36 research outputs found

    Public health impact and cost-effectiveness of gonorrhoea vaccination : an integrated transmission-dynamic health-economic modelling analysis

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    Background Gonorrhoea is a rapidly growing public health threat, with rising incidence and increasing drug resistance. Evidence that the MeNZB and four-component serogroup B meningococcal (4CMenB) vaccines, designed against Neisseria meningitidis, can also offer protection against gonorrhoea has created interest in using 4CMenB for this purpose and for developing gonorrhoea-specific vaccines. However, cost-effectiveness, and how the efficacy and duration of protection affect a gonorrhoea vaccine's value, have not been assessed. Methods We developed an integrated transmission-dynamic health-economic model, calibrated using Bayesian methods to surveillance data (from the Genitourinary Medicine Clinic Activity Dataset and the Gonococcal Resistance to Antimicrobials Surveillance Programme) on men who have sex with men (MSM) in England. We considered vaccination of MSM from the perspective of sexual health clinics, with and without vaccination offered to all adolescents in schools (vaccination before entry [VbE]), comparing three realistic approaches to targeting: vaccination on attendance (VoA) for testing; vaccination on diagnosis (VoD) with gonorrhoea; or vaccination according to risk (VaR), offered to patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea plus individuals who test negative but report having more than five sexual partners per year. For the primary analysis, vaccine impact was assessed relative to no vaccination in a conservative baseline scenario wherein time-varying behavioural parameters (sexual risk behaviour and screening rates) stabilise. To calculate the value of vaccination per dose administered, the value of vaccination was calculated by summing the averted costs of testing and treatment, and the monetary value of quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gains with a QALY valued at £20 000. Costs were in 2018–19 GB£, and both costs and QALYs were discounted at 3·5% per year. We analysed the effects of varying vaccine uptake (0·5, 1, or 2 times HPV vaccine uptake by MSM in sexual health clinics in England), vaccine efficacy (1–100%) and duration of protection (1–20 years), and the time-horizon considered (10 years and 20 years). In addition, we calculated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for the use of 4CMenB using assumed vaccine prices. Findings VbE has little impact on gonorrhoea diagnoses, with only 1·7% of MSM vaccinated per year. VoA has the largest impact but requires more vaccine doses than any other strategy, whereas VoD has a moderate impact but requires many fewer doses than VoA. VaR has almost the same impact as VoA but with fewer doses administered than VoA. VaR is the most cost-effective strategy for vaccines of moderate efficacy or duration of protection (or both), although VoD is more cost-effective for very protective and long-lasting vaccines. Even under conservative assumptions (efficacy equivalent to that of MeNZB and protection lasting for 18 months after two-dose primary vaccination and 36 months after single-dose booster vaccination), 4CMenB administered under VaR would likely be cost-saving at its current National Health Service price, averting an estimated mean 110 200 cases (95% credible interval 36 500–223 600), gaining a mean 100·3 QALYs (31·0–215·8), and saving a mean £7·9 million (0·0–20·5) over 10 years. A hypothetical gonorrhoea vaccine's value is increased more by improving its efficacy than its duration of protection—eg, 30% protection lasting 2 years has a median value of £48 (22–85) per dose over 10 years; doubling efficacy increases the value to £102 (53–144) whereas doubling the duration of protection increases it to £72 (34–120). Interpretation We recommend that vaccination of MSM against gonorrhoea according to risk in sexual health clinics in England with the 4CMenB vaccine be considered. Development of gonorrhoea-specific vaccines should prioritise maximising efficacy over duration of protection

    Using rapid point-of-care tests to inform antibiotic choice to mitigate drug resistance in gonorrhoea

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    Background: The first cases of extensively drug resistant gonorrhoea were recorded in the United Kingdom in 2018. There is a public health need for strategies on how to deploy existing and novel antibiotics to minimise the risk of resistance development. As rapid point-of-care tests (POCTs) to predict susceptibility are coming to clinical use, coupling the introduction of an antibiotic with diagnostics that can slow resistance emergence may offer a novel paradigm for maximising antibiotic benefits. Gepotidacin is a novel antibiotic with known resistance and resistance-predisposing mutations. In particular, a mutation that confers resistance to ciprofloxacin acts as the ‘stepping-stone’ mutation to gepotidacin resistance. Aim: To investigate how POCTs detecting Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistance mutations for ciprofloxacin and gepotidacin can be used to minimise the risk of resistance development to gepotidacin. Methods: We use individual-based stochastic simulations to formally investigate the aim. Results: The level of testing needed to reduce the risk of resistance development depends on the mutation rate under treatment and the prevalence of stepping-stone mutations. A POCT is most effective if the mutation rate under antibiotic treatment is no more than two orders of magnitude above the mutation rate without treatment and the prevalence of stepping-stone mutations is 1–13%. Conclusion: Mutation frequencies and rates should be considered when estimating the POCT usage required to reduce the risk of resistance development in a given population. Molecular POCTs for resistance mutations and stepping-stone mutations to resistance are likely to become important tools in antibiotic stewardship

    Modelling intensive care unit capacity under different epidemiological scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic in three Western European countries.

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    BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed enormous strain on intensive care units (ICUs) in Europe. Ensuring access to care, irrespective of COVID-19 status, in winter 2020-2021 is essential. METHODS: An integrated model of hospital capacity planning and epidemiological projections of COVID-19 patients is used to estimate the demand for and resultant spare capacity of ICU beds, staff and ventilators under different epidemic scenarios in France, Germany and Italy across the 2020-2021 winter period. The effect of implementing lockdowns triggered by different numbers of COVID-19 patients in ICUs under varying levels of effectiveness is examined, using a 'dual-demand' (COVID-19 and non-COVID-19) patient model. RESULTS: Without sufficient mitigation, we estimate that COVID-19 ICU patient numbers will exceed those seen in the first peak, resulting in substantial capacity deficits, with beds being consistently found to be the most constrained resource. Reactive lockdowns could lead to large improvements in ICU capacity during the winter season, with pressure being most effectively alleviated when lockdown is triggered early and sustained under a higher level of suppression. The success of such interventions also depends on baseline bed numbers and average non-COVID-19 patient occupancy. CONCLUSION: Reductions in capacity deficits under different scenarios must be weighed against the feasibility and drawbacks of further lockdowns. Careful, continuous decision-making by national policymakers will be required across the winter period 2020-2021

    Leveraging community mortality indicators to infer COVID-19 mortality and transmission dynamics in Damascus, Syria.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in substantial mortality worldwide. However, to date, countries in the Middle East and Africa have reported considerably lower mortality rates than in Europe and the Americas. Motivated by reports of an overwhelmed health system, we estimate the likely under-ascertainment of COVID-19 mortality in Damascus, Syria. Using all-cause mortality data, we fit a mathematical model of COVID-19 transmission to reported mortality, estimating that 1.25% of COVID-19 deaths (sensitivity range 1.00% - 3.00%) have been reported as of 2 September 2020. By 2 September, we estimate that 4,380 (95% CI: 3,250 - 5,550) COVID-19 deaths in Damascus may have been missed, with 39.0% (95% CI: 32.5% - 45.0%) of the population in Damascus estimated to have been infected. Accounting for under-ascertainment corroborates reports of exceeded hospital bed capacity and is validated by community-uploaded obituary notifications, which confirm extensive unreported mortality in Damascus

    Key epidemiological drivers and impact of interventions in the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England.

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    We fitted a model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in care homes and the community to regional surveillance data for England. Compared with other approaches, our model provides a synthesis of multiple surveillance data streams into a single coherent modeling framework, allowing transmission and severity to be disentangled from features of the surveillance system. Of the control measures implemented, only national lockdown brought the reproduction number (Rt eff) below 1 consistently; if introduced 1 week earlier, it could have reduced deaths in the first wave from an estimated 48,600 to 25,600 [95% credible interval (CrI): 15,900 to 38,400]. The infection fatality ratio decreased from 1.00% (95% CrI: 0.85 to 1.21%) to 0.79% (95% CrI: 0.63 to 0.99%), suggesting improved clinical care. The infection fatality ratio was higher in the elderly residing in care homes (23.3%, 95% CrI: 14.7 to 35.2%) than those residing in the community (7.9%, 95% CrI: 5.9 to 10.3%). On 2 December 2020, England was still far from herd immunity, with regional cumulative infection incidence between 7.6% (95% CrI: 5.4 to 10.2%) and 22.3% (95% CrI: 19.4 to 25.4%) of the population. Therefore, any vaccination campaign will need to achieve high coverage and a high degree of protection in vaccinated individuals to allow nonpharmaceutical interventions to be lifted without a resurgence of transmission

    Database of epidemic trends and control measures during the first wave of COVID-19 in mainland China.

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    OBJECTIVES: In this data collation study, we aimed to provide a comprehensive database describing the epidemic trends and responses during the first wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) throughout the main provinces in China. METHODS: From mid-January to March 2020, we extracted publicly available data regarding the spread and control of COVID-19 from 31 provincial health authorities and major media outlets in mainland China. Based on these data, we conducted descriptive analyses of the epidemic in the six most-affected provinces. RESULTS: School closures, travel restrictions, community-level lockdown, and contact tracing were introduced concurrently around late January but subsequent epidemic trends differed among provinces. Compared with Hubei, the other five most-affected provinces reported a lower crude case fatality ratio and proportion of critical and severe hospitalised cases. From March 2020, as the local transmission of COVID-19 declined, switching the focus of measures to the testing and quarantine of inbound travellers may have helped to sustain the control of the epidemic. CONCLUSIONS: Aggregated indicators of case notifications and severity distributions are essential for monitoring an epidemic. A publicly available database containing these indicators and information regarding control measures is a useful resource for further research and policy planning in response to the COVID-19 epidemic

    Statistical epidemiology of gonorrhoea in the United Kingdom

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    Gonorrhoea is one of the most common sexually-transmitted bacterial infections in the UK. Almost half of the 44,000 cases recorded in 2017 occurred in men who have sex with men (MSM). The bacterium has developed resistance to each first-line antibiotic in turn, such that clinicians are running out of treatment options. We need to make informed decisions to combat antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea, but are hampered by a lack of understanding in key areas, including: the dynamics of how resistance spreads, its relationship with antibiotic prescribing, and the potential impact of interventions, such as vaccination. To improve understanding of the fitness benefits and costs of antibiotic resistance to inform control policy and planning, I developed a mathematical model that captures the dynamics of cefixime resistance observed in the UK from 2008-2015. Cefixime was abandoned because of rising resistance, but I found that the fitness cost is such that resistance levels have since dropped, and reintroduction could be considered to treat a minority of cases. Both the dynamic forming and breaking of partnerships and heterogeneity in sexual behaviours affect how gonorrhoea outbreaks spread. To assess the implications of network structure on transmission dynamics, I developed a stochastic simulation framework that produces dynamic sexual networks calibrated to real-world data. I used the model to improve estimates of the generation-time and offspring distributions, and to predict the impact of a range of interventions, including vaccination. Vaccination against gonorrhoea could extend the useful life of our first-line therapies. Although no gonococcus-specific vaccine exists, there is evidence that a meningococcal vaccine, MeNZB, offers partial protection. I investigated how efficacious and long-lasting a vaccine would be needed to control antibiotic resistance, and found that even partially-effective vaccines show great promise. In particular, MeNZB could have a substantial impact on incidence, even if gonorrhoea becomes untreatable.Open Acces

    Limit theorems for the critical Galton-Watson branching process with state-dependent immigration

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    Asymptotic behaviors of critical Gait on-Watson branching process with state-dependent immigration are studied

    A dynamic power-law sexual network model of gonorrhoea outbreaks

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    Human networks of sexual contacts are dynamic by nature, with partnerships forming and breaking continuously over time. Sexual behaviours are also highly heterogeneous, so that the number of partners reported by individuals over a given period of time is typically distributed as a power-law. Both the dynamism and heterogeneity of sexual partnerships are likely to have an effect in the patterns of spread of sexually transmitted diseases. To represent these two fundamental properties of sexual networks, we developed a stochastic process of dynamic partnership formation and dissolution, which results in power-law numbers of partners over time. Model parameters can be set to produce realistic conditions in terms of the exponent of the power-law distribution, of the number of individuals without relationships and of the average duration of relationships. Using an outbreak of antibiotic resistant gonorrhoea amongst men have sex with men as a case study, we show that our realistic dynamic network exhibits different properties compared to the frequently used static networks or homogeneous mixing models. We also consider an approximation to our dynamic network model in terms of a much simpler branching process. We estimate the parameters of the generation time distribution and offspring distribution which can be used for example in the context of outbreak reconstruction based on genomic data. Finally, we investigate the impact of a range of interventions against gonorrhoea, including increased condom use, more frequent screening and immunisation, concluding that the latter shows great promise to reduce the burden of gonorrhoea, even if the vaccine was only partially effective or applied to only a random subset of the population

    Supplementary material from "Model-based analysis of an outbreak of bubonic plague in Cairo in 1801"

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    Bubonic plague has caused three deadly pandemics in human history: from the mid-sixth to mid-eighth century, from the mid-fourteenth to the mid-eighteenth century and from the end of the nineteenth until the mid-twentieth century. Between the second and the third pandemics, plague was causing sporadic outbreaks in only a few countries in the Middle East, including Egypt. Little is known about this historical phase of plague, even though it represents the temporal, geographical and phylogenetic transition between the second and third pandemics. Here we analysed in detail an outbreak of plague that took place in Cairo in 1801, and for which epidemiological data are uniquely available thanks to the presence of medical officers accompanying the Napoleonic expedition into Egypt at that time. We propose a new stochastic model describing how bubonic plague outbreaks unfold in both rat and human populations, and perform Bayesian inference under this model using a particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Rat carcasses were estimated to be infectious for approximately 4 days after death, which is in good agreement with local observations on the survival of infectious rat fleas. The estimated transmission rate between rats implies a basic reproduction number R0 of approximately 3, causing the collapse of the rat population in approximately 100 days. Simultaneously, the force of infection exerted by each infected rat carcass onto the human population increases progressively by more than an order of magnitude. We also considered human-to-human transmission via pneumonic plague or human specific vectors, but found this route to account for only a small fraction of cases and to be significantly below the threshold required to sustain an outbreak