422 research outputs found

    Femoral Neuropathy Secondary to Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Case Report

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    Compressive femoral neuropathy is a disabling condition accompanied by difficulty in hip flexion and knee extension. It may result from retroperitoneal hematoma or bleeding, or from complications associated with pelvic, hip surgery, and renal transplants. A 55-year-old female with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease presented with proximal muscle weakness in lower extremities. The patient experienced recurrent renal cyst infection, with aggravated weakness during each event. Electromyography and nerve conduction study revealed bilateral femoral neuropathy. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance images were added to further identify the cause. As a result, a diagnosis of femoral neuropathy caused by enlarged polycystic kidney was made. Cyst infection was managed with antibiotics. Renal function was maintained by frequent regular hemodialysis. While avoiding activities that may increase abdominal pressure, rehabilitation exercises were provided. Motor strength in hip flexion and knee extension improved, and was confirmed via electrodiagnostic studies

    Bare-metal stents versus drug-eluting stents in large (≥3.5mm) single coronary artery: Angiographic and clinical outcomes at 6 months

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    SummaryBackgroundAlthough drug-eluting stents (DES) have been shown to dramatically reduce restenosis and improve the rate of event-free survival in large randomized trials, the benefit of DES appears to be limited to restenosis. In large arteries, it is not clear which type of stent is more superior in angiographic and clinical outcomes between DES and bare-metal stents (BMS). We compared the angiographic and clinical outcomes of DES versus BMS in large arteries (≥3.5mm).MethodTwo hundred and forty patients from March 2002 to March 2007 received stents; 196 patients were treated with DES (44.9% sirolimus-eluting stents; 43.9% paclitaxel-eluting stents; 11.2% zotarolimus-eluting stents) and 44 with cobalt–chromium BMS for single de novo lesions in a large vessel. All subjects received aspirin, clopidogrel, and/or cilostazol as the standard antiplatelet regimen. The angiographic and clinical outcomes were evaluated at 6 months.ResultsFor the baseline characteristics, there were no significant differences between the DES and BMS groups. In addition, for the initially implanted stent there was no difference in the length, stent diameter, and lesion site between the two groups. After 6 months, the follow-up angiogram showed that in-stent diameter restenosis and late loss was more common with BMS than DES (39±21% vs. 19±17%, p=0.007; 1.44±0.83mm vs. 0.62±0.58mm, p=0.009, respectively). However, the target-lesion revascularization/target-vessel revascularization, and total major adverse cardiac events showed no significant differences between the groups (5.3% vs. 3.6%, p=0.62; 5.3% vs. 4.6%, p=0.86, respectively).ConclusionThe DES and cobalt–chromium BMS placed in large coronary arteries showed equally favorable 6-month clinical outcomes, although the 6-month angiographic results appeared more favorable in the DES group than in the BMS group

    A Prospective, Randomized, 6-Month Comparison of the Coronary Vasomotor Response Associated With a Zotarolimus- Versus a Sirolimus-Eluting Stent Differential Recovery of Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction

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    ObjectivesWe prospectively compared coronary endothelial dysfunction in patients with zotarolimus-eluting stent (ZES) versus sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) implantation at 6-month follow-up.BackgroundA ZES has been associated with uniform and rapid healing of the endothelium.MethodsFifty patients were randomly treated with intravascular ultrasound-guided stenting with a single stent to the mid-segment of the left anterior descending artery (20 ZES, 20 SES, and 10 bare-metal stents), and endothelial function was estimated before and after intervention at 6-month follow-up by incremental acetylcholine (Ach) (10, 20, 50, and 100 ÎĽg/min) and nitrate (200 ÎĽg/min) infusions into the left coronary ostium. The vascular response was quantitatively measured in the 5-mm segments proximal and distal to the stent.ResultsIn the drug-eluting stent groups, more intense vasoconstriction to incremental doses of Ach was observed at 6-month follow-up compared with the responses before stenting. Endothelial function associated with the ZES was more preserved at 6-month follow-up compared with the SES. Vasoconstriction to Ach was more prominent in the distal segments than the proximal segments in both the ZES and SES groups. Endothelium-independent vasodilation to nitrate did not differ significantly among the study groups.ConclusionsVasoconstriction in response to Ach in the peri-stent region was less pronounced in the ZES group than the SES group at 6-month follow-up, which suggests that endothelial function associated with ZES can be more preserved than the SES

    Gastroprotective effects of the isopropanol extract of Artemisia princeps and its gastroretentive floating tablets on gastric mucosal injury

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    In this study, we investigated the gastroprotective effect of an isopropanol extract from the aerial parts of Artemisia princeps (IPAP) and developed a gastroretentive floating tablet of IPAP (IPAP-FR) for maximized local gastroprotective effects. Pre-treatment with IPAP ameliorated the gastric mucosal hemorrhagic lesions in ethanol/HCl- or indomethacin-treated rats. IPAP decreased mucosal hemorrhage of gastric ulcers induced by ethanol or indomethacin plus pyloric ligation in rats. The optimized floating tablet, IPAP-FR, floated on medium surface with more sustained eupatilin release compared to the non-floating control tablet. X-ray photographs in beagle dogs showed that IPAP-FR was retained for >2 h in the stomach. In the ethanol-induced gastric ulcer rat model, the gastric hemorrhagic lesion was improved more substantially with IPAP-FR compared to the non-floating control tablet. Based on these data, our data suggest that IPAP-FR has an improved therapeutic potential for the treatment of gastric ulcer

    Pathogen-induced binding of the soybean zinc finger homeodomain proteins GmZF-HD1 and GmZF-HD2 to two repeats of ATTA homeodomain binding site in the calmodulin isoform 4 (GmCaM4) promoter

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    Calmodulin (CaM) is involved in defense responses in plants. In soybean (Glycine max), transcription of calmodulin isoform 4 (GmCaM4) is rapidly induced within 30 min after pathogen stimulation, but regulation of the GmCaM4 gene in response to pathogen is poorly understood. Here, we used the yeast one-hybrid system to isolate two cDNA clones encoding proteins that bind to a 30-nt A/T-rich sequence in the GmCaM4 promoter, a region that contains two repeats of a conserved homeodomain binding site, ATTA. The two proteins, GmZF-HD1 and GmZF-HD2, belong to the zinc finger homeodomain (ZF-HD) transcription factor family. Domain deletion analysis showed that a homeodomain motif can bind to the 30-nt GmCaM4 promoter sequence, whereas the two zinc finger domains cannot. Critically, the formation of super-shifted complexes by an anti-GmZF-HD1 antibody incubated with nuclear extracts from pathogen-treated cells suggests that the interaction between GmZF-HD1 and two homeodomain binding site repeats is regulated by pathogen stimulation. Finally, a transient expression assay with Arabidopsis protoplasts confirmed that GmZF-HD1 can activate the expression of GmCaM4 by specifically interacting with the two repeats. These results suggest that the GmZF-HD1 and –2 proteins function as ZF-HD transcription factors to activate GmCaM4 gene expression in response to pathogen
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