28 research outputs found

    Profile of State and Municipal Schools in the Municipality of Itacoatiara: Environmental Education Context

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    The natural environment is essential to life because it is through it that it is possible to extract resources for living beings that are inserted in it. For this, a balance of living beings and the environment is necessary through environmental awareness. The research objectives are to obtain the profile of the analyzed schools, observing how EE is applied in the public network of the municipality, in order to create a manual of practices of applicability of Environmental Education in schools. The research was carried out in thirteen public schools in the city of Itacoatiara/Am. Authorizations were obtained for the visits, observing how the theme is applied in schools and whether they have environmental projects. After the visits, an online questionnaire was applied to teachers and students to detect the qualities and deficiencies of the schools. Finally, the profile of the schools was obtained in order to develop an interdisciplinary application manual in schools in the Amazon. As a result, it was found that public schools are more prepared to work on these themes, and in support of pedagogical resources, given the lack of municipal schools, which, in addition to the lack of material, do not have the application of environmental projects as in state schools in that all apply at least one. All teachers are interested in working in an interdisciplinary way, as the topics are only worked in the classroom and according to the students\u27 results, they are not attractive. It is concluded that there are many deficiencies that need to be corrected, be they structural, pedagogical and material that could benefit the teaching of EE, and thus, make the practices more attractive to the students

    Sustainable development and environmental education in the Dessana Indian village, Tupé/Manaus/ AM.

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    This research has the theme sustainable development throughout environmental education, in the Dessana indian village, based in the Tupé community, in Manaus, Amazonas State. The aims were all focused on developing pedagogical proposals so that the Dessana Tupé-AM community indians get to know the theme of sustainable development and environmental education. It has been used, as methodology, on-site field research which showed the Dessana community inserted in a economic system, that determined social context amendments in this people, making possible service offering, such as turistics visits in village na on their territory, cultural presentations in resorts and in other turísticas spaces, craft selling, with the goal of preserve the culture, the traditional knowledge and sustainability. However, when it comes to environment preservation it is possible noticing that the indian village have not gain yet actions that inform about the existance of material that do not decompose naturally, as the organic products, something learnt with their ancestors experiences. Therefore, it urges Environmental Educational actions to avoid enviromental impacts. From this contexto on, it has been designed a pedagogical proposal with the insertion of a booklet that aims to demonstrate the enviroment education journey and development that intends to contribute with a learning process in a more significant way, for their own contextualization and recognition on the environment they are

    Evaluation of surface water quality of the area of influence of the landfill of the city of Manaus/AM

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    This work aimed to evaluate the quality of surface water around the Manaus Solid Waste Landfill (ARSM), in which it is located near important waterways in a growing urban expansion area.  During the collection period, the parameters pH, T, fecal coliforms, OD, DBO5, nitrate, phosphate, turbidity and total solids were monitored, where these are the main parameters for performing water quality index calculations. The results analyzed indicate contamination in the streams near the perimeter of the Landfill, where the possible origins for non-conformities can be problems in draining the leached and waterproofing system of the landfill ponds. The recovery of the quality of these water resources is essential, since it is an area with flora and fauna that are heritage, not only of the residents who occupy their surroundings, but also the population of Manaus who in the past enjoyed bathing and fishing areas in the streams currently affected by the slurry produced in the landfill

    Use of chirps satellite precipitation in the characterization of the franceses stream basin, Manaus - State of Amazonas - Brazil

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    The city of Manaus has numerous waterways in its urban perimeter, and, despite this, there is a shortage of measures aimed at protecting water resources that has generated occupations very close to the riverbeds. This work aims to characterize a watershed in an urban area of Manaus and map the areas subject to flooding around the Franceses Stream. The methodology applied involved obtaining topographic and thematic information such as morphology, geographical location, elevations, extent, area, level curves (water dividers) of the basin, obtained through georeferenced satellite images in a GIS environment.In addition, monthly satellite precipitation via the CHIRPS product was used for the calculations. The physical characteristics of the basin were determined using equations employed in hydrology. The results indicated that the Franceses Stream basin is not subject to major flooding, presenting the following characteristics: compactness coefficient Kc = 5.71; form factor Kf = 0.36; circularity index Ic = 0.03; drainage density Dd = 0.94km-1. It was also found that, despite the intense occupation, there is preserved vegetation within the basin. It was concluded that the precipitation estimated by CHIRPS is efficient because it has a larger coverage, and that knowing the characteristics of watersheds in urban environments is of great importance to subsidize intervention measures and planning policies that ensure the protection of water resources and minimize inconvenience to the population. It was also found that the use of GIS is an important tool for analyzing information in hydrological studies, and that it needs to become an increasingly applied tool in urban management, so that the knowledge obtained can be used to obtain better environmental and social conditions

    Analysis of the basic sanitation system of black land earth in Manacapuru-Am

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    Due to the adjunct population growth of the Industrial Revolution since the 70\u27s, it has been thought and planned about the adequate urban infrastructure, which is taking into consideration the welfare of the population. From this line of thought, sanitation has become one of the alternatives for municipal development, because besides encompassing sanitation services, it also has interrelationship with other areas such as health, housing, leisure and others. Thus, this article aimed, through the analysis of the basic sanitation system, to facilitate the identification of the current problems in the sector of the black neighborhood in Manacapuru - AM. To this end, discussions were held on the structure of the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan of the municipality and field measurements were collected for the development of diagnostic maps of basic infrastructure characteristics, such as drainage, water and sewage network, waste collection and junk dumps. Thus, the analysis of the previous and current sanitation situation was carried out. Increases were found in the junk dumps, and in the drainage system\u27s mouths and in the absence of a sewage system. From this the adopted method was efficient for analysis of the basic systems, being able to be used for evaluation of the other districts of the city

    Analysis of the current situation of irregular dwellings in the black land neighborhood of Manacapuru-Am: causes and consequences

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    The present work aimed to perform an analysis of the current situation of irregular dwellings in the black earth neighborhood of Manacapuru-AM using geotechnologies. The methodology consists in identifying the irregular occupations of the neighborhood, and demonstrating the problems encountered as well as the possible solutions. The information obtained was used to generate the diagnostic maps to analyze the characteristics of irregular dwellings and if they have water and sewage network, waste collection, junk dump and drainage network, because it is a simple technique, it is possible to be used in other neighborhoods of Manacapuru, being extremely important in helping public policy planning and environmental monitoring

    Analysis of the deforestation 2005-2015 in the Tarumã side of the west side of Manaus-am

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    The Tarumã district over the years has grown demographically in accelerated mode. In the neighborhood area, there is currently an environmental conflict due to the increase deforestation. These causes have been a major concern in this area. The study of this work relates this accelerated growth to the deforestation in the neighborhood, which is the object of study area. Images and shapes downloaded from the PRODES system were used in the site analysis, which were processed in the Arcgis 10. The results pointed out a very significant growth of deforestation at Tarumã area

    Electronic time clock: Development of a facial recognition system to control the I.T. trainees at SEJUSC

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    The article reports the development of an electronic time clock with facial recognition aimed at Information Technology trainees of the State Department of Justice, Human Rights and Citizenship. This is a device in which it is possible to register the clock-in and clock-out schedules, and in addition, it is possible to check the overtime report where the sector supervisor can offer these hours as days off. Given the deficiencies found in the sector, one being the frequency control that was still being done manually and the other, the high demand for work with the need to work overtime, the theme was developed. The importance of the system is that it makes the dynamics of the working day more automated and optimized. In its creation, the methodology of research, interviews, and data collection was adopted, as well as technological tools such as Biometrics, Programming Language, and Database. After the development and tests, it was possible to implement the electronic time clock in the sector. It was found that with low cost technologies available and with the ease of access to information it was possible to solve the problems of the sector of an organization

    Application of the nonlinear autoregressive model with exogenous inputs for river level forecast in the Amazon

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    The present work is justified by three basic lines that involve the problem of the theme, which are the use of Artificial Intelligence, the problem of floods in the Amazon and the issue of technology in favor of decision making. The environmental impacts caused by economic and social factors are problems portrayed in scenarios such as floods and ebbs of rivers, bringing up situations such as an increase in diseases, reduction of agricultural production in locations that depend on accurate geological control, in addition to the increase in erosive processes. in risk locations. Thus, the use of AI to predict the river level, which consequently can minimize problems arising from floods that cause an environmental impact, is highly possible, since when it is known in advance that an event is close to happening, decisions can be taken so that the impacts be smaller. This work models and applies NARX to forecast the river level in the Amazon with variables of easy access and implementation through the MATLAB software, in order to contribute with a forecast model capable of predicting a possible flood from the river level.

    School attendance management system for students through facial recognition

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    Currently, in the scenario of the city of Manaus, most of the records of attendance of students in educational institutions are made manually, thus making the process quite laborious and repetitive for teachers, added to this, this system does not present to be fully reliable, because the method used shows itself vulnerable to human error. To save time and ensure that the registration is done without any failure, this work develops and applies a system to register students using facial recognition, and also has a feature that triggers an email message warning the absence of the child to the parents responsible if the student is not present in class. The project uses the Ruby language, for the development of the attendance register management system, and the Python language in conjunction with the OpenCV library for facial recognition