466 research outputs found

    Difference as Rhythm and Thought as Subtractive Synthesis in Gilles Deleuze

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    This article discusses the place that the concept of rhythm occupies within Gilles Deleuze’s phi- losophy. I present a panorama of different ways to conceptualize thought throughout Deleuze’s writings from 1960’s to 1990’s, emphasizing the discussion about the threshold of thought. In the writings in partnership with Félix Guattari, Deleuze understand thought as an act of confronting chaos, what makes the problem of consistency a point of extreme relevance within his philosophical system. In this framework, the concept of thought is described as a tension between consistency and infinite speed (chaos). In order to elaborate this concept of thought, Deleuze resumes his con- ceptualization of the three syntheses of the time and formulates with Guattari the concept of re- frain. I will show that the refrain is at the axis of an epistemological shift in the whole program of transcendental philosophy, by affirming a necessarily heterogeneous and aberrant Time, which features the concept of rhythm as the genetic element of difference. Within this conceptual frame- work, I follow the authors’ suggestion that the logic of schizoanalysis is analogous to the logic of subtractive sound synthesis. The main goal is to demonstrate that rhythm is at the core of Deleu- zian concept of difference and sound is at the core of Deleuzian concept of thought

    Listening to/with Mar Paradoxo: a collective practice for sharing listenings

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    This paper presents an experimental methodology developed by the collective Laura: Place for Research on Aurality for approaching listening as a shared experience. As a motif for the application of this methodology, we take the work Mar Paradoxo (Raquel Stolf, 2016) as a proposition for experiencing multiple modes of listening. To contextualize our understanding of Stolf’s work, we refer to the concept of otography as a way of approaching the listening experience as something that makes and is made out of traces. By means of the production, sharing, and analysis of listening reports, we outline different modes through which our listening navigates. These modes help us understand listening as an experience that is multi-mediated and relational, singular and situated. In the end, we emphasize the presence of the other in the listening subject, resonating the thesis that the listening activity is driven by a desire of making one’s listening listened

    Listening to/with Mar Paradoxo: a collective practice for sharing listenings

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    This paper presents an experimental methodology developed by the collective Laura: Place for Research on Aurality for approaching listening as a shared experience. As a motif for the application of this methodology, we take the work Mar Paradoxo (Raquel Stolf, 2016) as a proposition for experiencing multiple modes of listening. To contextualize our understanding of Stolf's work, we refer to the concept of otography as a way of approaching the listening experience as something that makes and is made out of traces. By means of the production, sharing, and analysis of listening reports, we outline different modes through which our listening navigates. These modes help us understand listening as an experience that is multi-mediated and relational, singular and situated. In the end, we emphasize the presence of the other in the listening subject, resonating the thesis that the listening activity is driven by a desire of making one's listening listened

    Efeito fungicida agrícola dos extratos florais de Bauhinia variegata, B. forficata e B. purpurea

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    Bauhinia is a botanical genus widely distributed in parts of Asia and South America. The plant bears beautiful and aromatic flowers that add ornamental beauty to parks and gardens, in addition to being used in medicine and ayurverda. This study aimed to evaluate the floral ethanolic extract of B. variegata, B. forficata and B. purpurea in fungal inhibition against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum. Flowers were harvested in 2021 and 2022. The floral ethanolic extract was produced by the static maceration method. The antifungal activity was performed by the agar diffusion method at different extract s;concentrations. Bauhinia floral extracts showed a potential fungicidal effect on fungal species evaluated in particular for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, followed by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum.Bauhinia es un género botánico ampliamente distribuido en Asia y América del Sur. Presenta hermosas y aromáticas flores que se utilizan en la forestación de parques y jardines, además de ser utilizadas en medicina y ayurverda. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el extracto etanólico floral de B. variegata, B. forficata y B. purpurea en términos de capacidad de inhibición fúngica sobre Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y Colletotrichum acutatum. Las flores se cosecharon en 2021 y 2022. El extracto etanólico floral se produjo por el método de maceración estática. La actividad antifúngica se realizó por el método de difusión en agar a diferentes concentraciones de extracto. Los extractos florales de Bauhinia mostraron un efecto fungicida sobre las especies fúngicas evaluadas en particular para Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, seguida de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y Colletotrichum acutatum.Bauhinia é um gênero botânico amplamente distribuído na Ásia e na América do Sul. Apresenta belas e aromáticas flores sendo utilizadas na arborização de parques e jardins, além de serem empregadas na medicina e ayurverda. Este estudo teve por objetivo, avaliar o extrato etanólico floral de B. variegata, B. forficata e B. purpurea quanto a capacidade de inibição fúngica sobre Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Colletotrichum acutatum. Flores foram colhidas em 2021 e 2022. O extrato etanólico floral foi produzido pelo método de maceração estática. A atividade antifúngica foi realizada pelo método de difusão em ágar em diferentes cocnentrações de extrato. Os extratos florais de Bauhinia demonstraram efeito fungicida sobre as espécies fúngicas avaliadas em especial para Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, seguido de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Colletotrichum acutatum

    Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) with Bacterial Clinical Stomatitis

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    Background: Stomatitis is an infectious disease common in serpents and responsible for high mortality rates. It is characterized by the infection of the oral mucosa and neighboring tissues, related to the opportunistic character of bacteria present in the normal microbiota, pathogenic in stressful situations. Few studies have described the profile of sensibility of these agents in serpents of the Brazilian fauna. Therefore, this study has aimed at describing the isolation and identification of the infectious agents involved in the clinic stomatitis in a specimen of green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), and the profile of susceptibility to antimicrobial agents.Case: The serpent has been rescued in an urban environment, without previous records and featured erosive injuries in its oral cavity, with the presence of secretion. In a clinical evaluation, it has been assessed that the specimen had erosive injuries in its oral cavity, with hyperemic points in its mucosa and serous secretion. Then the specimen went through a collection of the secretion from its oral cavity for microbiological analysis. Typical colonies of Enterococcus, Citrobacter and Enterobacter were identified by the colony morphology and their typical odor. The results of these tests were able to confirm and identify the Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter spp. and Enterococcus spp. The profile of sensibility to antimicrobials of the isolated microorganisms has been determined through the method of diffusion in the disk of Kirby-Bauer. There was not any sensitive antimicrobial drug for the three agents.Discussion: Immunodepression, malnutrition, and temperatures and humidity outside the animal thermal comfort zone, are predisposing factors for the development of bacterial diseases in reptiles. Little information about pathogen agents affecting constrictor serpents in their native area is available. Most reports on stomatitis in serpents approach cases occurred in captive animals, differently from what has been presented in this case, which is about a free animal rescued when invading an urban area. The bacteria isolated from the oral cavity of the serpent here reported belong to the normal microbiota of the oral cavity of these animals. Notwithstanding, these bacteria may become pathogenic in certain circumstances. Conditions of undernutrition, stress and oral trauma are considered as predisposing factors to the occurrence of stomatitis in serpents, what can be correlated to the occurrence of the disease in this case. The gram-negative agents causing bacterial diseases in serpents are generally resistant to medicines of the most common spectrum used in the clinical routine of wild animals. This way, veterinarians often deal with these diseases in reptiles empirically, using a wide range of antibiotics. This practice might result in the development of resistant bacterial stumps, what stands out due to the potential that resistant bacteria have to generate infections and zoonoses in humans

    Dormancy overcoming in seeds of cajá-manga (Spondias dulcis)

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    The propagation of ‘cajá-manga’ (Spondias dulcis) is usually performed by seeds. The presence of dormancy is an obstacle for seedling production and the commercial use of its main product, the fruit. This research aimed to evaluate the use of phytoregulators associated with the scarification of the distal region of the embryo in dormancy overcoming and in the standardization of germination of ‘cajá-manga’ seedlings. Endocarps extracted from fruits of six matrices were subjected to the following treatments: control (T1), mechanic scarification in the distal region of the embryonic axis (T2); all following treatments involved scarification and imbibition in a solution of: water for 6h (T3); GA3 (750 mgL-1) for 6h (T4); GA3 (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T5); Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T6); Cytokinin (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T7); GA3 and Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T8); and GA3 and Cytokinin sowing 25 endocarps in expanded polystyrene trays using a washed sand substrate. The following variables were evaluated: emergence, first emergence count, emergence speed index, mean emergence time, shoot and root length of seedlings, and relative emergence frequency. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 9 treatments and four replications consisting of 25 endocarps each. The data obtained were subjected to the F Test at a 1% level of probability, as well as to the Scott-Knott method. The use of mechanic scarification in the opposite region of the embryonic axis, followed by the imbibition in a solution of gibberellin + cytokinin at the concentration of 350 mgL-1 for 12 hours is promising for dormancy overcoming in seeds of Spondias dulcis.The propagation of ‘cajá-manga’ (Spondias dulcis) is usually performed by seeds. The presence of dormancy is an obstacle for seedling production and the commercial use of its main product, the fruit. This research aimed to evaluate the use of phytoregulators associated with the scarification of the distal region of the embryo in dormancy overcoming and in the standardization of germination of ‘cajá-manga’ seedlings. Endocarps extracted from fruits of six matrices were subjected to the following treatments: control (T1), mechanic scarification in the distal region of the embryonic axis (T2); all following treatments involved scarification and imbibition in a solution of: water for 6h (T3); GA3 (750 mgL-1) for 6h (T4); GA3 (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T5); Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T6); Cytokinin (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T7); GA3 and Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T8); and GA3 and Cytokinin sowing 25 endocarps in expanded polystyrene trays using a washed sand substrate. The following variables were evaluated: emergence, first emergence count, emergence speed index, mean emergence time, shoot and root length of seedlings, and relative emergence frequency. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 9 treatments and four replications consisting of 25 endocarps each. The data obtained were subjected to the F Test at a 1% level of probability, as well as to the Scott-Knott method. The use of mechanic scarification in the opposite region of the embryonic axis, followed by the imbibition in a solution of gibberellin + cytokinin at the concentration of 350 mgL-1 for 12 hours is promising for dormancy overcoming in seeds of Spondias dulcis

    Inovação e cultura empreendedora: uma análise dos índices de cidades empreendedoras da ENAP: Innovation and entrepreneurial culture: an analysis of ENAP's entrepreneurial cities index

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise do Índice de Cidades Empreendedoras (ICE), edições dos anos de 2020, 2022 e 2023, realizado pela ENAP, em parceria com o Endeavor, com o objetivo de apontar o cenário do Ecossistema Empreendedor (EE) nas 101 cidades mais populosas do Brasil. Dentre os sete determinantes do EE, o presente trabalho teve foco nos determinantes inovação e cultura empreendedora. A pesquisa foi realizada comparando os resultados encontrados pela ENAP em cada edição, assim como em dados dos parceiros do ICE e na literatura sobre o assunto. Os resultados da investigação demonstraram que apesar das pequenas mudanças metodológicas da edição 2020 para as demais, os índices nas cidades empreendedoras do país alteram-se de acordo com o incentivo à inovação através de políticas públicas, da participação e do engajamento de instituições de C&T e do fortalecimento da cultura empreendedora

    Displasia do desenvolvimento do quadril: aspectos etiopatogênicos, métodos diagnósticos e condutas terapêuticas / Developmental dysplasia of the hip: etiopathogenic aspects, diagnosis and therapeutic conduct

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    A Displasia do Desenvolvimento do Quadril (DDQ) é um distúrbio do crescimento da criança, em que o acetábulo é subdesenvolvido, levando a alterações das cargas mecânicas na articulação do quadril, resultando em instabilidade e potencial luxação da articulação coxofemoral. Quanto à etiopatogenia, esse distúrbio é caracterizado pelo não amadurecimento satisfatório da articulação, culminando em má formação no momento do nascimento, uma vez que o desenvolvimento da cavidade acetabular é consequência da presença de uma cabeça femoral concentricamente reduzida em contato com o acetábulo. Condições multifatoriais, como alterações intrauterinas, genéticas e ambientais, são aventadas como predisponentes à DDQ. Nesse contexto, a apresentação pélvica fetal no último trimestre, pós-maturidade, mutações genéticas e imobilização por enfaixamento em extensão e abdução do quadril, contribuem para a ocorrência da afecção. Em virtude disso, a epidemiologia da DDQ é bastante variada, a depender da definição, da população estudada, da idade e do método diagnóstico adotado, carecendo de uma anamnese e um exame físico minuciosos. Para auxílio diagnóstico, lança-se mão das manobras de Barlow e Ortolani, com a observação de um possível sinal de Galeazzi. Somado a isso, exames de imagem também podem ser empregados em sua investigação. Vale ressaltar, de maneira enfática, que diversos autores abdicaram de uma padronização para a definição da DDQ, sendo necessária a instituição de uma terminologia unificada para a doença. Já o manejo terapêutico, apresenta-se como um desafio para o médico, uma vez que é adotado conforme a gravidade do quadro e levando em consideração a idade do paciente, fazendo com que a abordagem seja através de órteses e gesso e, em casos reservados, a intervenção cirúrgica pode ser instituída


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    Anesthesia in patients with comorbidities represents a significant challenge for healthcare professionals. These patients, who have additional medical conditions beyond the primary reason for surgery, are at increased risk of perioperative complications. The anesthetic approach in these cases requires a thorough and personalized assessment, considering the complexity of comorbidities and their interactions with anesthetic agents. Strategies such as detailed preoperative planning, appropriate choice of medications and intensive monitoring during and after the procedure are crucial to minimize risks and ensure patient safety. Objective: Explore the strategies and challenges involved in administering anesthesia to patients with comorbidities. Methodology: The research was conducted through online access to the databases Documentation on Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS), Health Sciences Information Center in Latin America and the Caribbean (Bireme), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Virtual Health Library (VHL) during the month of July 2024. Results and Discussion: The results indicate that the administration of anesthesia in patients with comorbidities requires a multidisciplinary and highly individualized approach. Detailed preoperative assessment, including the use of specific risk scales, is essential to identify possible complications and plan preventive interventions. Although there are significant challenges, implementing personalized protocols and collaboration between anesthesiologists, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals can substantially improve clinical outcomes in patients with comorbidities. However, the need for further research and continued development of specific guidelines is essential to further improve anesthesia practice in this population. Final Considerations:  In conclusion, detailed preoperative assessment, careful choice of anesthetic agents and strict monitoring are essential to ensure patient safety and well-being. The continuous evolution of anesthetic practices and protocols, combined with more research in the area, will be crucial to optimize the anesthetic management of this population.A anestesia em pacientes com comorbidades representa um desafio significativo para os profissionais de saúde. Esses pacientes, que possuem condições médicas adicionais além do motivo principal da cirurgia, apresentam riscos aumentados de complicações perioperatórias. A abordagem anestésica nesses casos exige uma avaliação minuciosa e personalizada, considerando-se a complexidade das comorbidades e suas interações com os agentes anestésicos. Estratégias como o planejamento pré-operatório detalhado, a escolha adequada dos medicamentos e o monitoramento intensivo durante e após o procedimento são cruciais para minimizar os riscos e garantir a segurança do paciente. Objetivo: Explorar as estratégias e desafios envolvidos na administração de anestesia em pacientes com comorbidades. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi conduzida por meio de acesso online às bases de dados Documentação em Ciências da Saúde da América Latina e do Caribe (LILACS), Centro de Informação em Ciências da Saúde da América Latina e do Caribe (Bireme), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) durante o mês de julho de 2024. Resultados e Discussão: Os resultados indicam que a administração de anestesia em pacientes portadores de comorbidades requer uma abordagem multidisciplinar e altamente individualizada. A avaliação pré-operatória detalhada, incluído o uso de escalas de riscos específicas, é fundamental para identificar possíveis complicações e planejas intervenções preventivas. Embora existam desafios significativos, a implementação de protocolos personalizados e a colaboração entre anestesiologistas, cirurgiões e outros profissionais de saúde podem melhorar substancialmente os desfechos clínicos em pacientes com comorbidades. No entanto, a necessidade de mais pesquisas e desenvolvimento contínuo de diretrizes específicas é essencial para aprimorar ainda mais a prática anestésica nessa população. Considerações Finais: Em conclusão, a avaliação pré-operatória detalhada, a escolha criteriosa dos agentes anestésicos e o monitoramento rigoroso são fundamentais para garantir a segurança e o bem-estar dos pacientes. A contínua evolução das práticas e protocolos anestésicos, aliada a mais pesquisas na área, será crucial para otimizar o manejo anestésico dessa população. &nbsp

    Diabetes Gestacional: Origem, Prevenção e Riscos / Gestational Diabetes: Origin, Prevention and Risks

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    O diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) é considerado um problema de saúde pública, é por ser uma doença que apresenta disfunção metabólica bastante no período comum gestacional. Objetivo: Evidenciar os aspectos intrínsecos ao diabetes mellitus gestacional, descrevendo a importância do enfermeiro na prevenção e tratamento da diabetes gestacional. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, em que se buscou evidências científicas por meio de artigos em diversas bases de dados.Resultados: Ficou evidenciado que o enfermeiro tem como responsabilidade a realização da assistência à saúde da gestante com humanização, realizando consultas que usufruir desse momento de forma natural, sanando suas dúvidas, buscando junto com o paciente meios de fazer com que a saúde prevaleça, e se reduza no máximo os riscos. 