40 research outputs found

    Empirical validation of daylight simulation tool with physical model measurement

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    Problem statement: In recent years, daylighting simulation tools have been increasingly used by many architects, engineers and researchers to evaluate the day lighting performances of building design. Most of these tools employ CIE sky models for simulation. However, the accuracy and applicability of these tools for tropical sky are doubtable. The aim of this study was to validate the computer simulated result with scaled physical model results measured under real tropical sky. Approach: Daylighting model was constructed using scaled physical model to be tested under real sky measurement. The same model was configured in Desktop Radiance 2.0 to perform day lighting simulation experiments. All the measurements were carried out under intermediate and overcast tropical sky conditions in Malaysia; while related CIE sky conditions were used for simulations. Results: Due to the CIE sky conditions are very dissimilar from the actual tropical sky; simulated absolute value results such as external illuminance, absolute work plane illuminance and surface luminance recorded high mean differences from the measured results, with 81.63; 71.06 and 49.71%, respectively. However, relative ratios such as Daylight Factor (DF) yielded mean difference of 26.06% and luminance ratio was 29.75% only. The average mean difference was 44.37%. Conclusion/Recommendations: To compare the performances, relative ratios such as DF and luminance ratio showed better accuracies. For future research, validation on other parameters can be performed such as orientations, angle of the overhang, glazing, window sizes, colors, environment settings and electric lighting

    Automation of Concrete Usage Index (CUI) assessment using computational BIM

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    Concrete Usage Index (CUI) is one of the very used sustainability criteria related to building materials available in the Malaysian and the Singaporean building standards. Often, CUI assessment is achieved either by manual calculation or semi-automated methods based on Material Take-off functionalities provided by the BIM tools. Both of these methods are relatively time-consuming, error-prone, and require much human intervention. The purpose of this paper is to develop a computational BIM-based tool for the automation of Concrete Usage Index (CUI) assessment and rating, called Auto-CUI. This tool takes advantage of the data embedded in the BIM model and the automated CUI compliance-checking which is developed using a Visual Programing Language (Dynamo for Revit). For validation purpose, this tool has been tested on a BIM model of an existing building and the results were compared with Revit Material Take-off method. Thus, Auto-CUI tool automates the process of data collection, calculation and the generation of the CUI report. In addition to that, the generated results are as accurate as the material take-off method. Auto-CUI will support design decision-making during the design stage by providing an interactive feedback of CUI actual score and rating. Thus, the project team will be able to compare different design options according to the concrete usage. Furthermore, it will allow designers to avoid CUI’s cumbersome calculations and inaccurate outputs. Even though, the usage of this tool does not require programming skills, developing this tool further as a plug-in for Revit would be helpful in reducing computation time as well as enhancing the generation of CUI report

    Comparative study on computer simulation of solar shading performance with heliodon and artificial sky

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    Current technological advancement and the requirement for sustainability-driven practices has birthed increased demands for accuracy in performance and assessment of energy consumption in the built environment. Energy-efficient and sustainable building projects are to large extents dependent on achieving functional solar shading and sufficient daylighting in building interiors. Hence, the understanding and adequate evaluation of the sun and its dynamic influence on buildings right at the early stage of planning and design is essential for the development of performance-driven building designs. In this study, the performance simulation results of Integrated Environmental Solutions [removed] software program modules are examined for accuracy in executing performance analysis of solar shading. This study assesses the shading prediction of Suncast; a virtual solar shading calculation tool, and RadianceIES for measuring daylight availability in a tropical climate region. The evaluation of shading performance with Suncast was validated through physical experiment by comparing the results obtained therein with shading analysis outcomes generated on a scale model with the aid of a heliodon. Likewise, RadianceIES daylighting simulations were compared with measurements realised from an artificial sky simulator. The results were further subjected to correlation tests to determine the relationship between simulation and physical experiment results. The computational evaluation approach presented more efficient means of conducting the performance simulations over the physical experiment methods which were limited by mechanical design of the components. Suncast and RadianceIES simulation results presented comparable equivalence with measurement output acquired from the heliodon and artificial sky respectively, with minimal variations in accuracy. Thus, demonstrating the ability of the computational simulation program in accurately predicting solar shading and daylight performance in buildings, this could benefit architects in the proper and efficient design of shading devices for building facades at early design stages

    Impact of adjacency of spaces in fire service station on fire crew response time

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    The fire has contributed positively to man development from time immemorial till today. But it also has its own negative aspect; people had lost virtually all they had in a single fire incidence including their life. It is in light of this negative side of fire that the fire service was established to prevent and extinguish fire and other emergencies that threaten the lives and properties of the people. These fire stations in Nigeria have challenges which result in late response to fire incidence and it is on this backdrop the research evolved. The research adopts an analytic approach; Systematic sampling was employed in choosing appropriate case study facilities. 36 questionnaires administered, 4 were not returned which forms about 11.1% of the total administered questionnaires. A total of 32 questionnaires were filled and returned forming 88.9% of the total administered questionnaires. A checklist was used to investigate the availability of essential activity spaces in the fire stations. Four stations were case studied. The data obtained were analysed using simple statistical method and results were presented in a simple descriptive tool (tables and figures). The research revealed that each Nigeria fire station lack one activity space or the other which is essential for a timely response like, dormitory, kitchen/dining space, day room, watchtower, etc. Beside activity spaces, adjacency of spaces is a lacking essential factor, time is lost in travelling from the gates of these fire stations to the watch room/dispatch during run-in calls, and time is also lost when firemen have to travel from different part of the station to the apparatus bay to respond to a fire call. The research then recommends the remodelling of the existing stations and a template for the design of sustainable on time fire station

    Microclimatic performance of courtyards in residential buildings in Kafanchan-Nigeria

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    Recent studies have emphasized the importance of the courtyard microclimate to the building and the need for a comparative study on their typology in other to ascertain the best alternative. Also emphasizing that the architect choice of the courtyard typology to be adopted in his architectural design schemes should be based on performance rather than his mere intuitive choice. Therefore, an investigational study of two different courtyard forms with the same perimeter, and material finished -the fully enclosed internal central courtyard and the semi-enclosed courtyard has been carried out in two existing residential buildings, in the city of Kafanchan-Nigeria. The main purpose of the study is to compare their climatic performances in other to ascertain the best option. The study employed the experimental methodology. Three Hobo Weather Data Loggers (HWDL) were used to collect data in the courtyards, and the third one was positioned in the outdoor area as a benchmark. Only two climatic variables, namely air temperature, and relative humidity were examined as these variables have not been investigated in a single research on the courtyard in Nigeria. The results showed a definite difference in the microclimatic conditions of the two courtyards. The fully enclosed internal courtyard is seen to have a better air temperature difference of 1oc to 3oc at the time intervals, and the relative humidity difference of 1% to 6%. In conclusion, the fully enclosed internal courtyard has demonstrated a more favorable microclimatic performance than the semi-enclosed, and future simulation studies towards its optimization are recommended

    Courtyard as a passive cooling strategy in buildings

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    One of the most significant current discussions in the built environment, architectural practice, theory, and procedures is “Passive Design”. It is becoming very difficult to ignore the issues of passive architectural design strategies in buildings. Recent studies emphasized the need for passive architectural design strategies and the application of the courtyard as a passive design strategy for cooling in buildings. Also, that the courtyard is very suitable in almost all building typologies in all the climatic zones due to its passive tendencies for cooling. Its cooling potentials can be achieved only when design requirements are not ignored. The courtyard has social, cultural, religious, and environmental benefits. Despite its abundant advantages, research effort towards courtyard design requirements is very scarce. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the design of central courtyard as a passive cooling strategy for improving indoor thermal comfort in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Buildings. Courtyard design requirement such as the courtyard configurations, orientation, and natural features in courtyard buildings in UTM were investigated. Besides the design variants, courtyard usage in such buildings was also examined. The methodology of this study involved the developing of a checklist based on literature for the field survey. Forty-six (46) courtyards in thirty-two (32) buildings in UTM were surveyed, and the statistical description method was used to interpret and analyzed the data. The Results of this quantitative study shows that UTM central courtyards buildings were designed based on a cautious consideration to orientation and configurations to enhance their effective passive cooling potentials, however, only two courtyards had water pools. The study concluded that courtyards in UTM buildings are creatively designed but future experimental studies to appraise their thermal performances is required, and future simulation studies can predict a better design requirement for optimum performance. Therefore, further simulation studies are recommended

    Construction project management based on building information modeling (BIM)

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    In the construction industry, Building Information Modelling is primarily viewed as a catalyst for productivity and innovation. As projects have become more and more complex, there has been an increasing concern about the concept of project complexity. Understanding project complexity and managing contractors need to improve their management level as the rising building intricacy increases. In the construction industry, the contractors have faced many challenges, including workforce, increasing cost, inadequate risk management, unrealistic expectations/bad forecasting, limited skills, and delay problem. The project participants must coordinate and plan according to the project scope, including the construction process simulation, monitoring the construction quality, reducing rework, and improving economic benefits. Some of the main-contractor managements are trying to apply new modern technology. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a tool used to the design, construction, and maintenance process of the whole cycle of the construction project. This article aims to analyze the BIM tool and take its advantage to improve the construction project management efficiency. The case study research approach is utilized to analyze the BIM tools. It includes the BIM 3D/4D/5D tools as the new method to build visualization model, execute clash detection, take-off quantity, simulate the construction process, make the work schedule graphically, and ensure the project is complete on time. This study is to research construction project management through applying the BIM tool. The BIM platform optimizes the design quality and improves construction work efficiencies, such as clash detection, work schedule, quantity take-off, etc. The results are also helpful for the identification of research clusters and topics in the BIM community

    Overall thermal transfer value of naturally ventilated double skin facade in Malaysia

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    As one of the many paths to achieve a sustainable built environment, the Malaysia uniform building bye-law with the new amendment stipulates that the OTTV of a building envelope with a total air-conditioned area exceeding 4000 m2 should not exceed 50 W/m2. Although, the existing formulae provided for calculating OTTV is only applicable to a traditional single skin façade (SSF) building. Therefore, this paper seeks to investigate and evaluate how the natural ventilation in the cavity of a naturally ventilated double skin façade (NVDSF) will impact the OTTV of a building integrated with this façade typology. To achieve this goal, a hypothetical base-case was designed to represent a typical commercial building in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The calculated OTTV value of the base case is compared with that of the same building integrated with naturally ventilated cavity using dynamic simulation software (EnergyPlus/DesignBuilder) tool. The result indicates that the annual heat transferred through the east orientation of the building is higher than all other orientations and by integrating a naturally ventilated cavity on all orientations would reduce the cooling load over traditional single skin building by a range between 46% and 84%. However, the cost implication of investing in buildings with this kind of façade require more exploration for a better understanding on the return of investment in Malaysia context

    Daylighting evaluation and optimisation of window to wall ratio for lecture theatre in the tropical climate

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    A base case model is a more potent dose for applied research; the passive architectural design for sustainability requires optimised experiments. However, experimenting with physical developments require construction and deconstruction until they achieved the optimal scenario. These wastes resources and time; hence, base models' development as useful instruments in the optimisation design process is desirable. Lecture theatres in universities have no specific design model whereby optimising one may not apply to the other. Therefore, this research evaluated a base model for lecture theatre regarding spatial configuration, daylighting potentials, and optimised window-to-wall ratio (WWR) for tropical daylighting. A study of ten existing lecture theatres in eight universities within eight states in Nigeria's hot-humid climate was analysed descriptively for the base model. The study employed Simulations with IES-VE software. The daylighting performance analysis adopted the daylighting rule of thumb, daylight factor, work plane illuminance (WPI), and WPI ratio. The results show that a typical lecture theatre in the study area has a dimensional configuration of 12×20 m floor plan, 6 m ceiling height, and a window wall ratio (WWR) of 13%. In the deduced base model, 4H was required for adequate daylighting against the thumb's 2.5 H daylighting rule. The research concludes a low window-wall ratio with poor daylighting quality and quantities in the base model; therefore, it implies that the daylighting was not a criterion in the designs. However, the experiment revealed a progression in daylighting performance with an increase in WWR from the base case until 30% WWR. Beyond that, there was a decline in the daylighting performance. Therefore, 30% WWR was optimal for daylighting performance in lecture theatre retrofitting within the tropical climate

    Building envelope thermal performance assessment using visual programming and BIM, based on ETTV requirement of green mark and GreenRE

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    Accomplishment of green building design requirements and the achievement of the targeted credit points under a specific green rating system are known to be a task that is very challenging. Building Information Modeling (BIM) design process and tools have already made considerable advancements in green building design and performance analysis. However, Green building design process is still lack of tools and workflows that can provide real-time feedback of building sustainability and rating during the design stage. In this paper, a new workflow of green building design assessment and rating is proposed based on the integration of Visual Programing Language (VPL) and BIM. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a BIM-VPL based tool for building envelope design and assessment support. The focus performance metric in this research is building Envelope Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) which is an Energy Efficiency (EE) prerequisite requirement (up to 15 credits) in both Green Mark and GreenRE rating systems. The development of the tool begins first by creating a generic integration framework between BIM-VPL functionalities and ETTV requirements. Then, data is extracted from the BIM 3D model and managed using Revit, Excel and Dynamo for visual scripting. A sample project consisting of a hypothetical residential building is run and its envelope ETTV performance and rating score are obtained for the validation of the tool. This tool will support project team in building envelope design and assessment by allowing them to select the most appropriate façade configuration according to its performance efficiency and the green rating. Furthermore, this tool serves as proof of concept that building sustainability rating and compliance checking can be automatically processed through customized workflows developed based on BIM and VPL technologies