16 research outputs found

    Receptor Mediated Oral Delivery Of Bioencapsulated Green Fluorescent Protein Expressed In Transgenic Chloroplasts

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    The skyrocketing costs of prescription medicine in developed countries and their lack of availability in developing countries are the most challenging problems of human health. Primary reasons for such high cost are fermentation-based production, expensive purification methods, the need for low temperature storage and transportation and the delivery through sterile injections. Most of these expenses could be minimized or eliminated when therapeutic proteins are expressed and orally delivered via plant cells. Chloroplasts have the machinery to fold complex and biologically active eukaryotic proteins in the soluble chloroplast stromal compartment. Protein expression through chloroplast transformation system offers a number of advantages over nuclear transformation such as a high level of transgene expression (up to 47% of the total soluble protein), due to the presence of 10,000 copies of the transgene per cell, which is uniquely advantageous for oral delivery of adequate amounts of the therapeutic protein or vaccine antigen. It is also an environmentally friendly approach due to effective gene containment and lack of transgene expression in pollen since the chloroplast genome is maternally inherited. To study receptor-mediated oral delivery of therapeutic proteins using the transmucosal carrier cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), a CTB-GFP fusion protein separated by a furin cleavage site was expressed via the tobacco chloroplast genome and used as a visible marker. Site specific integration of the transgene was confirmed by PCR analysis. Southern blot analysis confirmed homoplasmy. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the expression of both the monomeric as well as the pentameric forms of CTB-GFP in transgenic plants. Expression levels of upto 21.3% were obtained and the functionality of the CTB-GFP pentamers was confirmed by an in vitro GM1 binding assay. GFP was seen in the intestinal mucosa, liver and spleen of mice orally fed with CTB-GFP expressing leaves, while CTB was detected only in the intestinal cells. Intestinal macrophages and dendritic cells stained positive for both the CTB as well as GFP. These results suggest successful cleavage of the foreign protein from the transmucosal carrier and its delivery to various organs. These investigations should facilitate the development of a novel cost-effective oral delivery system for plant-derived therapeutic proteins

    Receptor-Mediated Oral Delivery of a Bioencapsulated Green Fluorescent Protein Expressed in Transgenic Chloroplasts Into the Mouse Circulatory System

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    Oral delivery of biopharmaceutical proteins expressed in plant cells should reduce their cost of production, purification, processing, cold storage, transportation, and delivery. However, poor intestinal absorption of intact proteins is a major challenge. To overcome this limitation, we investigate here the concept of receptor-mediated oral delivery of chloroplast-expressed foreign proteins. Therefore, the transmucosal carrier cholera toxin B-subunit and green fluorescent protein (CTB-GFP), separated by a furin cleavage site, was expressed via the tobacco chloroplast genome. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analyses confirmed site-specific transgene integration and homoplasmy. Immunoblot analysis and ELISA confirmed expression of monomeric and pentameric forms of CTB-GFP, up to 21.3% of total soluble proteins. An in vitro furin cleavage assay confirmed integrity of the engineered furin cleavage site, and a GM1 binding assay confirmed the functionality of CTB-GFP pentamers. Following oral administration of CTB-GFP expressing leaf material to mice, GFP was observed in the mice intestinal mucosa, liver, and spleen in fluorescence and immunohistochemical studies, while CTB remained in the intestinal cell. This report of receptor-mediated oral delivery of a foreign protein into the circulatory system opens the door for low-cost production and delivery of human therapeutic proteins

    Prediction of clinical outcomes using the pyrolysis, gas chromatography, and differential mobility spectrometry (Py-GC-DMS) system

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    AbstractBiological and molecular heterogeneity of human diseases especially cancers contributes to variations in treatment response, clinical outcome, and survival. The addition of new disease- and condition-specific biomarkers to existing clinical markers to track cancer heterogeneity provides possibilities for further assisting clinicians in predicting clinical outcomes and making choices of treatment options. Ionization patterns derived from biological specimens can be adapted for use with existing clinical markers for early detection, patient risk stratification, treatment decision making, and monitoring disease progression. In order to demonstrate the application of pyrolysis, gas chromatography, and differential mobility spectrometry (Py-GC-DMS) for human diseases to predict the outcome of diseases, we analyzed the ionized spectral signals generated by instrument ACB2000 (ACBirox universal detector 2000, ACBirox LLC, NJ, USA) from the serum samples of Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) patients. Here, we have used mantle cell lymphoma as a disease model for a conceptual study only and based on the ionization patterns of the analyzed serum samples, we developed a multivariate algorithm comprised of variable selection and reduction steps followed by receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis to predict the probability of a good or poor clinical outcome as a means of estimating the likely success of a particular treatment option. Our preliminary study performed with small cohort provides a proof of concept demonstrating the ability of this system to predict the clinical outcome for human diseases with high accuracy suggesting the promising application of pyrolysis, gas chromatography, and differential mobility spectrometry (Py-GC-DMS) in the field of medicine

    Receptor-Mediated Oral Delivery Of A Bioencapsulated Green Fluorescent Protein Expressed In Transgenic Chloroplasts Into The Mouse Circulatory System

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    Oral delivery of biopharmaceutical proteins expressed in plant cells should reduce their cost of production, purification, processing, cold storage, transportation, and delivery. However, poor intestinal absorption of intact proteins is a major challenge. To overcome this limitation, we investigate here the concept of receptor-mediated oral delivery of chloroplast-expressed foreign proteins. Therefore, the transmucosal carrier cholera toxin B-subunit and green fluorescent protein (CTB-GFP), separated by a furin cleavage site, was expressed via the tobacco chloroplast genome. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot analyses confirmed site-specific transgene integration and homoplasmy. Immunoblot analysis and ELISA confirmed expression of monomeric and pentameric forms of CTB-GFP, up to 21.3% of total soluble proteins. An in vitro furin cleavage assay confirmed integrity of the engineered furin cleavage site, and a GM1 binding assay confirmed the functionality of CTB-GFP pentamers. Following oral administration of CTB-GFP expressing leaf material to mice, GFP was observed in the mice intestinal mucosa, liver, and spleen in fluorescence and immunohistochemical studies, while CTB remained in the intestinal cell. This report of receptor-mediated oral delivery of a foreign protein into the circulatory system opens the door for low-cost production and delivery of human therapeutic proteins. © FASEB

    Cytokines In Immunogenic Cell Death: Applications For Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Despite advances in treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, metastatic cancer remains a leading cause of death for cancer patients. While many chemotherapeutic agents can efficiently eliminate cancer cells, long-term protection against cancer is not achieved and many patients experience cancer recurrence. Mobilizing and stimulating the immune system against tumor cells is one of the most effective ways to protect against cancers that recur and/or metastasize. Activated tumor specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) can seek out and destroy metastatic tumor cells and reduce tumor lesions. Natural Killer (NK) cells are a front-line defense against drug-resistant tumors and can provide tumoricidal activity to enhance tumor immune surveillance. Cytokines like IFN-γ or TNF play a crucial role in creating an immunogenic microenvironment and therefore are key players in the fight against metastatic cancer. To this end, a group of anthracyclines or treatments like photodynamic therapy (PDT) exert their effects on cancer cells in a manner that activates the immune system. This process, known as immunogenic cell death (ICD), is characterized by the release of membrane-bound and soluble factors that boost the function of immune cells. This review will explore different types of ICD inducers, some in clinical trials, to demonstrate that optimizing the cytokine response brought about by treatments with ICD-inducing agents is central to promoting anti-cancer immunity that provides long-lasting protection against disease recurrence and metastasis

    The Major Isoforms Of Bim Contribute To Distinct Biological Activities That Govern The Processes Of Autophagy And Apoptosis In Interleukin-7 Dependent Lymphocytes

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    Bim is a BH3-only member of the Bcl-2 family that enables the death of T-cells. Partial rescue of cytokine-deprived T-cells occurs when Bim and the receptor for the T-cell growth factor, interleukin-7, are deleted, implicating Bim as a possible target of interleukin-7-mediated signaling. Alternative splicing yields three major isoforms: BimEL, BimL and BimS. To study the effect of Bim deficiency and define the function of the major isoforms, Bim-containing and Bim-deficient T-cells, dependent on interleukin-7 for growth, were used. Loss of total Bim in interleukin-7-deprived T-cells resulted in delayed apoptosis. However, loss of Bim also impeded the later degradative phase of autophagy. p62, an autophagy-adaptor protein which is normally degraded, accumulated in Bim deficient cells. To explain this, BimL was found to support acidification of lysosomes that later may associate with autophagic vesicles. Key findings showed that inhibition of lysosomal acidification accelerated death upon interleukin-7 withdrawal only in Bim-containing T-cells. intereukin-7 dependent T-cells lacking Bim were less sensitive to inhibition of lysosomal acidification. BimL co-immunoprecipitated with dynein and Lamp1-containing vesicles, indicating BimL could be an adaptor for dynein to facilitate loading of lysosomes. In Bim deficient T-cells, lysosome-tracking probes revealed vesicles of less acidic pH. Over-expression of BimL restored acidic vesicles in Bim deficient T-cells, while other isoforms, BimEL and BimS, promoted intrinsic cell death. These results reveal a novel role for BimL in lysosomal positioning that may be required for the formation of degradative autolysosomes. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Levetiracetam Enhances P53-Mediated Mgmt Inhibition And Sensitizes Glioblastoma Cells To Temozolomide

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    Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are frequently used to treat seizures in glioma patients. AEDs may have an unrecognized impact in modulating O 6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), a DNA repair protein that has an important role in tumor cell resistance to alkylating agents. We report that levetiracetam (LEV) is the most potent MGMT inhibitor among several AEDs with diverse MGMT regulatory actions. In vitro, when used at concentrations within the human therapeutic range for seizure prophylaxis, LEV decreases MGMT protein and mRNA expression levels. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis reveals that LEV enhances p53 binding on the MGMT promoter by recruiting the mSin3A/histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) corepressor complex. However, LEV does not exert any MGMT inhibitory activity when the expression of either p53, mSin3A, or HDAC1 is abrogated. LEV inhibits malignant glioma cell proliferation and increases glioma cell sensitivity to the monofunctional alkylating agent temozolomide. In 4 newly diagnosed patients who had 2 craniotomies 7-14 days apart, prior to the initiation of any tumor-specific treatment, samples obtained before and after LEV treatment showed the inhibition ofMGMTexpression. Our results suggest that the choice of AED in patients with malignant gliomas may have an unrecognized impact in clinical practice and research trial design. © The Author(s) 2010

    The major isoforms of Bim contribute to distinct biological activities that govern the processes of autophagy and apoptosis in interleukin-7 dependent lymphocytes

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    AbstractBim is a BH3-only member of the Bcl-2 family that enables the death of T-cells. Partial rescue of cytokine-deprived T-cells occurs when Bim and the receptor for the T-cell growth factor, interleukin-7, are deleted, implicating Bim as a possible target of interleukin-7-mediated signaling. Alternative splicing yields three major isoforms: BimEL, BimL and BimS. To study the effect of Bim deficiency and define the function of the major isoforms, Bim-containing and Bim-deficient T-cells, dependent on interleukin-7 for growth, were used. Loss of total Bim in interleukin-7-deprived T-cells resulted in delayed apoptosis. However, loss of Bim also impeded the later degradative phase of autophagy. p62, an autophagy-adaptor protein which is normally degraded, accumulated in Bim deficient cells. To explain this, BimL was found to support acidification of lysosomes that later may associate with autophagic vesicles. Key findings showed that inhibition of lysosomal acidification accelerated death upon interleukin-7 withdrawal only in Bim-containing T-cells. intereukin-7 dependent T-cells lacking Bim were less sensitive to inhibition of lysosomal acidification. BimL co-immunoprecipitated with dynein and Lamp1-containing vesicles, indicating BimL could be an adaptor for dynein to facilitate loading of lysosomes. In Bim deficient T-cells, lysosome-tracking probes revealed vesicles of less acidic pH. Over-expression of BimL restored acidic vesicles in Bim deficient T-cells, while other isoforms, BimEL and BimS, promoted intrinsic cell death. These results reveal a novel role for BimL in lysosomal positioning that may be required for the formation of degradative autolysosomes