production de composants pour l'industrie mécanique.AIRBUS France utilise l’usinage mécanique par outils coupants sur de nombreuses pièces sollicitées en fatigue. Ce procédé tend à évoluer vers l’Usinage Grande Vitesse (UGV) car il permet d’améliorer sensiblement la productivité. L’objectif de l’étude présentée ici est de réaliser des simulations numériques du procédé d’usinage en faisant varier certains paramètres, afin d’obtenir un modèle fidèle de la sollicitation vue par la pièce et d’évaluer la pertinence et les limites de l’outil numérique choisi. Les simulations numériques sont menées à l’aide du code hydrodynamique de calcul non linéaire par éléments finis LS-DYNA en utilisant la méthode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) 2D dans le cadre de la coupe orthogonale. La validation des modèles numériques est effectuée sur la base de la comparaison avec des résultats expérimentaux collectés dans la littérature. Les trois critères retenus sont la morphologie de copeaux, la répartition de contrainte et les efforts de coupe

    SPH method applied to high speed cutting modelling

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    The purpose of this study is to introduce a new approach of high speed cutting numerical modelling. A Lagrangian smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)- based model is arried out using the Ls-Dyna software. SPH is a meshless method, thus large material distortions that occur in the cutting problem are easily managed and SPH contact control permits a "natural" workpiece/chip separation. The developed approach is compared to machining dedicated code results and experimental data. The SPH cutting model has proved is ability to account for continuous to shear localized chip formation and also correctly estimates the cutting forces, as illustrated in some orthogonal cutting examples. Thus, comparable results to machining dedicated codes are obtained without introducing any adjusting numerical parameters (friction coefficient, fracture control parameter)

    Modelling High Speed Machining with the SPH Method

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    The purpose of this work is to evaluate the use of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method within the framework of high speed cutting modelling. First, a 2D SPH based model is carried out using the LS-DYNA® software. SPH is a meshless method, thus large material distortions that occur in the cutting problem are easily managed and SPH contact control allows a “natural” workpiece/chip separation. The developed SPH model proves its ability to account for continuous and shear localized chip formation and also correctly estimates the cutting forces, as illustrated in some orthogonal cutting examples. Then, The SPH model is used in order to improve the general understanding of machining with worn tools. At last, a milling model allowing the calculation of the 3D cutting forces is presented. The interest of the suggested approach is to be freed from classically needed machining tests: Those are replaced by 2D numerical tests using the SPH model. The developed approach proved its ability to model the 3D cutting forces in ball end milling

    Metal cutting modelling SPH approach

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    The purpose of this work is to evaluate the use of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method within the framework of high speed cutting modelling. First, a 2D SPH based model is carried out using the LS-DYNA® software. The developed SPH model proves its ability to account for continuous and shear localised chip formation and also correctly estimates the cutting forces, as illustrated in some orthogonal cutting examples. Then, the SPH model is used in order to improve the general understanding of machining with worn tools. At last, a hybrid milling model allowing the calculation of the 3D cutting forces is presented. The interest of the suggested approach is to be freed from classically needed machining tests: Those are replaced by 2D numerical tests using the SPH model. The developed approach proved its ability to model the 3D cutting forces in ball end milling

    Toward a better understanding of tool wear effect through a comparison between experiments and SPH numerical modelling of machining hard materials

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    The aim of this study is to improve the general understanding of tungsten carbide (WC–Co) tool wear under dry machining of the hard-to-cut titanium alloy Ti6Al4V. The chosen approach includes experimental and numerical tests. The experimental part is designed to identify wear mechanisms using cutting force measurements, scanning electron microscope observations and optical profilometer analysis. Machining tests were conducted in the orthogonal cutting framework and showed a strong evolution of the cutting forces and the chip profiles with tool wear. Then, a numerical method has been used in order to model the machining process with both new and worn tools. The use of smoothed particle hydrodynamics model (SPH model) as a numerical tool for a better understanding of the chip formation with worn tools is a key aspect of this work. The redicted chip morphology and the cutting force evolution with respect to the tool wear are qualitatively compared with experimental trends. The chip formation mechanisms during dry cutting process are shown to be quite dependent from the worn tool geometry. These mechanisms explain the high variation of the experimental and numerical feed force between new and worn tools

    Modélisation 3D des efforts de coupe et de la surface en UGV à partir d'un modèle numérique 2D

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    Cette étude introduit une approche globale de la modélisation du procédé de fraisage, ceci dans le cadre de la création de liens entre paramètres d'usinage et durée de vie en fatigue. Un modèle de fraisage permettant le calcul des efforts de coupe ainsi que la surface générée est présenté. Ilse base sur le couplage de plusieurs modèles : modèle d'intersection outil/pièce, modèle numérique 2D, modèle mécanistique 3D. La démarche proposée présente l'intérêt de s'affranchir d'essais d'usinage : ceux-ci sont ramplacés par des essais numériques 2D à l'aide d'un modèle SPH. Ce modèle de fraisage est complété par une phase de prédiction de durée de vie basée sur le calcul de concentration de contraintes locales.L'approche présentée a été confrontée à l'expérience. Une erreur maximale de 15% a été obtenue sur les cas de fraisage UGV étudiés en terme de duér de vie

    L’acte de lecture, entre sens et vérité

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    L’article se propose de présenter la conception de la lecture défendue par Roman Ingarden. Elle est comprise comme un processus complexe entre un lecteur et une œuvre littéraire, au cours duquel le lecteur porte la responsabilité de faire exister le sens du texte, soit d’en actualiser la vérité. Cette conception trouve des prolongements et des affinités aussi bien chez Jean-Paul Sartre que chez Hans-Georg Gadamer. Tous les trois s’accordent sur le fait qu’il y a une rectitude de la lecture qui trouve ses normes et ses règles dans l’œuvre mais suppose un lecteur scrupuleux et généreux, qualifié pour s’efforcer d’éviter le relativisme et le nihilisme. La lecture ainsi prise au sérieux s’avère une expérience cognitive et esthétique au service des valeurs. Elle se caractérise comme une expérience de création et de découverte au terme de laquelle la vérité est toujours l’apparition de « la chose même ».This paper presents Roman Ingarden’s conception of reading. It is understood as a complex process between a reader and a literary work, in which the reader bears the responsibility of bringing the meaning of the text into existence, i.e. of actualising its truth. This conception finds extensions and affinities in both Sartre and Gadamer. All three agree that there is a rectitude of reading that finds its norms and rules in the work but presupposes a scrupulous and generous reader, qualified to avoid relativism and nihilism. Reading taken seriously in this way is a cognitive and aesthetic experience in the service of values. It is an experience of creation and discovery at the end of which the truth is always the appearance of “the thing itself”