24 research outputs found

    Optimal tyre management for a high-performance race car

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    Optimal control is used to study the management of tyre performance for a Formula One car. Tyre friction is compromised by accumulated wear and operation outside the tyre design temperature window – inappropriate thermal operation accelerates tyre wear. In this study tyre wear is modelled as a function of the tyre surface temperature and the power dissipated at the road contact. The tyre's frictional performance is modelled as a function of temperature and accumulated wear. A previously developed thermodynamic model is modified by the addition of a state representing the tyres' carcass temperature. Optimal control calculations are used to optimise (multi-lap) performance by improving grip and extending the life of the tyres. In combination, tyre wear and friction control can be used to schedule tyre changes and minimise race times.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/nvsd20hj2022Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Modeling and control of TCV

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    Modeling and control of TCV

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    A new approach to the modeling and control of tokamak fusion reactors is presented. A nonlinear model is derived using the classical arguments of Hamiltonian mechanics and a low-order linear model is derived from it. The modeling process used here addresses flux and energy conservation issues explicitly and self-consistently. The model is of particular value, because it shows the relationship between the initial modeling assumptions and the resulting predictions. The mechanisms behind the creation of uncontrollable modes in tokamak models are discussed. A normalized coprime factorization controller is developed for the Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV), CRPP-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, tokamak using the linearized model, which has been extensively verified on the TCV and JT-60U, JAERI, Naka, Japan, tokamaks. Recent theory is applied to reduce the controller order significantly whilst guaranteeing a priori bounds on the robust stability and performance. The controller is shown to track successfully reference signals that dictate the plasma’s shape, position and current. The tests used to verify this were carried out on linear and nonlinear models

    Plasma equilibrium response modelling and validation on JT-60U

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    A systematic procedure to identify the plasma equilibrium response to the poloidal field coil voltages has been applied to the JT-60U tokamak. The required response was predicted with a high accuracy by a state-space model derived from first principles. The ab initio derivation of linearized plasma equilibrium response models is re-examined using an approach standard in analytical mechanics. A symmetric formulation is naturally obtained, removing a previous weakness in such models. RZIP, a rigid current distribution model, is re-derived using this approach and is compared with the new experimental plasma equilibrium response data obtained from Ohmic and neutral beam injection discharges in the JT-60U tokamak. In order to remove any bias from the comparison between modelled and measured plasma responses, the electromagnetic response model without plasma was first carefully tuned against experimental data, using a parametric approach, for which different cost functions for quantifying model agreement were explored. This approach additionally provides new indications of the accuracy to which various plasma parameters are known, and to the ordering of physical effects. Having taken these precautions when tuning the plasmaless model, an empirical estimate of the plasma self-inductance, the plasma resistance and its radial derivative could be established and compared with initial assumptions. Off-line tuning of the JT-60U controller is presented as an example of the improvements which might be obtained by using such a model of the plasma equilibrium response