441 research outputs found

    IT skills of university first year undergraduate students : two 2001 matriculation cohorts

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    The use of computers is becoming more widespread in education and in the wider Australian community. This communication reports the results of surveys of two cohorts of first year undergraduate students at The University of Western Australia and Deakin University, conducted at the beginning of the 2001 academic year. The surveys confirm that general IT skills among students are increasing, but that the level of skill is variable. This is consistent with a similar survey at Deakin University which was conducted at the beginning of 2000.<br /

    Reaction kinetics : inhibition of the enzyme o-diphenol oxidase

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    An IR investigation of the CO dipole direction and other properties

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    Book review : The active modeler : mathematical modeling with Microsoft® Excel by E. Neuwirth and D. Arganbright

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    A recently-published work in by two well-known authors in the field of spreadsheet modeling is reviewed.<br /

    Book review : Intelligent data analysis in science

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    Improving laboratory learning through self and peer assessment of laboratory reports

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    The laboratory provides an opportunity for students to achieve many learning outcomes including to critically evaluate information, interpret and draw conclusions from scientific data, and communicate scientific results, information, or arguments. This paper describes a laboratory-writing task that involves self and peer evaluation. After discussion of the expectations of laboratory report writing during class, students self and peer evaluate reports. In a process similar to double-blind journal refereeing, students practise critically evaluating the quality of academic writing using a rubric. The summative assessment is based on how consistent their evaluations are with the evaluations of the same reports performed by their peers. The formative assessment is that students receive peer evaluations and feedback via a rubric on reports that they have written. The skill of critically evaluating their own reports is used to improve the laboratory reports in subsequent assessment tasks

    Chemistry as a foreign language

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    Threshold learning outcomes

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    The underlying assumption in chemistry education

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    The underlying assumption in chemistry education is that chemistry is real, distinct discipline, clearly differentiable from other sciences. Chemistry is the study of matter and its interactions with other matter and with energy, but the aspects which distinguish chemistry are: macroscopic observations and descriptions of properties and change; understanding in terms of atoms and molecules; abstract representations to describe and communicate chemical concepts; and occupational health and safety. These aspects are not unique to chemistry, but their combination make chemistry unique. Over the last three years, there have been major reviews of school science education through the formulation of the Australian National Curriculum and of undergraduate education through the Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Project. In both cases, individual RACI members and chemistry professionals, including school teachers, and RACI working party and workshop, have articulated the unique nature of chemistry and the need for chemistry education as a separate subject