150 research outputs found

    The Origins of Modern Human in the Near East

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    Started in 1982 by B. Vandermeersch (University of Bordeaux I) and O. Bar Yosef, then professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a french-israeli research program entitled “Evolution of the industries and the human types in the Levant, from the end of the Lower Paleolithic to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic” is developed since then, which rests on interdisciplinary research carried out at Qafzeh (excavations by Vandermeersch), at Kebara Cave (excavations led in the frame of this ..

    Nant – Abri des Canalettes

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    Date de l'opération : 1979 (FP) Inventeur(s) : Meignen Liliane Un premier bilan, résultat de plus d'une dizaine d'années de fouilles et d'études programmées (Fig. n°1 : Abri des Canalettes. Vue générale de la fouille), permet de disposer d'une synthèse pluridisciplinaire (Meignen, dir., 1993). Les études géomorphologiques (P. Ambert), paléontologiques (J.-C. Marquet, micromammifères ; J.-P. Brugal, grande faune) et paléobotaniques (J.-L. Vernet) ont permis de dégager les conditions paléoclim..

    The Origins of Modern Human in the Near East

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    Started in 1982 by B. Vandermeersch (University of Bordeaux I) and O. Bar Yosef, then professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a french-israeli research program entitled “Evolution of the industries and the human types in the Levant, from the end of the Lower Paleolithic to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic” is developed since then, which rests on interdisciplinary research carried out at Qafzeh (excavations by Vandermeersch), at Kebara Cave (excavations led in the frame of this ..

    Les origines de l’Homme moderne au Proche Orient

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    Débuté en 1982 à l’initiative de B. Vandermeersch (Université Bordeaux I) et O. Bar Yosef, alors professeur à l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, un programme de recherche franco-israélien portant sur « Évolution des industries et des types humains au Levant, de la fin du Paléolithique inférieur au début du Paléolithique supérieur » est développé depuis lors, qui repose sur des recherches interdisciplinaires entreprises dans les grottes de Qafzeh (fouilles Vandermeersch), de Kébara (fouilles..

    Middle Paleolithic blady assemblages in the Near East : a reassessment

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    The middle Paleolithic blady phenomenon, identified in the form of an intentional blade production has presenttly been recognized in different regions of Old World and is thereafter acknowledged by most prehistorians

    The Palaeolithic occupation of southern Alentejo: the Sado

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    ABSTRACT The Sado River Drainage Survey project (2004-2008) was designed to fill a significant gap in our knowledge of the prehistory of Portugal. Southern Alentejo constitutes nearly one third of the total land mass of continental Portugal, but has received comparatively little attention from Palaeolithic archaeologists. Practically nothing was known about the prehistory of the Sado River basin, which includes the southern Alentejo plain, before now. The results of the Sado River Drainage Survey (SRDS) indicate that the Sado River basin was likely occupied at low population densities during the Middle Palaeolithic. There is some evidence for a Lower Palaeolithic presence but little or no evidence of an Upper Palaeolithic occupation. The emerging pattern suggests either an occupational hiatus or a major shift in settlement pattern towards the end of the Middle Palaeolithic. Possible explanations for this pattern, including aridification driven by climate change, are explored here

    Apport du site de Kebara au problème de l'origine des Hommes modernes

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    Apport du site de Kebara au problème de l'origine des Hommes moderne

    The definition and interpretation of Levallois technology, Philadelphie 11-15 mai 1993.

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    Meignen Liliane. The definition and interpretation of Levallois technology, Philadelphie 11-15 mai 1993.. In: Paléorient, 1993, vol. 19, n°2. pp. 107-108

    Naama Goren. — The lithic assemblages of the site of Ubeidiya, Jordan Valley.

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    Meignen Liliane. Naama Goren. — The lithic assemblages of the site of Ubeidiya, Jordan Valley.. In: Paléorient, 1983, vol. 9, n°1. pp. 105-106

    Le site moustérien charentien de Ioton (Beaucaire-Gard). Etude sédimentologique et archéologique

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    The place of Ioton (Beaucaire, Gard) may be considered as an open-air divellling and referred to Würmien II. Stratigraphical and sedimentological studies show two cold and wet climatic phases.Le site de Ioton (Beaucaire, Gard) peut être considéré comme un campement de plein air pendant le Würmien II. L'étude stratigraphique et sédimentologique permet de distinguer deux ensembles déposés sous un climat froid et humide.Meignen Liliane. Le site moustérien charentien de Ioton (Beaucaire-Gard). Etude sédimentologique et archéologique. In: Bulletin de l'Association française pour l'étude du quaternaire, vol. 13, n°1, 1976. pp. 3-17
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