27 research outputs found

    Study regarding fruit and vegetable diet and its influence upon oral health

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    Poor and unbalanced diet influences oro-dental health, but in the same time, some disorders of the stomatognathic system (edentation) may produce nourishement changes. Eating disorders may have consequences, sometimes irreversible ones, upon some systems (digestive, immune, cardiac, etc.) and can manifest deficiencies in key moments of human development. In our study, conducted on 35 patients, aged 55-85 years, using a questionnaire food, we watched the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption. The results highlighted the poor consumption, more obvious in case of the elder persons, the consequences being reflected throughout the body. Nutritional status of patients is sometimes influenced by exogenous factors (educational level, income) so that in case of elder patients may occur malnutrition, that may affect functional capacity of the stomatognathic system

    Rolul consumului de fructe şi legume în menţinerea PH-ului oral normal

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    Salivar pH, an important indicator of a person's health, is measured in the morning, immediately after awakening, because throughout the day it may vary depending on the foods consumed. Average values should be 6.7 (with wide variations between 5, 6 -8).Fruits and green vegetables have an alkaline effect once they get into the stomach. For the present study, we have comprised a group of 31 patients with general illness (HTA-associated diabetes), which we compared with a control group of 25 patiens, aged 50-85 years, to whom we measured the pH salivary. In the study group, low pH values were recorded due to the general diseases associated with the medication used, to restrict the consumption of fruits and vegetables, compared to the control group where the recorded pH has higher value

    Consumul de fructe şi legume şi calitatea vieţii

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    A major public oral health problem with considerable social and economic cost is oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, oral mucosal lesions, dental traumas that have a major impact on individuals, and Society with reduced quality of life. The diet rich in sugar and fat and low in fiber, vitamins and essential minerals are associated with dental caries and premature tooth loss. The study was carried out with the help of own questionnaires containing questions that refer to different aspects of the quality of life, such as satisfaction with personal life, food risk factors and behavior towards oral health, the impact of oral affairs. From the data obtained, we noticed that at a young age the aesthetic aspects are considered impervious to the perception of the quality of life, whereas in the adult population the diet and the quality of the consumed food are the first

    Influence of Synthesis Conditions on the Chemical Structure and Composition of ZnO Nanoparticles Composite Systems / Polymer Fibers

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    Nanostructured systems based on ZnO nanoparticles composite systems/polymer fibers have attracted a lot of attention in the last years because of their applications in multiple areas. Nanofibres based on polymers are used in many domains such as nanocatalysis, controlled release of medicines, environmental protection and so on. This work show the synthesis of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) nanofiber useful as substrates for growing ZnO nanocrystals and that ZnO is an unorganic metal oxide nanoparticle used to improve the piezoelectric properties of the polymer. The piezoelectric propertiesof ZnO-doped polymeric was investigated with atomic force microscopy and measurements were performed, in contact technique, in piezoelectric response mode (PFM).In order to analyze the structural and textural features, the obtained materials were characterized using advanced physical-chemical techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The XRD patterns show the characteristic reflections of ZnO with a hexagonal type wurtzit structure and the broad peaks of the polymer. The SEM images reveal the presence of ZnO nanoparticles on top of the polymer nanofibres.In most ZnO-based nanocomposites their morphology is uncontrolled (agglomerated granules), but in ase of using cellulose acetobutyrate this becomes controlled by observing through flower-like structures SEM and AFM) The study of the functional properties of ZnO/polymer fiber composite systems showed that they have piezoelectric properties which give them the characteristics of smart material with possible sensor and actuator applications.Recent literature reports that the synthesis and characterization of ZnO-polymer nanocomposites are more flexible materials for various applications

    Comparative Study Regarding The Gum-Periodontal Manifestations During Pregnancy And Non-Pregnancy

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    The pregnancy, by itself is not able to produce the taint of the limit paradont but the hormonal change together with the vitamin deficit which occures during this periode may affect the local reaction of tissues concerning the bacterial plack, the real cause of this problem. In case of pregnancy woman the bacterial flora inside protection against it decreases, so the oral hygiena and the alimentation hold the main role in the evolution of the gingivo – paradontal diseases. A comparative study involving 25 pregnancy woman and 25 unpregnant over shows that the appearance of gingivo –parodontal diseases is bigger in the first lot that the second one. We also concluded that, in case of pluri –even pregnant woman, the paradontal teritory is more affected because of the previous pregnancies


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    Even if, in the manifestation of dental erosion, intrinsic factors are often mentioned, in the contemporary society, extrinsic factors, such as consumption of sweet carbonated drinks and acid fruit juices, are more and more frequently viewed as responsible for this affection. The scope of the present study is to evaluate the alimentary habits related to the consumption of acid drinks and to its effects on a group of patients who had addressed the Odontology-Endodontics Clinic of the "Apollonia" University of Iași between Octomber 1, 2011 – April 1, 2014. The group of patients included in the study was formed of 167 men and women, previously examined both clinically and radiographically, on the basis of an original questionnaire, for the identification and establishment of the positive and differential diagnosis of erosive lesions, as well as of the degree of interdependence with the etiological factors. Loss of dental structure at erosion level was quantified by means of the TWI index described by Smith and Knight. Consumption of acid drinks causes erosive phenomena of acid etiology, and multiplies caries and abrasive-type lesions. Specific measures should be taken by the patients for reducing the acid attack, such as avoiding to brush the teeth immediately after the consumption of acid aliments, drinks, citrics and fruit juices, rinsings with fluorurated solutions and utilization of sugar-free chewing gums, as they may stimulate remineralizatio

    Flabby Ridge, a Challenge for Making Complete Dentures

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    In the case of old mobile denture wearers, one of the main problems is related to the dentures’ retention and insufficient stability. Our goal was to improve support and stability using a different type of final impression, with different types of impression materials. In this study we chose a number of three complete edentulous patients who presented for complete oral rehabilitation. They were wearing full acrylic dentures with poor support and stability. Complete examination revealed the presence of the flabby ridge. The impression methods for the prosthetic fields with a flabby ridge differ from the classical method by using techniques that involve the use of at least two impression materials with fluid consistency to record all the details of the prosthetic fields in the final impression, this being done in two steps; the impression of the flabby ridge areas must be done without pressure, in its resting position. The impression methods we applied led to the expected results, and the dentures succeeded in offering the patient the desired functional comfort. Using fluid impression material for the flabby ridge in a resting position, and a fenestrated custom tray, offered a good quality in adaptation, maintenance and stability of the final dentures

    The Importance of Diet in Predicting the Remission of Urticaria—Determination of Allergen-Specific IgE

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    Background and Objectives: Different types of food introduced gradually in the diet will expose children to different food allergens, increasing the chance of developing allergic diseases. The aim of our study was to determine if allergen-specific IgE values can influence, depending on the diet, the prediction of remission of urticaria in children. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in 132 patients diagnosed over two years with urticaria, admitted to “Sf. Maria” Clinical Pediatric Hospital Iaşi. Total IgE assay was performed by ELISA, and determination of specific serum IgE by the CLA System Quanti Scan method (Innogenetics, Heiden, Germany). Data were gathered and statistical analysis was performed using statistical software SPSS, using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The determination of specific IgE to food allergens was performed on a total of 132 cases. The values of specific IgE were positive for one or more food allergens in 84 patients (63.64%). The most common allergens involved were: cow’s milk in 33.3% cases, egg white in 22.6% cases, and hazelnuts in 11.9% cases. The specific IgE values for the different types of food included in our study had a predictive value for disease remission. Conclusions: The determination of specific IgE confirms the presence of a particular food allergen and may have predictive value for the future development of an allergic manifestation

    Gradul de satisfacţie al pacienţilor protezaţi amovibil reflectat asupra consumului de fructe şi legume

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    A healthy diet of the elderly is important in improving oral health. But the emergence of editorialism prevents the consumption of diversified foods. A nourishing and varied diet, including vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products and protein, is of great value especially at the elderly. Many patients regard the mobilizable dentures as a sign of aging and therefore accept them hard, and the accommodation process is difficult. After a rather long period of non-protection, when inserting a prosthesis, it is very difficult to chew or speak with it. This is less common in prosthetic patients. Therefore, restoring the integrity of dental arches by applying mobilizable prostheses increases the satisfaction of edent patients during mastication


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    Materials and method: The aim of the study was to evaluate, by several methods, dental erosion in 0.1 and 1.0% citric acid in vitro and to assess the protective potential of the experimentally formed salivary pellicle (24 h in vitro). Enamel slabs were embedded in epoxy resin and polished. Erosion was performed in citric acid for 1, 5 or 10 min, and recorded as calcium release. Results: Significant microhardness loss on non-pelliclecovered specimens was measured after 1min exposure to 0.1 % citric acid. Microhardness loss was time – and concentration – dependent. Salivary pellicle significantly inhibited both microhardness loss, except for the 10 min immersion in 1.0% citric acid. Discussions and conclusions: The results obtained support the general conclusion that salivary pellicle effectively protects enamel surface against short-term erosion in organic acids