6 research outputs found

    Investigation of electrical and viscoelastic parameters of erythrocytes in patients with autoimmune gastritis

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    Patients with autoimmune gastritis (AIG) often have anemia of various origins. Hematological disorders usually portend severe atrophy, and in many cases, are the only indicators of the disease. Aim of the study was to investigate the electrical and viscoelastic parameters of erythrocytes in patients with AIG for their possible use in diagnostics. Material and methods. 73 patients with AIG (mean age 55.3 ± 12.54 years) and 38 people of the control group were examined. Electrical and viscoelastic parameters of erythrocytes were studied by dielectrophoresis. Results. Statistically significant decrease in the average cell diameter, the proportion of discocyties cells and an increase in the proportion of spherocytes, deformed forms were found in the group of patients with AIG in combination with Helicobaсter рylori (H. pylori, H.p.) infection compared with healthy individuals. Patients with AIG had significantly lower levels of amplitude of deformation, membrane capacity, dipole moment, speed of cell movement to the electrodes, polarizability at high frequencies of the electric field (106, 0.5×106 Hz), relative polarizability, and, conversely, higher values of membrane conductivity, aggregation, destruction indexes, summarized viscosity, rigidity, than those in the comparison group. Between groups of patients with and without H. pylori infection, differences were found in indicators reflecting the surface charge of erythrocytes – the speed of movement to the electrodes (p = 0.019), the dipole moment (p < 0.001) and the state of the membranes – its capacity (p = 0.004). The diagnostic model, which includes three parameters of erythrocytes – the dipole moment, the speed of movement to the electrodes, the capacity of the cell membrane, provided high diagnostic accuracy of distinguishing AIG H.p. (+) and H.p. (–) – area under ROC curve AUC 0.925, sensitivity 92.4 %, specificity 89.7 %. Conclusions: Electrical and viscoelastic parameters of erythrocytes are promising in the diagnosis of AIG, including on the background of H. pylori infection


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    Highlights ECG signs of metabolic cardiomyopathies in men aged 25–44 years, regardless of age and waist circumference, are directly associated with the serum adipsin concentration and inversely associated with the concentration of glucagon-like peptide 1 in the blood.ECG signs of metabolic cardiomyopathies in women aged 25–44 years are directly associated with the serum c-peptide concentration and inversely associated with the concentration of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide 1 in the blood. AbstractAim. To study the relationship between electrophysiological signs of metabolic cardiomyopathy (MC) and biomolecules associated with the secretory activity of visceral adipocytes in persons aged 25–44 years residing in Novosibirsk.Methods. The study included 1 198 subjects. A single-stage survey of a random sample of the 25–44-year-old population of Novosibirsk (49,7% men, 50,3% women) was conducted. During the examination, among other things, a resting 12-lead ECGs was recorded, and later the ECGs were classified according to Minnesota Code categories. Five ECG signs of MC were analysed: 1) ST-segment displaced above baseline (ST-segment elevation); 2) ST-segment displaced below baseline (ST-segment depression); 3) T wave changes; 4) TV1&gt;TV6 patterns and 5) ECG signs of left ventricular hypertrophy. Serum concentrations of biomolecules associated with the secretory activity of visceral adipocytes were determined by multiplex analysis.Results. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the ECG signs of MC in men aged 25–44 years, regardless of age and waist circumference, are directly associated with the serum adipsin concentration (Exp B 1,039, 95% CI 1,002–1,077, p = 0.039) and inversely associated with the concentration of glucagon-like peptide 1 in the blood (Exp B 0.999, 95% CI 0.998–1,000, p = 0.042). ECG signs of MC in women aged 25–44 years are directly associated with the serum peptide concentration (Exp B 1,439, 95% CI 1,082–1,915, p = 0.012) and inversely associated with the concentration of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide in the blood (Exp B 0.986, 95% CI 0.978–0.995, p = 0.001).Conclusion. The results obtained reflect the significant influence of these biomolecules associated with the secretory activity of visceral adipocytes on the occurrence of ECG signs of MC in young people aged 25–44 years.Основные положенияЭКГ-признаки метаболических нарушений миокарда у мужчин 25–44 лет независимо от возраста и окружности талии прямо ассоциированы с концентрацией в крови адипсина и обратно – с концентрацией глюкагоноподобного пептида 1.ЭКГ-признаки метаболических нарушений миокарда у женщин 25–44 лет прямо ассоциированы с концентрацией в крови C-пептида и обратно – с концентрацией глюкозозависимого инсулинотропного полипептида 1. Цель. Изучить ассоциации электрофизиологических признаков метаболических нарушений миокарда (МНМ) с биомолекулами, связанными с секреторной активностью висцеральных адипоцитов, у лиц 25–44 лет, проживающих в Новосибирске.Материалы и методы. Проведено одномоментное обследование случайной выборки населения Новосибирска в возрасте 25–44 лет (1 198 человек, 49,7% мужчин и 50,3% женщин). При обследовании в том числе проведена запись электрокардиограммы (ЭКГ) в покое в 12 стандартных отведениях с последующим кодированием по Миннесотскому коду. Проанализированы пять ЭКГ-признаков МНМ: смещение сегмента ST выше изолинии, депрессия сегмента ST ниже изолинии, изменения зубца Т, синдром TV1&gt;TV6 и ЭКГ-признаки гипертрофии левого желудочка. В крови обследованных методом мультиплексного анализа определены концентрации биомолекул, ассоциированных с секреторной активностью висцеральных адипоцитов.Результаты. Результаты многофакторного логистического регрессионного анализа показали, что ЭКГ-признаки МНМ у мужчин 25–44 лет независимо от возраста и окружности талии прямо ассоциированы с концентрацией в крови адипсина (Exp B 1,039, 95% доверительный интервал (ДИ) 1,002–1,077; p = 0,039) и обратно – с концентрацией в крови глюкагоноподобного пептида 1 (Exp B 0,999, 95% ДИ 0,998–1,000; p = 0,042). Наличие ЭКГ-признаков МНМ у женщин 25–44 лет прямо ассоциировано с концентрацией в крови С-пептида (Exp B 1,439, 95% ДИ 1,082–1,915; p = 0,012) и обратно – с концентрацией в крови глюкозозависимого инсулинотропного полипептида (Exp B 0,986, 95% ДИ 0,978–0,995; p = 0,001).Заключение. Полученные результаты отражают значимое влияние биомолекул, ассоциированных с секреторной активностью висцеральных адипоцитов, на возникновение у людей 25–44 лет ЭКГ-признаков МНМ


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    Highlights The study is devoted to the analysis of metabolic hormones and their relationship with the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, in particular, elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The study included people under the age of 45 with active hormones. AbstractAim. To assess the relationship between the levels of LDL and metabolic hormones reflecting metabolic disorders in young people.Methods. The study included 305 people. The group 1 included 146 people with an LDL level of &lt;2.1 mmol/L, the group 2 included 159 people with an LDL level of ≥4.2 mmol/L. Serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides, HDL and glucose concentrations were determined by enzymatic method using Thermo Fisher Scientific kits (Finland) on a 30i KonelabPrime clinical chemistry analyzer. The calculation of concentrations of LDL was carried out according to the Friedwald formula. The levels of amylin, C-peptide, ghrelin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), glucagon, interleukin 6, insulin, leptin, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, pancreatic polypeptide, peptide YY, tumor necrosis factor alpha were determined by multiplex analysis using the Human Metabolic Hormone V3 (MILLIPLEX) panel on a Luminex MAGPIX flow fluorimeter.Results. In the group of patients with LDL ≥4.2 mmol/L, fasting glucose disorders were much more prevalent, the average BMI (p = 0,0001) was higher, and arterial hypertension was twice as frequent (24.8% vs. 11.6%, p = 0.003) compared with the group 1. The levels of triglycerides, TC, and glucose were higher, whereas HDL level was lower in the group 2(p = 0,0001). In patients with LDL ≥4.2 mmol/L, the values of HOMA-IR and the occurrence of IR (83.8%) according to the HOMA-IR were higher compared with the group with LDL &lt;2.1 mmol/L (p = 0,0001). Statistically significant differences in the levels of the studied indicators between the groups 1 and 2 were obtained for C-peptide, GLP-1, insulin and leptin. The relative chance of having LDL≥4.2 mmol/L is associated with an increase in the level of C-peptide (OR = 2.042, 95% CI 1.209–3.449, p = 0.008) and a decrease in the level of GLP-1 (OR = 0.997, 95% CI 0.996–0.999, p = 0.001).Conclusion. An increase in LDL levels in young people is associated with disorders of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. These data are confirmed by changes in the serum metabolic markers that characterize metabolic disorders in the human body.Основные положенияИсследование посвящено изучению метаболических гормонов и их связи с основными факторами риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, в частности с повышенным уровнем холестерина липопротеинов низкой плотности. В исследование включены люди в возрасте до 45 лет с активным гормональным статусом. АннотацияЦель. Оценить связь между уровнем холестерина липопротеинов низкой плотности (ХС-ЛНП) и метаболическими гормонами, отражающих нарушения обменных процессов у молодых людей.Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 305 человек. В первую группу вошло 146 человек с уровнем ХС-ЛНП &lt;2,1 ммоль/л, во вторую группу – 159 человек с уровнем ХС-ЛНП ≥4,2 ммоль/л. Содержание общего холестерина, триглицеридов, холестерина липопротеинов высокой плотности и глюкозы в сыворотке крови определяли энзиматическим методом с использованием наборов Thermo Fisher Scientific (Финляндия) на биохимическом анализаторе Konelab Prime 30i. Вычисление значений концентрации ХС-ЛНП проводили по формуле Фридвальда. Методом мультиплексного анализа с применением панели Human Metabolic Hormone V3 (MILLIPLEX; EMD Millipore Corp., Германия) на проточном флуориметре Luminex MAGPIX (Luminex Corp., США) определяли уровни амилина, С-пептида, грелина, глюкозозависимого инсулинотропного полипептида, глюкагоноподобного пептида 1, глюкагона, интерлейкина 6, инсулина, лептина, моноцитарного хемотаксического фактора 1, панкреатического полипептида, пептида YY, фактора некроза опухолей альфа.Результаты. В группе лиц с уровнем ХС-ЛНП ≥4,2 ммоль/л зарегистрирована более высокая распространенность нарушений уровня глюкозы натощак, в два раза чаще по сравнению с первой группой чаще встречалась артериальная гипертензия (24,8 против 11,6%, p = 0,003) и определены более высокие средние значения индекса массы тела (p = 0,0001). Уровни триглицеридов, общего холестерина, глюкозы плазмы были выше, а показатель ХС-ЛВП ниже у лиц второй группы (p˂0,0001). У пациентов с уровнем ХС-ЛНП ≥4,2 ммоль/л как само значение индекса НОМА-IR, так и встречаемость инсулинорезистентности (83, 8%) в соответствии с индексом НОМА-IR были выше в сравнении с группой лиц с ХС-ЛНП &lt;2,1 ммоль/л (p˂0,0001). Статистически значимые отличия в уровнях изучаемых показателей между группами получены для С-пептида, глюкагоноподобного пептида 1, инсулина и лептина. Относительный шанс наличия ХС-ЛНП ≥4,2 ммоль/л ассоциирован с повышением уровня С-пептида (отношение шансов 2,042, 95% доверительный интервал 1,209–3,449, p = 0,008) и уменьшением уровня глюкагоноподобного пептида 1 (отношение шансов 0,997, 95% доверительный интервал 0,996–0,999, p = 0,001).Заключение. Повышение уровня ХС-ЛНП у молодых людей ассоциировано с нарушениями не только липидного, но и углеводного обмена. Эти данные подтверждает изменение в крови метаболических маркеров, характеризующих нарушение обменных процессов в организме человека

    Triglycerides, Obesity and Education Status Are Associated with the Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes in Young Adults, Cohort Study

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    Background: It is important to determine the influence of traditional risk factors on the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in young adults. Goal of the research: To study the incidence of T2DM and factors that increase the risk of its occurrence during the observation of a cohort of young adults. Materials and methods: 1341 people aged 25–44 were included in the study from 2013 to 2017, of whom 622 were men (46.4%). The examination included anamnesis, anthropometric data, and a blood test. Cases of developed T2DM were identified by comparing the Diabetes Mellitus Register, medical records of patients, and the database of examined individuals from 2019 to 2023. T2DM Results: In the examined population, 11 participants (0.82%) developed T2DM. The prevalence of T2DM was 0.96% in men and 0.69% in women. Patients with T2DM had a higher waist circumference, BMI, SBP, TG, and lower HDL than patients without T2DM, and were also less likely to have a higher education. The risk of developing T2DM increases 6.5 times at a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2, and 5.2 times at a TG level of ≥1.7 mmol/L, regardless of other risk factors. In the absence of a higher education, the risk of developing T2DM is increased by 5.6 times. Conclusion: In young people, high triglyceride levels, obesity, and a low level of education are associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regardless of other factors

    Associations of Adipocytokines with The Development of Cardiovascular Events in Young People

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    The research was aimed to study the associations of adipocytokines with the risk of cardiovascular events and to determine the threshold values of adipocytes for the prognosis of cardiovascular events in a young population. Materials and methods. The study is an epidemiological cohort study. The analysis included 1240 people aged 25–44 years. The endpoint was combined and included: death from cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, probable myocardial infarction, acute cerebrovascular accident, hospitalization for cardiovascular disease, and revascularization. Adipocytokines were determined with a MILLIPLEX panel. Results. In the examined population, 1.7% of cases of cardiovascular events were detected during cohort observation, of which 28.6% were fatal events. In men, cardiovascular endpoints were recorded 4.3 times more often than in women (17 (81%) vs. 4 (19%), p = 0.003). In individuals with cardiovascular events, arterial hypertension (2.6 times), diabetes mellitus (8.6 times), and overweight/obesity (1.5 times) were more often recorded compared to individuals without cardiovascular events. For tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa), the threshold value was 2.5 pg/mL, with sensitivity assessment (Se) at 85.7% and specificity (Sp) at 83.3%. For amylin, the threshold value was 10.5 pg/mL, with Se at 73.7% and Sp at 67.0%. For pancreatic polypeptide (PP), the threshold value was 43.7 pg/mL, with Se at 85.7% and Sp at 56.7%. Conclusion. A method for assessing the risk of cardiovascular events in young people includes determining the levels of amylin, PP, and TNFa in blood serum. The cut-off points for predicting cardiovascular events were levels of amylin above 10.5 pg/mL, PP above 43.7 pg/mL, or a decrease in TNFa below 3.8 pg/mL

    The metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for colorectal cancer

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    Objective. To evaluate the prognostic significance of metabolic syndrome (MS) in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC) using various MS criteria in Novosibirsk population. Materials and Methods. The study was designed as nested &laquo;case-control&raquo;. Baseline population cohort (9360 men, women aged 45&ndash;69) was examined in the HAPIEE project and followed-up during 11 years. The &ldquo;cases&rdquo; included all subjects, who had CRC during 11-year follow-up according to the Register of Cancer (n=99, M-52, M-47). The matched control group (2/1) was selected from HAPIEE cohort (n=198, m-104, w-94). The prospective study of CRC was supported by RSF. MS criteria were determined in accordance to VNOK (2009), IDF (2005), NCEP ATP III (2001). Statistical package SPSS v.11.0 was used. Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between MS and risk of CRC. Results. Women with glucose levels &ge;6.1 mmol/l had 3 times higher 11-year risk of CRC then those with glucose &lt;6.1 mmol/l (OR=3.11; 95%CI:1.23&ndash;7.87, VNOK, 2009; OR=3.20; 95%CI:1.27&ndash;8.08, NCEP ATP III, 2001). Blood pressure (BP) &ge;130/85 mmHg was associated with decreased risk of CRC in women and in both sexes, but the relationship became insignificant after controlling for antihypertensive treatment. Other components of the MS were not significantly associated with CRC risk. Conclusions. In studied sample the 11-year risk of developing CRC was significantly increased in women with elevated glucose levels. The negative relationship between elevated BP and the risk of CRC in women and both sexes became insignificant when adjusted for antihypertensive treatment; this finding requires further exploration