5 research outputs found

    Current Approaches to Organizing the Educational Process in Primary School: a Neuroscientific Approach

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    The education system in the New Ukrainian School does not meet expectations, and therefore requires reforms and changes, involvement of modern approaches to organization of the educational process. This article analyzes various innovative neuropedagogical, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic techniques, proposed by scientists and educators-innovators and substantiates the importance of their implementation in the primary school learning process. The relevance of the topic is attributable to the need to solve pedagogical problems, using knowledge about individual characteristics of brain activity, higher mental functions and thinking strategies of primary school children. This study allows to make the educational process more effective and to ensure full self-realization of each child, as well as cognitive and personal development of primary school students. The article presents current provisions of research work of primary school teachers and psychologists from the standpoint of related to pedagogy neurosciences, as well as introduction of modern neuropedagogical, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic approaches to the practice of educational process in the New Ukrainian school.</p

    Neuropsychological Approach in Teaching Children in the Context of Partnership Pedagogy as a Key Component of NUS

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    The article is devoted to neuropsychological approach in teaching children through the prism of partnership pedagogy as a key component of NUS. The essence of the concepts of “partnership pedagogy”, “neuropsychology” is considered. The focus is made on the recently coined term “cooperation pedagogy”. Manuals, articles of domestic and foreign teachers on the partnership between school and family are covered. It is proved that according to the NUS Concept, the common goal for parents, teachers and administration of an educational institution is to educate and raise successful children with developed intellect who understand their own emotions, know how to control them, listen to others, and etc. It was found that the founder of neuropsychology is considered to be Luria, A., who developed a theory of localization of higher mental functions of the brain. It is proved that the concept of “higher mental functions” appeared due to Vygotsky, L., who formulated the main statements in this direction. It was found that Ukrainian teachers together with parents are aimed at teaching and raising a healthy, successful child. It has been observed that difficulties in student teaching are caused by dysfunction of one of the hemispheres of the brain. Neuropsychologists proved that the reason of this is neuromotor immaturity. It is noted that there are many resources for Ukrainian teachers which they can use to improve their knowledge of neuropsychology. Emphasis is placed on the benefits of kinesiological exercises. Various tools are highlighted that can be used by educators and parents for neuropsychological correction of the child. The focus is made on organization of partnership pedagogy in foreign schools. It is stated that a Center for Development and Evaluation of Family Model Partnerships has been established in London.</p

    Neuropsychological Preventive Treatment of Emotional Burnout among University Students

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    The article is dedicated to the problem of theoretical study and development of methodical recommendations on neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout among students of higher education establishments. The concept of neuropsychological symptom complex of emotional burnout syndrome at the emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels associated with the rigidity of psychological defense mechanisms and psychosomatic disorders has been clarified. Neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout is described, taking into account scientific data on the structural and functional organization of the cerebral hemispheres, which affect individual psychological differences in overcoming the syndrome of physical exhaustion. The phases and factors of emotional burnout development among students are indicated. Neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout among students is presented as a set of measures, with complication of the proposed techniques, taking into account an individual approach and personal resources, motivation to overcome stress, interests and needs of students. Recommendations for normalization of emotional exhaustion among students by modern foreign and domestic researchers are summarized.</em

    Psychotherapy and Correction of Neuropsychic Disorders within the Neurotic Personality Development

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    In the given article, we analyze the features, preconditions and mechanisms of neurotic personality development under the influence of psychological factors. A character portrait of a neurotic personality is described. The stages of personality neuroticism are considered, from emotional reactions to subjectively significant traumatic events to neurotic personality development. A detailed theoretical and methodological analysis is provided. Neurotic traits of a healthy personality are characterized. The article suggests various integration options for psychotherapeutic methods in combination with neuro-psychic correction of emotional, personal, cognitive and behavioral disorders that characterize the neurotic development of personality. It is noted that competently integrated, systemic, complex and individual approaches should be implemented in the psychotherapeutic process. Neuropsychocorrective influence on emotional-cognitive and behavioral disorders of neurotic nature should be implemented in stages, where the neuropsychological tasks become more complex and where psychotherapeutic goals are combined with the methods of body-oriented psychotherapy, holotropic therapy and art therapy. We also point out the necessity of competent development and implementation of a neuropsychocorrection program in combination with psychotherapy of those disorders that are associated with the localization of certain mental functions in the cerebral cortex.</p

    Anticipatory Resource of Temporary Regulation of Sensorimotor Action

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    The aim of the study is to determine the composition and functional significance of anticipatory resources in the process of temporal regulation of sensorimotor action.Materials and methods. The subjects were male (35 people) and female (31 people) students. The tasks of a simple sensory response, a choice reaction (three alternatives), and a “double choice” were implemented in a computer version of the experiment. In the “double choice” task, the stimulation variation was first provided (possible stimuli: one or three), and then a stimulus for a fast motor response was presented after some time, the orientation time (independent variable). Results. The participants’ initial reaction to the option with three alternative stimuli in the “double choice” task was negative. The time of the motor response falls linearly as the orientation time increases in both the male and female groups for the variant with one possible stimulus and the frequency of anticipatory effects and premature actions increases in a quadratic pattern. It must be noted that with enough orientation time, determining the expected duration of the sensorimotor action is quite straightforward. It was demonstrated that, in the presence of a margin of orientation time, operational estimates and revisions of the time required to accomplish an action dramatically improve the likelihood of anticipatory effects. Conclusions. Actualization of the anticipatory resource (which includes temporary memory standards, the ability to accurately determine and correlate the durations of processes and time intervals, time estimation skills, and individual characteristics that influence decision making) ensures the determination of the total duration of a sensorimotor action, prompt correction of its implementation, and a significant reduction in the time it takes to respond to a motor stimulus.</p