603 research outputs found

    A Strict Complementarity Approach to Error Bound and Sensitivity of Solution of Conic Programs

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    In this paper, we provide an elementary, geometric, and unified framework to analyze conic programs that we call the strict complementarity approach. This framework allows us to establish error bounds and quantify the sensitivity of the solution. The framework uses three classical ideas from convex geometry and linear algebra: linear regularity of convex sets, facial reduction, and orthogonal decomposition. We show how to use this framework to derive error bounds for linear programming (LP), second order cone programming (SOCP), and semidefinite programming (SDP).Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Revisit of Spectral Bundle Methods: Primal-dual (Sub)linear Convergence Rates

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    The spectral bundle method proposed by Helmberg and Rendl is well established for solving large-scale semidefinite programs (SDP) thanks to its low per iteration computational complexity and strong practical performance. In this paper, we revisit this classic method show-ing it achieves sublinear convergence rates in terms of both primal and dual SDPs under merely strong duality, complementing previous guarantees on primal-dual convergence. Moreover, we show the method speeds up to linear convergence if (1) structurally, the SDP admits strict complementarity, and (2) algorithmically, the bundle method captures the rank of the optimal solutions. Such complementary and low rank structure is prevalent in many modern and classical applications. The linear convergent result is established via an eigenvalue approximation lemma which might be of independent interests. Numerically, we confirm our theoretical findings that the spectral bundle method, for modern and classical applications, indeed speeds up under aforementioned conditionComment: 30 pages and 2 figure

    Sharpness and well-conditioning of nonsmooth convex formulations in statistical signal recovery

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    We study a sample complexity vs. conditioning tradeoff in modern signal recovery problems where convex optimization problems are built from sampled observations. We begin by introducing a set of condition numbers related to sharpness in β„“p\ell_p or Schatten-p norms (p∈[1,2]p\in[1,2]) based on nonsmooth reformulations of a class of convex optimization problems, including sparse recovery, low-rank matrix sensing, covariance estimation, and (abstract) phase retrieval. In each of the recovery tasks, we show that the condition numbers become dimension independent constants once the sample size exceeds some constant multiple of the recovery threshold. Structurally, this result ensures that the inaccuracy in the recovered signal due to both observation noise and optimization error is well-controlled. Algorithmically, such a result ensures that a new first-order method for solving the class of sharp convex functions in a given β„“p\ell_p or Schatten-p norm, when applied to the nonsmooth formulations, achieves nearly-dimension-independent linear convergence
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